
yě chuī
  • Picnic;camp;cook a meal in the open
野炊 [yě chuī]
  • [camp] 在野外烧火做饭

野炊[yě chuī]
  1. 我真怀疑我们还能再举办几次这样的野炊。

    I wonder how many more picnics we will be allowed .

  2. 谢谢你上周六带我们去野炊。

    Thank you for taking us on a picnic last Saturday .

  3. 她家人通常在星期天一块去野炊。

    Her family often go out for a picnic on Sunday .

  4. 所以我们决定到东湖公园去野炊。

    So we decided on a picnic by the East Lakes .

  5. 我这周末已经被邀去参加野炊。

    I 've been invited to a cookout this weekend .

  6. 你们不觉得聚在一起野炊非常好吗?

    Don 't you think having a picnic together is rather good ?

  7. 计划野炊的人没考虑到可能会下雨。

    We must take local conditions into account that it might rain .

  8. 我们在树林里举行了野炊活动。

    We went to the woods and had a picnic .

  9. 和父母一起去野炊给我留下了美好的回忆。

    I have fond memories of picnic with my parents .

  10. 那么,今天我们去野炊如何?

    Then , shall we go for a picnic today ?

  11. 如果明天天气不错,我们将出去野炊。

    We will go for picnic tomorrow if the weather is fine .

  12. 这里是最好的野炊地点了。

    It is the most wonderful place for a picnic .

  13. 王老师和孩子们为野炊买了这些东西。

    Miss Wang and the children bought these things for the picnic .

  14. 野餐,野炊你们今晚要做什么?

    cookout ( n. ) A : What are you doing tonight ?

  15. 这是野炊的最理想场所。

    This is the perfect place for a picnic .

  16. 虽然现在在下雨,我们还是准备去野炊。

    We will go for a picnic even though it is raining now .

  17. 他们会游泳,钓鱼,在火旁野炊,还有在野外过夜。

    They swim , fish , cook over a fire and sleep outside .

  18. 如果你们要去野炊,最好带些饮料。

    If you have a picnic , you 'd better take some drinks .

  19. 星期天我计划带孩子们去野炊。

    On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic .

  20. 星期六务必和我们一起去野炊。

    Do join us for a picnic this saturday .

  21. 我们在一个安静的小湾野炊。

    We had a picnic in a quiet cove .

  22. 马克:听起来挺像野炊的。

    Mark : That sounds like quite the cook-out .

  23. 我们有足够的野炊食物。

    We have food enough for the picnic .

  24. 天气预报员预报有暴风雨,给野炊计划泼了瓢冷水。

    The weatherman throws a wet blanket on picnic plans when he forecasts storm .

  25. 他们扔下未熄灭的烟头或者在离开时没有熄灭野炊的火。

    They leave burning cigarette ends or do not put out their barbecue fires .

  26. 如果是在野炊时相爱,当然就是“野炊之恋”了。

    if they became lovers in a picnic , then " picnic love . "

  27. 那个篮子会对野炊很有用。

    That basket would be useful for picnics .

  28. 昨天我们在海边野炊了。

    Who had picnics by the seaside yesterday ?

  29. 户外野炊经常开始得很慢。

    Ella : Cookouts often start slowly .

  30. 现在正是野炊的黄金季节。让我们去野炊一次吧。

    It is golden season for picnic now . Let 's go out for it .