
  • 网络Banking Ordinance
  1. 该条例不适用于《银行业条例》认可的机构。

    The ordinance does not apply to institutions authorised under the Banking Ordinance .

  2. 戴蒙表示,摩根大通为首席投资官办公室建立了新的VaR模型,符合巴塞尔协议III(BaselIII)规定的银行业新监管条例。

    In the current instance , Dimon says the firm introduced a new Value-at-Risk model for its CIO office to be compliant with new banking regulations put in place by the Basel III accords .

  3. 奥巴马总统表示,美国银行业监筦条例的大范围改革将使华尒街对美国人民更加负责。

    President Obama has said a sweeping overhaul of the rules governing the United States banking industry will make Wall Street more accountable to the American people .