
  • Ragnarok;Twilight of the Gods
  1. 《雷神3:诸神黄昏》的搞笑程度远远超出你的想象。这都要感谢杰夫?戈德布卢姆与塔伊加?维迪提两位天才的合作。维迪提不仅是本片导演,他还在电影中饰演了一个极其真诚的石头人战士Korg。

    Thor : Ragnarok was so much funnier than you could ever expect it to be , and it 's all thanks to the genius of Jeff Goldbloom combined with the genius of Taika Waititi - the latter of whom both directed the movie AND played a extremely earnest dude made out of rocks .

  2. 诸神黄昏的序幕是芬布尔之冬,传说中比冬天更为严酷的凛冬。

    It will be preceded by Fimbulwinter , the winter of winters .

  3. 据《好莱坞记者》报道,《雷神3:诸神黄昏》的导演塔伊加·维迪提将会回归续集。

    The Hollywood Reporter reported " Thor : Ragnarok " director Taika Waititi will return to direct the sequel .

  4. 即使二人两周后到达抖森拍《雷神3:诸神黄昏》的澳大利亚,所获关注依然不减。

    The scrutiny didn 't diminish even when they arrived two weeks later in Australia , where Hiddleston was filming Thor : Ragnarok .

  5. 这可能听起来不像是一部洒脱的喜剧,但塔伊加·维迪提可以把任何题材拍得温暖又有趣,从吸血鬼(《吸血鬼生活》)到星际超级英雄(《雷神3:诸神黄昏》)再到新西兰问题少年(《追捕野蛮人》)。

    It may not sound like the stuff of a big-hearted comedy , but Taika Waititi can make anything warm and funny , from vampires ( What We Do in the Shadows ) to intergalactic superheroes ( Thor : Ragnarok ) to delinquent New Zealanders ( Hunt for the Wilderpeople ) .

  6. 此役之后东西方神族失去了七位主神,这一天被后世称作“诸神的黄昏”。

    After having eastern and western protoss lost seven the Lord god , the day was later called " the gods evening " .