
  • 网络quantum operation
  1. Huelga等和王安民分别研究了一些特殊的限制集中的量子操作的远程实现问题,并给出了相应的最优协议(HPV协议和Wang协议)。

    Huelga etc. and Wang respectively researched the problem of remote implementation of quantum operation in some special restricted sets , and they also proposed the corresponding optimal protocols ( HPV and Wang ) .

  2. 量子操作分享是该学科领域内的一个小的研究分支。

    Quantum operation sharing ( QOS ) is one of the important research fields in the discipline .

  3. 在量子操作未知时,目前已知只能通过双向量子态隐形传态(BQST)的办法来完成。BQST方法对任意的量子操作的远程实现都是适用的,但是使用它需要较多的资源。

    If the operation is unknown , it can only be remotely implemented via bidirectional quantum state teleportation ( BQST ) .

  4. 这一问题的研究对更深入地理解量子操作也具有重要的意义。

    Researchs about this issue are also important for understanding quantum operations better .

  5. 我们的协议给出了一个远程实现已知具有这种形式的操作的一个最优的实现方案。2.非局域量子操作的局域实现。

    Our protocol give an optimal method to implement such operations . 2 .

  6. 反过来,光子干涉也是一种量子操作过程。我们可以利用量子信息的语言来描述和分析干涉。

    Conversely , we can use the language of quantum computation to describe and analyze the photonic interference .

  7. 第三章先介绍了一种基于态算符方法实现非局域量子操作的方案。

    In chapter three , we firstly introduce the scheme of realizing nonlocal quantum operations , which is based on the state-operator method .

  8. 我们提出了在三维希尔伯特空间中,以非最大纠缠态为纠缠资源,几率地实现非局域量子操作的方案。

    We put forward the scheme that probabilistic realizing nonlocal quantum operation with non-maximally entangled state as entanglement resource in 3-dimensional Hilbert space .

  9. 介绍了几种基本的量子操作和非局域量子操作,以及几个定理:关于实现非局域量子操作与所需物理资源之间的定量关系。

    Meanwhile , we introduce some basic quantum operations and nonlocal quantum operations , and several theorm about quantitative relations between realizing nonlocal quantum operation with needful physical resources .

  10. 非局域量子操作是实现远程相互作用和远程控制的重要组成部分,它不仅是实现分布式量子计算机的关键环节,而且在量子计算与量子信息领域中有着广泛的应用前景。

    Nonlocal quantum operation is an important component of nonlocal interactions and controlling . Nonlocal quantum operation not only play a key role in realizing distributed quantum computer , but also have potential applications in the domain of quantum computation and quantum information .

  11. 量子门操作是描述量子态演化的幺正算子。

    Quantum gates are unitary operations used to describe the evolution of quantum states .

  12. 原子与光场相互作用理论是利用原子-腔系统实现量子信息操作的理论基础。

    Atom-field interaction theory is the basic knowledge of quantum information operation using atom-cavity systems .

  13. 结果对以该系统为基础的量子逻辑操作和量子器件设计等提供了理论参考。

    The results supply theoretical suggestions for the quantum logical operotions and quantum apparatus designs .

  14. 能带结构的存在将影响以该系统为基础的量子逻辑操作和激光边带冷却等问题,应该在实验研究中加以考虑。

    The band structure can influence the laser cooling of Paul trapped ions and the quantum logic operation based on the system that should be considered in the corresponding experiments thereby .

  15. 由于量子克隆操作对于量子态的精密操控有着较高的要求,在实际的实验中需要对脆弱的量子体系进行相干操作和控制,因此要建立一种能够满足要求的量子克隆机是非常困难的。

    Though it needs precise operation to realize cloning process , the coherent manipulation and control of the fragile quantum system in the actual experiments , practically building quantum cloning machine has proved extremely difficult .

  16. 因为QKD系统是对单量子态的操作,因此QKD系统本质上是量子力学系统。考察了电子-空穴的关联明显加强时及完全束缚发生时量子点的横向尺度。

    In order to understand the quantum information processing in QKD system , complete quantum mechanics method was employed to describe QKD system . The QD 's lateral sizes are inspected when the electron-hole correlation becomes enhanced as well as the complete quantum confinement occured .

  17. 本文详细研究了利用核磁共振方法实现基本量子逻辑门操作,提出了实现量子分立付里叶变换的实验方案,设计了可供实验的脉冲系列,为实验研究量子分立付里叶变换提供了具体方案。

    After analyzing the realization of basic logical gate with NMR , we proposed a method of realizing quantum discrete fourier transformation with NMR .

  18. 本文在简要总结了处理激光与原子相互作用的几种物理模型的基础之上,详细研究了运用离子阱中囚禁离子对进行量子逻辑非门操作的物理原理及其在此相互作用过程中量子态的演化规律。

    Based on the models used to deal with the interaction between the trapped ions and the laser , we investigate the physical foundation under the ion-trap computing and the evolution of the states of the trapped ions .

  19. 此外,利用态算子(state-operator)的特性,在对信息处理的过程中实现对量子态的远程操作。

    Furthermore , by characteristic of state-operator , remote operations are realized in the process of information .

  20. 离子阱中量子受控非门的操作误差的分析与提纯

    Purification and Analysis of the Error of Controlled-Not Operation in an Ion Trap

  21. 处理了离子阱中量子受控非门的操作出错问题。

    The error of the quantum controlled not operation in an ion trap is treated .

  22. 第二章简单回顾了量子纠缠和量子操作的一些基本理论,简述了量子纠缠的定义和度量方式;

    In chapter two , we introduce the basic theory of quantum entanglement and quantum operation . we briefly give the simple definition of quantum entanglement and the definition of measurement of quantum entanglement .

  23. 量子纠缠与非局域量子操作

    Quantum Entanglement and Non-local Quantum Operations

  24. 第一章简要回顾了量子纠缠和非局域量子操作的发展历史和研究现状。

    In chapter one we briefly review the history and researching actuality of quantum entanglement and nonlocal quantum operation .

  25. 本文介绍了我们用Bell态和W态作为量子通道提出的九个量子操作分享方案。

    In this paper we will show nine tripartite QOS schemes we proposed by using W states and Bell states as quantum channels .

  26. 而量子过程层析是实验确定未知量子操作的方法。

    And quantum process tomography is a procedure by which an unknown quantum operation can be fully experimentally characterized .

  27. 该方法引入免疫记忆克隆策略,增强了算法的局部搜索能力。同时,还采用动态调整量子门旋转角步长机制和量子交叉操作,进一步提高了算法的搜索性能。

    This method introduces immune memory clonal strategy to enhance the local search capacity of the algorithm , and further improves the search efficiency of the algorithm by using dynamic step length in adjustment of rotation angle of quantum gates mechanism and quantum cross operator .

  28. 最后用混沌量子遗传算法求解TSP,即在量子遗传操作中更新量子门时选用混沌序列函数,以加快收敛速度和防止早熟收敛。

    Finally , a method of chaos quantum-inspired genetic algorithm solving TSP is proposed : chaos sequence function is used in updating quantum revolution door in order to avoid premature convergence .

  29. 量子态信息的传输与量子态的远程操作

    Transmission of Information and Remote Operation of Quantum State

  30. 在量子领域,一种常用的数学描述形式为量子操作。

    Quantum operation is a good description of an open quantum system .