
  • 网络Qinzhou Port
  1. 钦州港交通便捷,集疏运条件良好。

    With convenient traffic , Qinzhou Port is good in transportation .

  2. 钦州港大榄坪散杂货泊位工程的环境保护措施

    Environmental Protection Methods for Cargo Berth Construction Project at Qinzhou Port

  3. 钦州港港区流场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation on current field in harbour area of Qinzhou Tianjin Port

  4. 广西钦州港现代物流业的发展设想

    Tentative Ideas on Modern Logistics Development in Guangxi Qinzhou Port

  5. 环境扰动对钦州港潮间带大型底栖动物群落的影响

    Effect of Environmental Fluctuation on Macrobenthos Community in the Intertidal Flats of Qinzhou Harbor

  6. 钦州港西航道拦门沙开挖回淤研究

    Study on the Silt after Excavation of West - Channel Sand Bar of Qinzhou Harbor

  7. 钦州港的特殊位置决定了发展港口物流中心的重要性。

    Qinzhou Port , the special position of the development decided the importance of logistics center .

  8. 钦州港红树林昆虫种类较少,有20种;

    The results showed that there were 20 species of insects in mangroves of Qinzhou bay .

  9. 广西钦州港二期码头抛石基床的水下爆夯

    Strengthening foundation by underwater explosive ramming for second phase dock of Qingzhou Harbor in Guangxi Region

  10. 图为广西钦州港勒沟码头作业区。

    The picture shows the terminal operations area of Legou Pier , Qinzhou Port in Guangxi .

  11. 港口运输需求预测及集疏运设施规划研究&以钦州港为例

    Research on the forecast of transportation demand and the plan of collecting and distributing facilities for Qinzhou port

  12. 笔者介绍了广西钦州港二期码头抛石基床的爆夯设计和实施。

    The design and implementation of underwater explosive ramming for the second phase dock of Qingzhou Harbor in Guangxi Region , are introduced .

  13. 论述钦州港现代物流业发展的现状和优势,说明钦州港发展现代物流的必要性及其基本思路。

    This paper introduces the current situations and superiorities of modern logistics development in Qinzhou Port , and explains the necessity and principle way of thought of developing modern logistics in Qinzhou Port .

  14. 根据自治区关于临海工业园的发展定位,钦州港工业园被确定为广西临海工业园的起步园区,其是否健康快速发展,会直接影响到整个临海工业园今后的发展。

    According to the development location of the coastal area industrial park , Qinzhou industrial park was determined as the step starting park of Guangxi coastal area industrial park , its development velocity influences the whole coastal area industrial park .

  15. 湛江、钦州、北海等港,来自大西南的进出口物资也比上年增加五成以上。

    At ports such as Zhanjiang , Qinzhou , and Beihai , etc. import and export goods and materials from the great southwest also grew by more than 50 % over the previous year .