
wèn dǐnɡ
  • compete for a championship;inquire about the tripods—aspire to the throne;have royal ambitions;seek supreme power
问鼎 [wèn dǐng]
  • [entertain a high ambition to be first-rate or the champion] 春秋时、楚庄王陈兵于洛水,向周王朝示威。周派使者慰劳,楚子(楚庄王)问鼎之大小轻重,意思是说楚庄王有夺取周朝天下的意思(见《左传.宣公三年》)。后来用问鼎指图谋夺取政权,也指在某方面取胜

  • 有问鼎之心,帝畏而恶之。--《晋书.王敦传》

  1. 她的目标是明年问鼎世界冠军。

    She aims to have a tilt at the world championship next year .

  2. 他们队力量太弱,无力问鼎冠军。

    They have too weak a team to mount a realistic challenge for the championship .

  3. 在反恐组,杰米说服了杰克,不让尼娜问鼎秘要的文件

    Bt DTU , Jamey convinces Jack to shut Nina off from confidential access .

  4. EPA问鼎GB与IEC工业过程测量控制标准的意义

    Significance of EPA to be GB and IEC Standard

  5. 戈尔8年前在佛罗里达州以微弱的差距输给得克萨斯州州长乔治W布什,从而使得他问鼎白宫的努力功亏一篑。

    Gore 's narrow loss in Florida eight years go to then Texas Governor George Bush cost him the presidential election .

  6. 你想知道奥巴马是如何利用SNS问鼎美国总统宝座的吗?

    Obama you want to know how to use SNS aspirations to be elected President of the United States do ?

  7. 女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特(TaylorSwift)排在第三位,收入为5500万美元,比去年减少了大约200万美元。她曾在去年问鼎榜单。

    Singer Taylor Swift was third , pulling in $ 55 million , about $ 2 million less than last year when she topped the list .

  8. 现年31岁的C罗今年共计出场110次,共为俱乐部和国家队踢入102球。5月他助皇马赢得冠军杯,7月率领葡萄牙队击败东道主法国队问鼎2016年欧洲杯桂冠。

    The 31-year-old has scored a total of 102 goals in 110 appearances for club and country throughout the year , helping Real win the Champions League in May and Portugal triumph over hosts France for Euro 2016 in July .

  9. 关天朗去年11月在亚太高尔夫业余锦标赛(Asia-PacificAmateurChampionship)问鼎冠军,在最后一洞中,他用一个五英尺的推杆平了标准杆,获得了入围大师赛的资格。

    To earn an automatic entry into the Masters , Guan won the Asia-Pacific Amateur Championship last November , by sinking a 5-foot par putt on the final hole .

  10. 在发布会上,雨果•巴拉推出了小米4i(Mi4i),这是专为印度市场打造的手机。该公司表示,它的目标是到2020年时,小米能问鼎手机销售冠军。

    The company says it aims to be the top handset brand in India by 2020 .

  11. 自克莱德(Clyde)和沃尔特(Walt)时代以来,尼克斯已有近60年的悲惨岁月未再问鼎冠军,而自命不凡、让人讨厌的布鲁克林篮网队(BrooklynNets)却已揽得四尊冠军奖杯。

    There 's been no title banner since the days of Clyde and Walt , almost 60 sorrowful years . Brooklyn , smug and annoying , has won four .

  12. 希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)宣布将第二次寻求问鼎白宫,结束了两年来对其各种意图的猜测,并为她已经持续20多年的丰富政治生涯开启了新的篇章。

    Hillary Clinton announced she would seek the White House for the second time , ending two years of speculation about her intentions and opening another chapter in a rich political life that has already spanned more than two decades .

  13. 此次比赛是丹佛野马(DenverBroncos)第七次出战超级碗,这支来自科罗拉多的队伍曾经于1998年和1999年两次问鼎该赛事。

    This is the seventh time the Denver Broncos have been to the Super Bowl . The Colorado team won the championship two times , in 1998 and 1999 .

  14. 沃尔玛企业传播副总裁大卫o托瓦尔也向《财富》(Fortune)杂志证实称,“董明伦和西蒙是两位来自公司内部的CEO候选人。最终董明伦得到了这个职位。在此类情形下,未成功问鼎者最终离职他就的情况并不少见。”

    Walmart Vice President of Communications David Tovar confirmed as much to Fortune . " Doug and Bill were two internal candidates for the top job . Doug got the job and , in those situations , it 's not uncommon for the person who didn 't get it to ultimately leave the company and go somewhere else . "

  15. “要知道,那将给予我们绝妙的机会(问鼎)。”

    " That would give us a really outstanding chance . "

  16. 省属重点高校学报问鼎名刊的几点思考

    Reflections on How Journals of Key Provincial Universities Can Be More Prestigious

  17. 你肯定毫不费力问鼎,你比他强多了。

    You would win like hands down , kick his ass.

  18. 太好了,完全可以进入问鼎语言的阶段了。

    Very good , can enter the stage of language .

  19. 这次是中国女篮问鼎夺冠的最好机会。

    This time will the china 's best chance .

  20. 球队现年60岁的经理在8年内两次带领老虎队问鼎总冠军。

    The 60-year-old led the Tigers to the world series twice in eight years .

  21. 祝贺洛杉矶银河队获得第三次职业足球大联盟冠军。第三次问鼎冠军。

    And congratulations to the L.A. Galaxy on your third MLS Cup . Number three .

  22. 多年来,瑞士的髋关节置换手术的治疗效果问鼎全球,

    For many years , Swedish hip surgeons had the best results in the world ,

  23. 区对区,中国并没有制霸全球,也从来没打算要问鼎天下。

    China is not a superpower . It has never proposed that it would become one .

  24. 自此之后亚泰队一路势如破竹,最终问鼎中超。

    Since then a Team Yatai group with irresistible force , finally aspires to seize the superior .

  25. 希拉里曾经接近那种境界。接着她辞去国务卿一职(为再度问鼎白宫做准备)。

    Then she quit as secretary of state ( to prepare for her second White House bid ) .

  26. 《宠儿》是托尼.莫里森问鼎1993年度诺贝尔文学奖的力作。

    Beloved is Toni Morrison 's masterpiece that enabled her to get the 1993 Nobel Prize for Literature .

  27. 《宠儿》是美国黑人女作家托尼·莫里森问鼎诺贝尔文学奖的一部力作。

    Beloved , a masterpiece by Afro-American woman writer Toni Morrison , wins her the Nobel Prize for literature .

  28. 也许现在费德勒会想:哦,我有机会第一次问鼎罗兰加洛斯了。

    Maybe now have Federer thinking , oh , now I have chance to win Roland Garros my first time .

  29. 克鲁尼第一次问鼎最性感男人称谓是在1997年,看来现在他已经跟好朋友布拉德·皮特打成平手了。

    Clooney , who first took the title in 1997 , is now tied with his good friend Brad Pitt .

  30. 该队的主教练马尔切洛里皮曾率意大利队问鼎2006年世界杯。

    The team is led by Marcello Lippi , who coached the Italian team that won the 2006 World Cup .