
  1. 忆钱其琛外长访问沙特并签署建交公报

    Foreign Minister Qian Chichen 's Visit to Saudi Arabia and the Signing of the Communiqu é of Establishment of Diplomatic Relations

  2. 在会见乌拉圭客人时,钱其琛对加米奥副外长来访和进行政治磋商表示欢迎。

    In his meeting with the Uruguayan guests , Qichen Qian expressed welcome over the visit by Vice Foreign Affairs Minister kamyao and the political consultations in progress .

  3. 钱其琛是在就一九九七年国际形势和中国外交工作接受《人民日报》记者采访时作上述表示的。

    Qichen Qian made the above comments while he talked about international situations and china 's foreign affairs of1997at an interview with a reporter from the people 's daily .

  4. 钱其琛表示回归三年来证实了「一国两制」和「港人治港」是成功的。

    Mr Qian said that three years after handover , the principles of " one country , two systems " and " Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong " had proved a success .