
  1. 本文重点论叙了诊断装置中的IO板部分、A/D板部分、液体摆调平部分及其相关电路自检的软、硬件实现。

    Realization of software and hardware of IO board section , A / D board section , liquid pendulum adjusting section and correlative circuit are discussing mainly .

  2. 重点论术了制氢机房的雷电防护设计。

    The article discussed the lightning proof design of hydrogen make machine room mainly .

  3. 以重点论取代了两点论,没有坚持全面的观点、辩证的观点。

    They did not adhere to a comprehensive viewpoint , dialectical point of view .

  4. 一种新型的生态人类中心主义&从两点论和重点论相结合的辩证观点看可持续发展

    A Kind Of New Eco anthropocentrism & On sustainable development in view of the dialectical unity of the Two-point Doctrine and Focal-point one

  5. 核心竞技能力的提出,符合两点论与重点论的统一。

    The proposal of core competitive capacity is the unification of the doctrine that everything has two aspects and that everything has its key points .

  6. 核心能力理论内在地包含着对立统一问题,要求我们在观察、分析和处理问题时要用矛盾分析的方法,坚持两点论与重点论相结合;

    The theory of the core competence of the corporation demands us to use the method of contradiction analysis in observing , analyzing and serving problems .

  7. 它体现了辩证唯物主义两点论和重点论的统一,体现了超越与不可超越的矛盾辩证法。

    It has manifested the unification which the dialectical materialism doctrine that everything has two aspects and discusses with emphasis , it has also manifested surmounting and the impossible contradictory diagnostic method .

  8. 本文从社会存在与社会意识、客观规律性与主观能动性、普遍联系与永恒发展、对立统一规律和两点论与重点论统一等层面,分析了“三个代表”重要思想的马克思主义哲学内涵。

    In the essay , the author analyzes Marxism Philosophy intension of main idea of " Three Representatives " from social material and social consciousness , objective law and subjective activity , popular connection and permanent development , contradictory law and etc.

  9. 论文重点论及其对皖南乡村的独特叙事和时代典型人物的塑造,力求在地域特色、乡土气息、时代主题、人物形象、艺术魅力等方面的研究有所创新。

    The paper focuses on discussing unique narration in the south of Anhui Rural and the shaping of times of typical characters , to innovate in the aspects of the regional features , local flavor , themes , characters , artistic charm and so on .

  10. 全面发展既浸透了社会发展普遍联系、全面性的观点,而又坚持了社会发展重点论和两点论的有机统一,是对马克思主义社会整体发展理论的传承和发展。

    Comprehensive social development , development is generally saturated with links , comprehensive point of view , but insisted the focus of social development and the two points of the organic unity of the Marxist theory of the overall development of community heritage and development .

  11. 人民战争的战略战术主要是以矛盾规律、两点论和重点论相统一原理、整体与部分的辩证关系原理、质量互变规律等作为哲学依据;

    The main philosophy bases of people 's war strategy and tactics are the law of contradiction , the doctrine that everything has two aspects and key aspect , the principle about dialectical relation between the whole and the parts , the law of quantitative change and qualitative change , etc.

  12. 研究了广州到珠海高速公路交通量预测,重点探论了出行发生量预测、OD交通量预测与交通量分配所用方法。

    In this paper , the total process of Guangzhou Zhuhai expressway traffic volume forecast is introduced and the method of forecasting trip product , OD and traffic distribution is mainly proposed .

  13. 本文在分析中小企业人才管理存在的问题的基础上,重点对论如何构健中小企业人才管理体系的问题。

    Based on the analysis of personnel management in small and medium enterprises on the basis of the problem , focusing on how the structure of SMEs talent-management system .

  14. 首先尼采对传统形而上学和人的存在价值进行了重估,把哲学的重点从认识论转移到本体论。

    First of all he revalued the traditional metaphysics , transferred the key of philosophy from epistemology to ontology .

  15. 指出控制论与控制理论的区别和联系,重点介绍控制论及其与相关学科的关系。

    This paper points out the difference and relation between cybernetics and control theory , emphasizes what cybernetics is and cybernetics 's subjects concerned .

