
jīn bīnɡ
  • troops/soldiers from the State of Jin
  1. 宋军、金兵和元军都在战斗中使用这种武器。

    The Song , Jin and Yuan armies all used these weapons in war .

  2. 金兵为夺取这一军事要地,集结重兵进攻陕西。

    The Jin Dynasty concentrated armed forces to attack Shan'xi province for capturing this military area .

  3. 金兵南下时,他逃难到蜀,并长期在此生活。

    When the army of Jin came to south , he fled to Shu , and lived for a long time .

  4. 此时,金兵已到达黄河岸边,直逼宋都开封,宋徽宗逃至金陵(今南京)。

    The Jin 's army has arrived at the bank of the Yellow River , threatening the Song 's capital , Kaifeng . Huizong fled to Jinling ( now Nanjing ) .

  5. 陕汽联手康明斯:国Ⅲ重卡进军北京金兵为夺取这一军事要地,集结重兵进攻陕西。

    Shaanxi Automobile Group Co. , Ltd Join Hands with Cummins : China III Heavy Truck March into Beijing The Jin Dynasty concentrated armed forces to attack Shan'xi province for capturing this military area .

  6. 就在灭辽的同一年,即徽宗宣和七年(1125)冬,金兵分兵两路大举南下攻宋。

    Therefore soon after the destroy of Liao , a powerful Jin force launched a large-scale attack on the Northern Song in winter in the 7th year of Xuanhe of Huizong ( 1125 ) .

  7. 他们先后答应割地赔款给金国,又罢免了李纲等忠臣,使得金兵更加肆无忌惮。

    A peace pact was agreed inwhich the Northern Song promised to cede lands and give tributes to Jin except dismissed Li Gang and other loyalists , thus the troops of the Jin became even fearless .

  8. 此时,宋朝的局面已经大乱,徽宗迫不得已将皇位让于太子赵恒,是为宋钦宗。寄希望于能改善局面,抗拒金兵,以扭转不利局势。

    Meanwhile the Northern Song was in panic and Huizong of Song gave the throne to his son , Zhao Heng , who was known as Qinzong and pinned on him the hope to improve the situation and turn the tide .

  9. 公元1115年,金兵攻占辽国重镇黄龙府,随后又与宋朝订立“海上之盟”,共同攻辽。

    In 1115 Jin captured Huang Longfu , an important city of Liao . At the same time , Jin reached an agreement with Song , namely the " Haishang Agreement " to form a joint force to fight against Liao .

  10. 金兵在几年的时间里,占领了包括东京辽阳府在内的大部分辽国土地,保大五年(1125),辽天祚帝被金军俘虏,辽国自此灭亡。

    In several years , Jin seized most of Liao 's territory including Uaoyangfu in Dongjing . In the 5th year of Baoda ( 1125 ) , Emperor Tianzuo was captured by the Jin army , which brought the Liao Dynasty to an end .