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  • gong
  • 一种乐器,铜制,像盘,用槌子敲打出来:~鼓经(戏曲打击乐各种谱式的泛称)。~鼓喧天。紧~密鼓。


(打击乐器) gong:

  • 鸣锣

    strike the gong;

  • 敲锣打鼓

    beat drums and gongs

  1. 他筛了两下锣。

    He beats the gong twice .

  2. 这个是当初Rank电影公司在所有电影片头里敲的那个锣。

    This is the original Rank gong from thebeginning of all the films .

  3. 我们进了剧院,离开锣的时候还早。

    We got to the theatre long before the performance started .

  4. 没管打锣的说了什么,他留神的在地上找,看有没有值得拾起来的烟头儿

    Ignoring all , he searches the ground carefully for any cigarette-end worth retrieving .

  5. 铁破锣皂苷O和P的结构及其药理活性

    Structures and pharmacological activities of beesiosides O and P

  6. 维修电子尺,火花机,铣床,CNC电脑锣,磨床

    Repair electronic scale , sparks machine , milling machine , CNC computer gongs , grinder

  7. 我厂以CNC电脑车床和电脑锣对外批量加工,生产为主。

    I plant to CNC lathes computer and computer gongs external bulk processing , and production as the mainstay .

  8. 配套模具采用CNC电脑锣加工,厚薄均匀,质感优良,精确度高。

    The complete molds adopt the CNC computer gong , so the products have been thickness and good texture and high precision .

  9. 模具部有CNC车床、礳床、钻床、铣床、电脑锣、火花机、线切割机等各类机台。

    The mold department has the CNC lathe , the bed , the drilling machine , the milling machine , the computer gong , the spark machine , the line cutter and so on .

  10. 结果从甘肃产铁破锣根茎的氯仿萃取物中分离得到2个化合物,分别鉴定为:(20S,24S)15αacetoxy16β,24;

    RESULTS Two novel compounds were isolated and identified as ( 20 S , 24 S ) 15 α acetoxy 16 β, 24 ;

  11. 店铺由工厂改造而来,房梁露在外面,悬挂着优雅的红灯笼,这里供应冰镇堡林爵香槟(Bollinger),上菜时会敲一下锣。

    Set in a renovated factory with exposed beams and elegant red lanterns , this is the kind of place that has Bollinger on ice and a gong to announce the arrival of your bird .

  12. 那我就学锣吧。

    Then I want to learn how to strike the gong .

  13. 论打锣腔系统

    On the System of Daluo ( Playing Gong ) Singing Tune

  14. 弯钩锣丝是一种用于起重机的配件设备。

    Gong is a kind of wire hooks for cranes accessories equipment .

  15. 双胞胎獾,用他们毁灭性的双锣绝招。

    The master Badger twins . With their crushing double gong technique .

  16. 真高兴我们没有锣。

    I 'm glad we haven 't got a gong .

  17. 而且他远比高锣危险。

    And he 's far more dangerous than goro .

  18. 抱歉见到锣不敲就难受

    Sorry ! I can never resist a gong .

  19. 就用锣在耳边敲一下。

    You should beat a gong at your ears .

  20. 直到有一天老锣和他的音乐走进了她的生活,也为她的苦苦挣扎画上句号。

    Her struggles ended when Lao Luo and his music entered her life .

  21. 这个叫“大锣”,是锣的一种。

    And this is " Da Luo ", it is a big gong .

  22. 锣响以后,老师就不让我们进屋。

    Our teacher won 't let us comesintosthe room after the gong sounds .

  23. 本公司主要销售电脑锣以及维修。

    The company sells computer gongs and maintenance .

  24. 铁锣坪大桥成桥索力和施工控制研究

    Research on Cable Force under Completed State and Construction Control of Tie-luo-ping Cable-Stayed Bridge

  25. 她正把你阿姨的茶壶当锣敲

    She 's trying to make a bong out of your aunt 's teapot .

  26. 这个大锣很重要。

    The big gong is very important .

  27. 诵经时有锣、笛和唤呐在旁边伴奏。

    These prayers are accompanied by music played on the gong , flute and trumpet .

  28. 他的音乐是由吉他、电子音响合成器以及东方的锣和钟的声音混合而成。

    His music is a haunting mix of guitar , synthesizer , oriental gongs and bells .

  29. 到目前为止,龚琳娜的六张专辑中几乎所有的音乐都是由老锣创作的。

    He has written most of the music for Gong ` s six albums so far .

  30. 高锣从来没被打败过。

    Goro 's never been beaten .