  16. 这一发展观体现马克思主义哲学的实践第一、人民群众是历史创造者、重点和两点论相统一、普遍联系、对立统一的思想。

    The view reflects the following thought of Marxian philosophy : practice first , people is the creator of the history , the unity of emphasis theory and two aspects theory , universal contact theory and the unity of opposites theory .

  17. 本文首先简要介绍了语义web的主要理论和技术,并重点分析了本体论。

    In the thesis the primary theory and technology of the semantic web are firstly presented , then the analysis of Ontology theory .

  18. 西部大开发重点突破战略简论

    On key breakthrough strategy of western development

  19. 重点在于阐述功能论在具体翻译策略选取方面的指导作用。

    The emphasis will be placed on the application of the functionalism in the choice of translation strategies .

  20. 本文研究的重点是量子信息论中的量子纠缠的特性及其一个重要应用:量子密集编码。

    This thesis is devoted to investigating characteristics of QE and one of its important applications : quantum dense coding .

  21. 作为一名生物学家和现代达尔文主义者,迈尔对生物学和进化论研究都做出了巨大贡献,本文重点研究他的进化论思想。

    As a biologist and modern Darwinists , Mayr have made great contributions to the research concerning the biology and evolutionary theory .

  22. 将制度理解为博弈均衡,重点解释古典博弈论成为制度分析有用工具的条件;

    Comprehend institution as gaming equilibrium , focusing on the conditions under which the classical gaming theories become a useful tool for institutional analysis ;

  23. 此后历史哲学研究的重点由历史本体论转到历史认识论上来,从而开辟了“分析的历史哲学”这门新科学。

    Walsh named the epistemology of history as Speculative Philosophy of History and the knowledge of Philosophy of History as Analytical Philosophy of History .

  24. 简单介绍了弗雷格所作的主要研究工作,他对逻辑学、哲学等方面所作的贡献以及本文探讨的重点――概念论与意义理论。

    It Frege 's main research work , his contributions to logic and philosophy , and the main aspects of this paper-theory of concept and theory of meaning .

  25. 第四章是论文的重点,将博弈论运用到电信产业组织分析中,建立电信运营商和增值业务提供商之间的博弈模型,提出合作运营模式是电信增值业务商业模式的发展方向。

    In the fourth part , the business model is designed by using the tool of game theory . As a result , cooperative model is promising in telecom value-added service .

  26. 重点分析了信息论的相关知识,讨论了它们之间的相互关系。同时着重讨论了信号的预处理过程,分析了信号的零均值过程以及信号的白化过程。

    The knowledge of the information theory is emphasized . And the pretreatment procedure of the objected signal is also discussed deeply , including the signal zero-mean processing and the signal whitening procedure .

  27. 再次,重点以三层次论的企业文化模式构建了甘肃四建企业文化。最后,建立了甘肃四建企业文化模式的评价系统。

    Thirdly , it emphatically reconstructs the cultural establishment by the three-storey theory Lastly , the thesis set up the evaluation system for cultural establishment patterns in the construct in Engineering Company of Gansu .

  28. 接着笔者引入目的论的发展历史,它的三条法则和它的意义,再重点阐述从目的论的角度来看为什么口译变译有必要且是合理的。

    In the following part , the author introduces the Skopos theory , its three rules , significance and impact and most importantly the Skopos theory in support of the necessity and rationality of interpretation variation .

  29. 从个体角度出发,主要是对个体知识共享的意愿和能力进行分析,重点借助于博弈论中的囚徒困境研究个体的共享意愿问题。

    Setting out from the angle of individual , I mainly analysis the will and ability of individual knowledge sharing , and the point is to research the individual sharing will problem of the reference " Prisoner 's Dilemma " .

  30. 本文从梳理韩国版《伤寒论》书籍入手,通过文献资料的收集整理、比较分析,重点研究《伤寒论》在韩国的流传史及《伤寒论》学术思想对韩医学的影响。

    This thesis makes an research on the spreading history of Shanghan Lun in Korea and the impact of its scholarly ideas on Korean medicine through the collection , trimming , comparison and analysis of the documentary materials concerning the various Korean versions of Shanghan Lun .