
yě guǒ
  • wild fruit
野果[yě guǒ]
  1. 皇甫山野果资源调查及开发利用

    Investigation , exploitation and utilization of the wild fruit resources in huangfu mountain

  2. 粤东地区野果植物资源

    The Resources of Wild Fruit Plants in the Eastern Region of Guangdong Province

  3. 方法测定野果中维生素B1、B2、C、烟酸、β胡萝卜素及钙、铁、锌等矿物质含量。

    Methods Contents of vitamin B 1 , B 2 , C , niacin , β - carotene , and minerals such as Fe , Ca and Zn were analyzed .

  4. 新疆的大部分地区过去曾是特提斯海(Tethys)的一部分,所以现代野果林植被仍保留有古地中海成分的残迹(5.25%);

    The majority area of Xinjiang was ever one part of the Tethys Sea , and some remains of floristic elements ( 5.25 % ) from Old Mediterranean could still be found .

  5. 之后,他们偶尔能吃到野果和树枝,食肉随之成为一项生存技能。阿肯色大学的PeteUngar在2003年的研究中发现,智人的牙齿比他们的先辈阿法南猿人更锋利,因此他们天生就有食肉的能力。

    Other than eating meat as a survival technique - and because that along with the occasional twigs and berries were all that was at our primitive ancestors ' disposal - Pete Ungar of the University of Arkansas made the discovery in 2003 that Homo sapiens

  6. 我找到了一些葡萄和其他小野果来吃。

    I found grapes and other small fruit to eat .

  7. 空难事件的幸存者以野果维持生命。

    Survivors of the air crash subsisted on wild fruits .

  8. 在古代,人们靠采摘野果、捕食野兽为生。

    In ancient times , people lived on wild fruits and beasts .

  9. 食物:切勿在山岭间采摘野果进食。

    Food : do not eat wild fruit in a country park .

  10. 他们方才一直在森林里狼吞虎咽地大嚼野果。

    They had been gorging fruit in the forest .

  11. 我们靠著野果才没饿死。

    Wild fruit kept us from dying of starvation .

  12. 海南省常见有毒野果资源调查

    Survey of classification and distribution of common poisonous wild fruits in Hainan Province

  13. 那段时间里我们靠吃野果为生。

    At that time we lived on wild fruit .

  14. 鼓山十一种野果的形态和成分的初步研究。

    A preliminary study of eleven edible wild fruits in Kushan , Foochow .

  15. 人不可食用的野果仍长在荒郊;

    Grew savage yet , to human use unreconciled ;

  16. 他们以狩猎和采集根茎、坚果和野果为生。

    They lived by hunting and by getting roots , nuts and wild fruits .

  17. 蓝莓野果浓缩汁及蓝莓野果汁饮料生产技术的研究开发

    Study on Producing Concentrated Blueberry Juice and Beverage

  18. 对他们来说,在野果和肉类之间选择是再简单不过的事。

    Choosing between fruits and flesh is a simple matter for these meat eaters .

  19. 他们靠打猎和收集树根果仁和野果为生。

    They lived by hunting and by gathering roots nuts , and wild fruits .

  20. 你看,这里有野果。

    See there are wild berries here .

  21. 河南嵩山蔷薇科野果植物资源及其评价

    An Introduction and Evaluation on the Rosaceae Wild Fruit Plants in Mount Song in Henan

  22. 长江三峡库区野果植物资源区系特征分析

    Flora Analysis of Wild Fruit Plant Resource in Three Gorges Reservoir Region of Yangtze River

  23. 猴子以吃野果为生。

    Monkeys live on wild fruit .

  24. 大兴安岭北部林区野果资源及保护利用

    Wild Fruit Resources in Northern Forest Region of Great Xing'an Mountain and Protection and Utilization about Them

  25. 文中对各类资源植物的特征进行了分析和讨论,并就野果林的保护及可持续利用提出建议。

    Besides , suggestions of protection and sustainable utilization of the wild fruit forest are put forward .

  26. 部队断了粮,只能靠野果和树皮充饥。

    Running our of grain , the army had to live on wild fruit and tree bark .

  27. 中国伊犁天山野果林区系表征地理成分及区系发生的研究

    Studies on the Floristic Composition and Genesis of the Wild Fruit Forest in Tianshan Mountains in China

  28. 以山洞为住所,这两个男人靠吃野果和生鱼活了下来。

    Using a cave as shelter , the two men survived on wild berries and raw fish .

  29. 天然野果,植物之宝,常饮本品,延年益寿。

    Wild fruits are the essence of plants , the constant taking of which will prolong your life .

  30. 它还吃杂草,嫩芽,书皮,植物根茎,草根和野果。

    It also eats grasses , herbs , shoots , bark , tubers , roots , and fruit .