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  1. 采用扫描电子显微镜对中国浙江诸暨三角帆蚌养殖珍珠表面特别是无珍珠光泽的瓷质层的微形貌进行了研究,并采用X射线粉晶衍射对瓷质层进行了物相鉴定。

    The Scanning electron microscopy is used to study the morphological features of porcelaneous layers on surface of freshwater cultured pearls from Zhuji , Zhejiang Province , and the calcium carbonate polymorph of porcelaneous layers is identified by X-ray powder diffraction .

  2. 浙江诸暨新元古代后造山铝质A型花岗岩的厘定

    Recognition of Neoproterozoic Post-Orogenic Aluminous A-type Granite in Zhuji , Zhejiang Province

  3. 浙江省诸暨地区元素地球化学分布与标度律

    Element geochemical distribution from Zhuji area , Zhejiang Province and scaling laws

  4. 诸暨麻疹疫苗免疫持久性研究

    The persistence of immunization in population with measles vaccine , Zhuji city

  5. 诸暨市老城区合流制排水系统的改造

    Improvement Engineering on Combined Sewerage System in Old Urban Area of Zhuji

  6. 是的,我更多爱你一些,诸暨!

    Yet , Zhuji , I love you much more .

  7. 诸暨银杏单株选优

    Single - plant Selection of Ginkgo biloba in Zhuji

  8. 浙江诸暨地区寒武-奥陶系牙形石研究

    Study on the Cambrian-Ordovician conodonts from zhuji , zhejiang

  9. 诸暨市农业社会化服务体系创新模式的研究

    Study on the Innovation Approaches of Agricultural Social Service System in Zhuji County

  10. 诸暨新客站站前广场硬质景观设计

    The Hard Landscape Design of the front Square of New Zhuji Railway Passenger Station

  11. 块状经济对于城镇等级结构的影响&以浙江省诸暨市为例

    The Concentration of Economic Structure to Urban Hierarchy & A Case of Zhuji City

  12. 公司被列入诸暨市50强机床配件企业。

    Our company was elected as one of the top50 enterprises in Zhuji City .

  13. 区域营销与产业群成长&以浙江诸暨大唐袜业群为例

    Regional Marketing and the Growth of Industrial Clusters

  14. 诸暨市经济林白蚁为害现状及其防治对策

    Current Situation of Termite Damage to Economic Forest and Its Control in Zhuji City

  15. 诸暨市水利会&农村小型水利工程管理模式探讨

    Exploiting a model of water commission in small rural water structures management of Zhuji City

  16. 诸暨璜山金矿下向分层进路回采胶结充填采矿法试验研究

    An experiment & Study on underhand CUT-AND-CEMENTED fill stoping in Huangshan gold mine , Zhuji

  17. 浙江凯达柔性设备制造基地在诸暨奠基

    Manufacturing Base for Flexible Equipment of Kaida Group Laid a Foundation at Zhuji , Zhejiang Province

  18. 文化的提炼空间的诠释&诸暨市新客站站前广场方案设计

    Abstraction of culture , annotation of space & The design of railway station plaza in Zhuji

  19. 诸暨市丰利机械有限公司是一家专业生产不锈钢地暖分水器。

    Is a professional production of stainless steel and warm-water separation , is a set design .

  20. “诸暨黑李”穿孔病病原菌的分离和鉴定

    Separation and identification of the pathogen of leaf shot hole of " zhuji black plum "

  21. 诸暨洞室工程稳定性评价

    Stability evaluation of Zhuji chamber works

  22. 浙江省诸暨至龙泉一带金矿床的铅同位素地球化学研究

    Geochemistry of the lead isotopes in the gold deposit zone from Zhuji to longquan , Zhejiang Province

  23. 诸暨市居民生活饮用水卫生状况与肠道传染病关系调查

    A Research of the Relationship between Residents ' Drinking Water Status and Intestinal Infectious Diseases in Zhuji City

  24. 诸暨金矿下向分层进路胶结充填法的应用

    Application of access-way stoping followed by cementation filling in the course of downward slicing in Zhu-Ji Gold Mine

  25. 绿道理念的设计探索&以诸暨市入口段绿化景观规划设计为例

    Research on the Greenway Designing Theory-Landscape Architecture Design for the Inlet Section , Zhuji City as an Example

  26. 诸暨浣江中学省示范初中、省现代教育技术实验学校

    Zhuji Huanjiang middle school

  27. 对我国南方红壤铜矿区(浙江诸暨铜矿为例)复垦土壤&铜耐受性植物体系的微生物生态特征进行了研究。

    Soil microbes eco-characteristic in Lipu Copper mining reclaimed soil-endurance plant system were studied comparatively , Zhe Jiang Province .

  28. 浙江诸暨璜山地区韧性剪切带中金(银)矿床流体包体特征

    Fluid inclusion features of gold ( silver ) deposit hosted in ductile shear zone in Huangshan region , Zhejiang Province

  29. 浙江诸暨金矿属于松软急倾斜薄至中厚矿体。

    Zhu-Ji gold deposit of Zhejiang Province is classified as soft type of steep dip and thin or medium thick orebody .

  30. 诸暨市大唐镇的针织品行业一直很繁荣。经历了2008年的经济危机它都恢复过来了。

    The hosiery business has been good to the entrepreneurs of Datang , who rode out the 2008 crisis and recovered .