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zhū hóu zhēng bà
  • The princes vied for supremacy
诸侯争霸[zhū hóu zhēng bà]
  1. 当中原诸侯争霸接近尾声时,地处长江下游的吴、越发展起来。

    When the contention in the central plain came to an end , states Wu and Yue in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River rose to prominence .

  2. 而且,曹国虽是小国,但因其是姬姓诸侯国,身为宗室贵胄,在春秋时期的诸侯争霸舞台上倒也扮演了一个不可或缺的角色。

    Cao is a small country , but because he was surnamed Chi vassal state , as the imperial clan nobles , also played an integral role on the stage of feudal hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period .

  3. 这些比较大的诸侯国凭借其实力,不断发动战争兼并小国,扩充领土,形成了诸侯争霸的局面。

    Resorting on the military strength , they launched wars constantly , annexing small states , expanding the domain , and a situation of vassals contending for hegemony came into being .