
  • 网络Louis Cha;yong
  1. “这些人现身,然后在大段的章节中消失。”(王家卫在举例时提到了作家金庸。王家卫1994年出品的影片《东邪西毒》(AshesofTime)就改编自金庸小说《射雕英雄传》(TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes)。)

    People turn up , then depart the story for long passages . ' ( As an example , he noted the writer Louis Cha , whose many novels included ' The Legend of the Condor Heroes , ' which Mr. Wong adapted in his 1994 film ' Ashes of Time . ' )

  2. 神话&原型批评视野下的金庸小说

    Louis Cha 's Novel under Myth-prototype Criticism 's Field of Vision

  3. 金庸的作品给武侠小说迷们带来了极大的乐趣。

    Jin Yong 's works have given great pleasure to fans of kung fu novels .

  4. 金庸小说的爱情主题蕴涵着丰厚的文化内涵。

    Love theme in JinYong 's novels contains much cultural meaning .

  5. 从文化视角看金庸小说

    Reading Jin Yong 's Novels from the Cultural Point of View

  6. 金庸小说女性形象的文化意义。

    Jin Yong novel of the cultural significance of female images .

  7. 如何看待王朔与金庸的论争

    How to Treat the Controversy between WANG Shuo and JIN Yong

  8. 金庸小说叙事研究

    A Study on the Narratology of Jin Yong 's Martial Novels

  9. 活法与金庸武侠小说创作

    The " Flexible Law " and Jing Yong 's Swordsman Fiction Creation

  10. 有意、无意的辩证法&论金庸的叙事策略

    Dialectics Between Intentional and Unintentional & On Jin Yong 's Narrative Strategy

  11. 论金庸武侠小说中的理想人格

    On the Ideal Personality in Jin Yong 's Swordsman Fictions

  12. 论生命意识悖论阴影下的金庸小说

    On the Shadow of Antinomy of Life-awareness in JIN Yong 's Fictions

  13. 论金庸小说中女性形象模式的成因

    The Origin Cause of Woman Image Modes in Jin Yong 's Novels

  14. 试论金庸武侠小说创作中的政治情结

    On the political ties in Jin Yong 's Creation of Kung-fu fictions

  15. 金庸小说的对照法则与蒙古想象&以《射雕英雄传》郭靖英雄形象的塑造为例

    The Mongolia Character and the Contrast Principle in Jin Yong 's Novel

  16. 以金庸为笔名的小说创作,可谓是全球华语社会最为脍炙人口的作品。

    His novel may be the most popular works in Chinese society .

  17. 金庸和琼瑶的写作风格大不相同。

    The writing style of Jin Yong and Qiong yao .

  18. 金庸小说寻宝母题的佛经文学来源

    The Buddhist Literature Origin of Treasure Searching Motif in Jin Yong 's Novels

  19. 论金庸创作的美学特征

    On Aesthetic Characteristics of Jin Yong 's Literary Creation

  20. 好在,这不是金庸小说里的自断经脉。

    Fortunately , this is not a Jin Yong novel of self-breaking channels .

  21. 这本书的原作者是金庸。

    The original writer of the book is Jinyong .

  22. 金庸作品的历史视野

    The historical vision of Jin Yong ′ s works

  23. 1955年,金庸开始写作武侠小说。

    In 1955 , Yong Jin began to write Chinese martial arts stories .

  24. 论金庸武侠小说的文体特征

    Talk about the Characteristic of Literary Style in Jin Yong 's Kungfu Novel

  25. 金庸武侠小说草原大漠描写的跨文化眼光

    Cross-culture View about the Desert Environment Drawing in Jin Yong 's Knight Novels

  26. 从娱乐功能看金庸武侠剧的接受心理

    On the Receptive Psychology of Jin Yong 's Chivalrous Dramas from Recreational Function

  27. 文化依恋、文化质疑到文化批判&金庸英雄神话的文化阐释

    Cultural Interpretation of Jin Yong 's Hero Myths

  28. 上课睡觉,甚者旷课;沉迷于计算机游戏,或者金庸小说;

    They begin to sleep during the class or even be absent for classes .

  29. 论金庸小说的民族意识

    The National Consciousness of Jin Yong 's Novel

  30. 金庸获得了国内外多所顶尖学府的荣誉教授称号。

    He has been honored by top universities in China and around the world .