
  • 网络Wedding Gown;bridal;bridal dress;Bridal Gown
  1. 新娘礼服上装饰着亮片和珍珠。

    2 the wedding gown was adorned wit hsequins and pearls .

  2. 感谢收看“如何选择新娘礼服”视频节目。

    Thanks for watching How To Decide Your Wedding Gown 's Color .

  3. putinanorderforsomething对…提出申购,putinfor是「申请」我已经订购了这件新娘礼服了。

    I 've already put in my order for the Wedding Dress .

  4. 该短片由社交视频网站Mode.com摄制。在短片中,模特洛莉·豪伊(LollyHowie)试穿了从1915年到2015年间的多款新娘礼服,充分证明了时尚的周而复始。

    The clip filmed by Mode.com , shows model Lolly Howie trying on an array of gowns dating from 1915 to 2015 , to demonstrate just how fashion comes full circle .

  5. 古驰(Gucci)设计师弗里达·贾娜妮(FridaGiannini)将2014秋季时装秀的压轴位置给了一款超短裙,这个位置通常都是留给重要的晚礼服或新娘礼服的。这表明了她对走迷你路线的认真态度。

    Gucci designer Frida Giannini signaled the seriousness of her intent to go mini by devoting the final look in her Fall 2014 show , a position that is often reserved for important evening gowns or bridal dresses , to an ultra short hemline .

  6. 怎样确定我的新娘礼服的颜色呢?

    How do I decide my wedding gowns color ?

  7. 我新娘礼服的钱付了一半

    My bridal gown was half paid for

  8. 我仍然记得你母亲为你做的那件新娘礼服,

    I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you ,

  9. 闪耀夺目新娘礼服映出。

    Oh , let 's see . The bride wore a gown that sparkled like the groom 's eyes .

  10. 从戴安娜王妃的蛋糕裙到凯特王妃的优雅蕾丝裙,每个人心目中都有自己的理想新娘礼服。

    From Princess Diana 's meringue to Kate Middleton 's elegant lace number , everyone has their ideal wedding dress .

  11. 所以,难怪一个记录新娘礼服时尚百年变迁的视频既迎来了众多赞赏,也引发了不少吐槽。

    So it is no surprise that a video charting 100 years of bridal fashion has sparked admiration and disgust in equal measure .

  12. 这样,我离开了在烛光下穿着新娘礼服、周围是尘封的家具的这位老夫人。

    And so I left the old lady in her bride 's dress in the candle-light , with the dusty furniture around her .

  13. 当你考虑新娘礼服颜色的时候,让专业人士向你解释一下各种可能性,这非常重要。

    It 's very important when you 're looking at the color of wedding gowns to have somebody expert to explain the possibilities to you .

  14. 我仍然记得你母亲为你做的那件新娘礼服,那些精致的花边和漂亮的珠饰。

    I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you , with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls .

  15. 在穆克什结婚这个大日子,家人为狗穿上了新娘礼服,全村人纷纷前来道贺,当日婚礼现场和正常婚礼没有两样。

    For the big day , the family dressed the dog in a bridal outfit and the village turned out for the celebrations just like a normal wedding .

  16. 在父母的婚礼这档栏目中,组织婚礼的孩子们可以最多每场花费1万英镑,用来挑选新娘礼服和设计令人惊喜的主题,最小的孩子只有7岁。

    In Marrying Mum Dad , children as young as seven will be allowed to spend up to 10,000 on each wedding , picking out bridal gowns and dreaming up surprise themes .

  17. 在“父母的婚礼”这档栏目中,组织婚礼的孩子们可以最多每场花费1万英镑,用来挑选新娘礼服和设计令人惊喜的主题,最小的孩子只有7岁。

    In Marrying Mum & Dad , children as young as seven will be allowed to spend up to £ 10000 on each wedding , picking out bridal gowns and dreaming up surprise themes .

  18. 新娘礼服还有其他颜色选择,你或许发现自己喜欢有点不同寻常的颜色,或者你的婚礼已经策划好了某个颜色体系,你的礼服颜色能与整个颜色体系相辅相成。

    There are other color options in bridal gowns , and you may find that you 'd prefer to have a little bit of something perhaps more unusual , or you have a set color in your wedding plans that this gown would complement very well .

  19. 新娘的礼服十分精美。

    The bride 's dress was a work of art .

  20. 每个这些项目代表了一些不同的和可以被纳入新娘的礼服在几个不同的方式。

    Each of these items represents something different and can be incorporated into the bride 's attire in several different ways .

  21. 这对富有冒险精神的美国新郎新娘身着礼服携手游向圣坛,只为在海底说一句我愿意。

    With the bride in her wedding dress and groom in his suit , the adventurous American couple swam down the aisle , before saying ' I do ' .

  22. 新娘的结婚礼服拖在身后。

    The bride 's dress trailed behind her .

  23. 新娘身穿白色礼服。

    The bride was dressed in white .

  24. 据悉,新娘庞大的礼服是由伍德福德格林一家名为BabestoBrides的定制婚庆用品商店的设计师创作的。

    Her gargantuan dress was created by the designers at Babes to Brides bespoke bridal shop in Woodford Green .

  25. 新娘自己制造礼服也是不极力的。

    It is also unlucky for the bride to make canonicals herself .

  26. 你也许会称赞新娘美丽的礼服。

    You may compliment the bride on her wedding dress .

  27. 参加结婚典礼时,新娘的白色礼服是绝对不要穿的。

    The wedding ceremony , the bride white dress is absolutely not to wear .

  28. 给新娘穿结婚礼服花了一个半小时。

    It took one and half an hour to vest the bride in her wedding dress .

  29. 婚礼当天,新娘和她的礼服必须是焦点。

    The bride and her dress should be the center of attention on her wedding day .

  30. 随着时间的推移,这一传统已从穿蓝色结婚礼服,演变成后来的在新娘的结婚礼服下摆处缝上一圈蓝色的镶边,再演变到现代的普遍做法——新娘用蓝色的吊袜带。

    Over time this has changed from wearing a blue dress to wearing just a blue band around the bottom of the bride 's wedding dress to modern times where it is commonplace for the bride to wear a blue garter5 .