
yín dìng
  • silver ingot
银锭 [yín dìng]
  • (1) [silver ingot]

  • (2) 银块,常指银元宝

  • (3) 用锡箔折成或糊成的假元宝,迷信的人焚化给鬼神用

银锭[yín dìng]
  1. 提高银锭一级品率的技术实践

    To improve the rate of the grade one silver ingot

  2. 硫脲浸出液用金属铝粉置换得到海绵银,在碳酸钠和硼砂存在下,于1050-1060℃,将海绵银熔炼半小时可铸成银锭。

    A sponge silver can be cemented from the thiourea leaching solution with aluminium powder . The sponge silver may be melted and cast to silver ingot in the presence of mixture of sodium carbonate and borate at 1050 & 1060 ℃ for half an hour .

  3. ICP-AES法测定银锭中铋铁铅铜锑

    Determination of Bi , Fe , Pb , Cu , and Sb in silver ingots by ICP-AES

  4. ICP-AES法同时测定银锭中铋、锑、铅、铜、铁杂质元素

    Simultaneous Determination of Impurity Elements Bismuth , Antimony , Lead , Copper , Iron in Silver Ingot by ICP-AES

  5. 研究了ICP-AES测定银锭中Bi,Fe,Pb,Cu和Sb的分析方法,考察了基体及无机酸浓度对被测元素分析线强度的影响,选择了仪器最佳分析条件。

    The ICP-AES method for the determination of Bi , Fe , Pb , Cu and Sb in silver ingots was described in the paper . The influences of matrix elements and inorganic acids upon the intensity of analytical lines of elements were discussed .

  6. 他写了一份找回银锭的指南,并把它编码成密码。

    He wrote out instructions for the recovery of the buried treasure and enciphered them .

  7. 同是周先生还告诉我们,河南省也有不少假的银锭在生产。

    Forgeries of sycee are being made in Henan ( Honan ) province , he said .

  8. 银锭:成块的纯银,上有某钱庄或某鉴定者的标志,以前在中国用作货币。

    Lumps of pure silver bearing the stamp of a banker or an assayer and formerly used in China as money .

  9. 太二七5他就把那些银锭丢在殿里,离开,出去吊死了。

    Mt.27:5 And he threw the pieces of silver into the temple and departed , and he went away and hanged himself .

  10. 也许图灵是从银锭的故事想到这种标记方法注的,这是个革命性的想法。

    Perhaps he drew the imagery of burying and unburying from the silver bar story . This was an entirely new idea .

  11. 他花了250英镑,买了两块银锭,用一辆破旧的婴儿车,把银锭运到绅利附近的树林里。

    He bought two bars , worth about 250 pounds , and wheeled them out in an old pram to some woods near Shenley .

  12. 第二块银锭,图灵知道埋在哪,但是当他站在湍流的河水中时,他意识到这块银锭永远都找不到了。

    As for the second bar , he knew where that was , but they found that they were unable to apply the UNBURY routine when standing in the bed of the stream .

  13. 艾伦打算把银锭埋到地里,等击退侵略后,再把它们挖出来,而且这至少可以逃避战后的资本征收。

    Apparently he imagined that by burying the silver ingots , he could recover them after an invasion had been repelled , or that at least he could evade a post-war capital levy .

  14. 图灵想让唐纳德·米奇帮助他寻找银锭,他给了米奇两个选择,其一是把找到的银锭分给他三分之一,其二是每次寻找付给他5英镑工资。

    There had been a previous attempt with Donald Michie , who was offered the choice of either a one-third share of the total proceeds or a payment of 5 pounds per expedition .

  15. 然后用水合肼处理溶液以还原银;并过滤、干燥沉淀,用碳酸钠和硼砂作熔剂,于1050~1100℃熔炼,得到纯度大于99%的银锭,银的总回收率大于95%。

    Finally melted at 1050 ~ 1100 ℃ using sodium carbonate and borax as fluxes , obtaining an ingot of silver of greater than 99 % purity in a total recovery of more than 95 % .

  16. 他在解释的时候,拿出一叠200英磅钞票,说是在树桩中挖出来的,而两块银锭还是没有找到。

    As explanation he produced a grubby wad of 200 pounds in notes , explaining that he had dug them up out of their hiding-place in a wood and that there were two silver bars still to be recovered .

  17. 电积到钢棉上的金银泥用化学方法进行分离,金泥经熔炼后得合质金,银泥熔炼后可得98%的银锭。

    It is split that electricity amasses the golden silver mud on steel cotton to use chemical method . The gold mud is smelted become alloy . after smelting , silver mud can get the silver ingot of 98 % .

  18. 在第二次挖宝时,它成功地在树林里探测到了很多金属,但都不是银锭。

    On the second trip , it functioned , though only to a depth of a few inches . It successfully located a great many pieces of metal under the surface of the wood , but not the silver bar .

  19. 图灵此生第一次真正的寻宝,最后以失败告终了,他们来到绅利附近埋藏第一块银锭的树林里,但图灵发现,路标已经在1940年被更换了,所以他没法确定参照物。

    The first real-life treasure hunt had been a failure , since when they went to the wood near Shenley where one bar was buried , Alan found that the landmarks had changed since 1940 , and he could not locate the spot .

  20. 1946年10月,图灵在给杰克·古德的信中提到:“唐纳德答应帮助我,而且我有了寻找银锭的必要工具。”

    and a footnote on Alan 's October 1946 letter to Jack Good , with comments on the draft of his book , noted cryptically that ' Donald has agreed to help and I have now got the necessary gadgets for the treasure . '