
  • 网络Shinichi Suzuki
  1. 这个方法最初由小提琴家铃木镇一(ShinichiSuzuki)在20世纪30年代提出。它主张,所有小孩都能学会演奏乐器,就像他们学会讲自己的母语一样。

    Originally conceived in the 1930s by the violinist Shinichi Suzuki , the Suzuki Method proposes that all children can learn to play an instrument as naturally as they learn to speak their native language .

  2. 个小提琴教师名叫铃木镇一,为百万人所用的铃木教学法的创始人,曾经宣称他早年在德国学习了八年时间,爱因斯坦还做过他的监护人。

    Shinichi Suzuki , founder of the Suzuki method which has been used by millions , claimed he spent eight years studying in Germany and cited Einstein as his ' guardian ' .

  3. 铃木镇一1941年9月发表《强大的教育》(PowerfulEducation)一文,呼吁改革日本的教育体系;

    In " Powerful Education , " published in September 1941 , Mr. Suzuki called for reforming Japan 's educational system ;

  4. 铃木镇一创办了才能教育研究会(TalentEducationResearchInstitute)。该教育机构的资料显示,目前在46个国家有40万儿童正在铃木教学法的帮助下学习演奏乐器,其中仅有2万儿童是日本人。

    According to the Talent Education Research Institute , an educational organization founded by Mr. Suzuki , about 400,000 children in 46 countries are now learning to play musical instruments the Suzuki way .

  5. 铃木镇一1941年9月发表《强大的教育》(PowerfulEducation)一文,呼吁改革日本的教育体系;他表示,老师们太急于放弃功课落后的孩子。

    In Powerful Education , published in September 1941 , Mr. Suzuki called for reforming Japan 's educational system ; he argued that teachers were too quick to give up on children who lagged behind .

  6. 1979年6月,时任美国总统吉米·卡特(JimmyCarter)携家人访问日本。他的女儿埃米(Amy)和铃木镇一的侄女铃木裕子(HirokoSuzuki,才能教育研究会的现任会长)一起参加了一堂集体课。

    In June 1979 , when President Jimmy Carter visited Japan with his family , his daughter Amy had a group lesson with Mr. Suzuki 's niece , Hiroko Suzuki ( the current president of the Talent Education Research Institute ) .

  7. 对于这种跨文化传播活动,日本政府几乎没有参与,大部分工作都是铃木镇一及其支持者开展的。其中包括索尼公司联合创始人井深大(MasaruIbuka),他本人就是著名的儿童早期教育倡导者。

    The Japanese government had little to do with this cross-cultural dissemination : Much of it was the work of Mr. Suzuki and his supporters , including Masaru Ibuka , Sony 's co-founder and himself a great early-childhood education advocate .

  8. 铃木镇一才能教育的思想与实践

    The Thoughts and Practices of Suzuki 's Talent Teaching

  9. 由于在国家处于非常时刻之际演奏音乐,铃木镇一的一些年轻学生被说成不爱国。

    Some of Mr. Suzuki 's young students were called unpatriotic for playing music during a national emergency .

  10. 该方法也主张,音乐可以改变孩子们的生活,无论他们的背景如何。它与铃木镇一的理念相类似。

    That method also celebrates the idea that music can change the lives of children from diverse backgrounds .

  11. 通过这次团体演奏,铃木镇一首次吸引了全日本的关注,并让消息传到了美国。

    News of this group concert , the first Suzuki performance to attract national attention , reached the United States .

  12. 然而,铃木镇一却未能说服日本历届首相,把自己的方法纳入公共教育。

    Yet Mr. Suzuki was unsuccessful in his attempts to convince successive Japanese prime ministers to incorporate his approach in public education .

  13. 从1963年开始,铃木镇一多次带着日本学生到美国交流,还去过联合国总部和卡内基音乐厅。

    Starting in 1963 , Mr. Suzuki regularly toured the United States with his Japanese students , stopping at the United Nations headquarters and Carnegie Hall .

  14. 铃木镇一20到30岁之间的大部分时间都在柏林度过,返回东京之后,有很多人想聘请他为师。

    Upon returning to Tokyo from Berlin , where he had spent most of his twenties , Mr. Suzuki found himself in high demand as a teacher .

  15. 长久以来,日本都未能宣扬本国具有全球吸引力的理念,铃木镇一的教学法就是一个例子。这暴露了日本在看清自己究竟哪些地方酷方面的长期无能。

    Japan 's long failure to claim as its own a globally attractive philosophy like Mr. Suzuki 's reveals its chronic inability to see what is cool about itself .

  16. 长久以来,日本都未能宣扬本国具有全球吸引力的理念,铃木镇一的教学法就是一个例子。这暴露了日本在看清自己究竟哪些地方“酷”方面的长期无能。

    Japan 's long failure to claim as its own a globally attractive philosophy like Mr. Suzuki 's reveals its chronic inability to see what is " cool " about itself .

  17. 日本也对美国及其盟友开了战,当它在这场战争中露出败象时,铃木镇一写了另一本书,呼吁对小学进行改革。

    As Japan was beginning to lose yet another war it had started , this one against the United States and its allies , he wrote another book urging elementary school reform .

  18. 战争终于结束了。在1955年3月,距离日本战败不到10年的时间,铃木镇一把1200名儿童聚集在东京的一座体育馆内。

    The war eventually ended and then , in March 1955 , less than 10 years after Japan 's utter defeat , Mr. Suzuki gathered some 1,200 children in a gymnasium in Tokyo .

  19. 就连在印度和印度尼西亚的一些偏远地区,虽然缺乏训练有素的音乐教师,人们也可以使用铃木镇一编排的难度递增的曲谱,自学乐器演奏。

    Even in remote areas of India and Indonesia , places with no properly trained music teachers , people were learning to play instruments on their own , thanks to Suzuki-compiled repertoires of incremental difficulty .

  20. 从20世纪30年代诞生开始,铃木教学法就遭到误解。铃木镇一20到30岁之间的大部分时间都在柏林度过,返回东京之后,有很多人想聘请他为师。

    The Suzuki pedagogy was misunderstood from its very beginnings in the 1930s . Upon returning to Tokyo from Berlin , where he had spent most of his twenties , Mr. Suzuki found himself in high demand as a teacher .