
cháng zhēn
  • long needle;minute hand
长针[cháng zhēn]
  1. 有可以穿过补缀品或刺绣线的针眼的长针。

    A long needle with an eye large enough for heavy darning or embroidery thread .

  2. 经过临床应用,体会到长针固定的优越性,应该临床选择应用及推广。

    The clinical wage of the long needle fixation displays its superiority and therefore , it is worth further clinical application and spread .

  3. 再论半导体少长针消雷器(SLE)&兼谈直击雷防护与接地

    Further Discussion about Semiconductor Lightning Eliminator ( SLE ) & Concurrently Discussion about Direct Lightning Protection and Earthing

  4. 本文详细介绍了半导体少长针消雷装置(SLE)的防雷原理,并与传统的避雷针相比较,结合贵冶采用该装置后的收益进行分析。

    This article makes a detailed description on thunder-proof principle of SLE and analyzes the efficiency compared with the traditional thunder-proof device .

  5. 方格子系统中投掷长针的Buffon问题

    Buffon 's Problem with a Long Needle in a Double Grid System

  6. BUFFON长针问题

    Buffon 's Long Needle Problem

  7. 长针透刺治疗膝骨关节炎的临床研究

    Clinical study on treatment of knee osteoarthritis by penetration needling with long needle

  8. 这个长针叫分针。

    The longer hand is called minute hand .

  9. 半导体少长针消雷装置在微波站大气过电压保护中的应用

    Applications of the Semiconductor Small Long Pricker Lightningproof Equipment ( SLE ) in the Atmospheric Excessive Voltage Protection for the Microwave Station

  10. 一根电线把它跟测程器的螺旋桨连接起来,它上面的长针给我指出船行的实际快慢。

    An electric wire puts it in contact with the patent log ; this needle shows me the actual speed of my submersible .

  11. 保护范围大,因此建议采用少长针半导体消雷器。

    Large scope of protection can be available , for which reason , radio lightning arrestors with fewer rods are recommended for application .

  12. 然而不幸的是,做出这个决定需要长针和活组织检查,这意味着胸部刺伤及感染的风险。

    Unfortunately , making that determination takes a long needle and a biopsy , which means a puncture wound in the chest and a risk of infection .

  13. 她经历了痛苦的活检,就是医生通过一根长针,从手臂下扎入,一直向上到脖子出采集组织样本。

    She underwent a painful biopsy , in which doctors took tissue samples by inserting a long needle from under her arm and up into her neck .

  14. 在分析和归纳后针对性地提出并实践了:(1)应用半导体少长针消雷器防直击雷害;

    After analysis and summary , the measures are presented and applied as follows : ( 1 ) Establishing the semiconductor lightning eliminator to prevent the direct lightning ;

  15. 方法采用长针深刺颈夹脊穴为主治疗神经根型颈椎病45例,同时设温针组35例进行对照观察。

    Method 45 cases of cervical spondylosis of nerve root treated by deep acupuncture cervical paravertebral point with long needle . 35 cases treated by warm needling therapy .

  16. 根据端子产品塑件的结构、技术要求,对生产过程中产生的造成产品不合格的表面气泡和长针歪斜等因素进行了分析和改进。

    According to the structure and technical requirements of pin terminator plastic products , the unqualified products such as surface air-bubble and long needle deflection are analyzed and improved .

  17. 但这种每天工作14个小时的冲击太过强烈了。她现在靠给人们身上扎长针来谋生。

    However , for one , the blast delivered by 14-hour days turned out to be too much and she now makes a living by sticking long pins in people instead .

  18. 本文介绍了半导体少长针消雷器的防雷原理与安装设计,并结合江西铜业公司有线电视台的实践经验对有线电视系统中的前端设备防雷措施做了明确阐述。

    This article gives a presentation on the thunder-proof principle and fixing design of semi-conductor thunder arrester , and illustrates clearly the thunder-proof measures of front-end equipment in the cable television system combined with practicing experience of Jiangxi Copper Cable TV Station .

  19. 特制长缝合针、系列套管关节镜下半月板缝合术

    A new technique for arthroscopic meniscus suture

  20. 三种长喙针鼹鼠被并列列为具有独特进化意义的全球濒危动物名单的首位,具有独特进化意义的全球濒危动物列出了世界上100种最独特和受威胁的哺乳动物。

    Three species of long-beaked echidna 's are ranked equal first on the evolutionary distinct and globally endangered ( EDGE ) list , which identifies the world's100-most unique and threatened mammals .

  21. 自行设计,应用特制长缝合针、系列套管关节镜下半月板缝合术治疗52例半月板损伤。

    A newly designed meniscus suture technique , with a specific long suture needle and a series of guide cannula , was reported for the successful treatment of 52 patients with meniscal tears .

  22. 佳木斯纸业集团是我国唯一全部用长纤维针叶材制浆,辅之以阔叶浆制造工业包装纸的企业。

    Jiamusi Paper Co. , Ltd. ( Group ) is the only enterprise in China to make pulp wholly from long fiber coniferous wood and makedunnage paper with the addition of pulp from broad leaf wood .

  23. 长幅摆线针齿行星传动的运动分析

    Kinematics of curtate epicycloid pin-teeth epicyclic transmission

  24. 然而,在实施攻击时,忍者能够将长钉、针甚至是毒药代替笔刷藏在匣中。

    In an attack , however , ninjas were able to conceal spikes , needles , and even poison in the yatate instead of a writing brush .

  25. 我的眼睛由于长时间盯着针看而疼痛。

    My eyes burn from staring at the needle

  26. 结果脐血贴壁细胞呈长梭形、针形或三角形,增殖周期G0/G1为85.12%,倍增时间为48h。

    Results Cord blood adherent cells display fibroblast-like or spindle shape , and their reproductive cycle : G_0 / G_1was 85.12 % , the doubling time was 48 hours .

  27. 细、薄、长型针织用针热处理变形的探讨

    An Approach to the Deformation of long and Thin Knitting Needles in Heat-Treatment Process

  28. 她嫌裙子太长,只得用针把裙边别起来。

    As the skirt was too long for her , she had to pin up the hem .

  29. 这种新型织针铣槽刀寿命长,加工的针槽质量好,并能大大提高铣槽生产率。

    It is pointed that the cutter is of long service life and of good product quality and the more , the production rate is raised .

  30. 在对患者做正中神经松解治疗时,保守注射疗法一般应在掌长肌腱内侧进针,手术治疗时应在腕横韧带远侧端切开。

    When the patients are treated , the injection should be administered at the medial of median line , and the resection be performed at the distal of the transverse carpal ligament .