
  • 网络closed form
  1. 直接识别系统参数的闭形式解

    A Closed Form Solution for Direct Identification Of System Parameter

  2. 多项式与一类代数数域域元素的判别式的闭形式

    Closed Form of Discriminants about Elements of Some Type of Algebra Fields and Polynomials

  3. 此文提出利用结式法求解该方程组的闭形式解。

    Resultant method is presented to solve the above equations .

  4. 永久期权价格的闭形式解和最优停时

    Perpetual Options and Optimal Stopping for Mixed-Gamma Distributions

  5. 高阶奇异积分的闭形式和变换权形式的求积公式

    The quadrature formulae of closed and transformation weight type for singular integrals of higher order

  6. 本文提出了一种直接识别系统参数的闭形式表达式,避免了参数递归迭代方法的误差传播问题。

    In this paper we proposed a closed form solution for direct identification of FIR system parameter , which circumvents the problem of error propagation .

  7. 本篇论文主要研究球中具有闭Moebius形式的超曲面。

    This paper mainly studies hypersurfaces with closed Moebius form in sphere space .

  8. 该算法计算简单,具有闭解形式;

    The proposed algorithm has a closed-form and less computations .

  9. 文中用此单元计算了几种层合板的固有频率,并将结果与解析解进行了比较。该算法计算简单,具有闭解形式;

    Numerical results are presented to compare with the closed form solutions . The proposed algorithm has a closed - form and less computations .

  10. 测试采用闭卷形式,长达两个半小时。理论上说,妮诗的测试成绩以及由此推算出的162分智商比大名鼎鼎的物理学家爱因斯坦还要高2分。

    The controlled test takes two-and-a-half hours and , according to theories , Nishi 's score and subsequentIQ of 162 would be two points higher than famous physicist Einstein .

  11. 若采用成熟的启闭设备形式和设计方法,将大大增加设备规模和相应的制造安装难度,并会直接影响到船闸的运行安全与可靠性。

    If some ripe types and design methods of the hoist equipment are adopted , the scale of the equipment and the difficulty in its manufacture and installation will increase , and the operational safety and reliability will be affected .

  12. 当M是单连通时,如果f具有平坦的法丛和闭的伴随形式,则f是G-可形变的。

    When M is simply connected , then / is G-deformable if it has flat normal bundle and closed adjoint form .

  13. 主要结论如下:(1)如果f是G-可形变的,则f具有平坦的法丛和闭的伴随形式;

    After introducing the concept of adjoint form for / , the following results are proved : ( 1 ) If / is G-deformable , then the normal bundle of / is flat and the adjoint form is closed ;

  14. 不管选择开源还是闭源的形式,开发系统成败的关键就是文档。

    Whether closed source or open source , development systems live and die by their documentation .

  15. 呼伦贝尔市也于2007年在初中毕业生学业考试中实现了思想品德课的开卷考试,彻底改变了延续多年的闭卷考试形式,这是一次历史性的改革。

    The Hulunbuir city has also realized the thought personal character class open-book examination in 2007 in the junior middle school graduate studies test , completely changed has continued many year closed-book examination form , this was a historical reform .

  16. 超精密机床导轨一般具有较高刚度和直线度,设计时通常采用了闭式液体静压形式。

    In order to make the guideway have higher stiffness and guiding precision , the closed hydrostatic guideway is designed .

  17. 方法采用教学与辅导相结合的方式,培训前后均以闭卷、匿名形式测试培训效果。

    Methods The combination of education and guidance , sealed and anonymous questionnaires before and after the training course were employed to evaluate the effectiveness of the training course .