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  1. 浙江景宁鹤溪群斜长角闪岩变质新生锆石特征、离子探针(SHRIMP)U-Pb年龄及地质意义

    Metamorphic newly produced zircons , shrimp ion microprobe U-Pb age of Amphibolite of Hexi group , Zhejiang and Its Implications

  2. 浙江景宁畲话的语音特点

    Sound Features in She Speech in Jingning County Zhejiang Province

  3. 景宁畲族宗教服装的形制及特征

    The Form and Characteristics of the Shes ' Religion Costumes in Jingning

  4. 景宁县高效林业发展初探

    Inquiry to High Efficient Development of Forestry in Jingning

  5. 景宁县畲族与汉族中小学生常见病患病现状比较

    Comparative Study on Primary and Secondary School Students ' Common Diseases of She and Han Nationalities

  6. 景宁白茶春茶品质和抗氧化酶活性分析

    Analysis of chemical compositions and antioxidative enzyme activities of spring white tea in Jingning , Zhejiang

  7. 该文通过对浙江省景宁县秋炉乡希望小学建设实践,指出是建造方式改变了低造价建筑的形态,乡土建筑已经是一种昂贵的存在。

    Building method determines the form of low cost building , and vernacular building is expensive nowadays .

  8. 浙江景宁花岗岩基的解体划分及其演化

    Disintegration and division of the Jingning granite batholith in zhejiang & with a discussion of its evolution law

  9. 景宁畲族自治县旅游资源独特,旅游业发展得天独厚、潜力巨大。

    Jingning She Minority Autonomous Country , noted for its unique tourist resources , has exceptionally large potential in developing tourism .

  10. 试验结果表明:美洲黑杨完全适应景宁的气候条件,具有很强的耐寒性和速生性;

    Populus deltoides is completely adapted to the climatic conditions in Jingning , with the characteristics of cold tolerance and rapid growth .

  11. 打造华东民族名城浙江休闲绿谷&论景宁县旅游业的发展平台

    Creating " Famous Town in East of China Green Recreation Valley in Zhejiang Province " On the tourist development platform in Jingning County

  12. 就景宁畲话的语音而言,景宁畲话与客家话存在着诸多不同。

    This dissertation studies the basic sound character of Jingning SHE dialect ; compares many differences between Jingning SHE dialect and Hakka dialects .

  13. 欠发达山区发展循环农业的思考:以浙江景宁畲族自治县雁溪乡为例

    Contemplation of Circular Agriculture Development in Underdeveloped Mountainous Area : with example of Yanxi village of Jingning she nationality autonomous county in Zhejiang

  14. 从景宁畲话的语音特点论其与客家话的关系

    Relation . I is presented . A Discussion on the Jingning SHE Dialect ′ s Relationship with the Hakka Dialects from Its Phonetic Features

  15. 确定景宁白茶的最佳嫁接时间段和不同品系间嫁接的难易程度。

    The purpose of the study was to ascertain the optimum grafting time quantum of Jingning white tea and the difficult degrees of grafting among its different lines .

  16. 方法对浙江省景宁畲族自治县城乡17所中小学校7-17岁畲族学生的患病情况与汉族学生进行1:1配比分析。

    Methods The method of 1:1 matched analysis was used to compare the prevalence of common diseases for She nationality students aged 7-17 with Han in Jingning county .

  17. 本文运用数量化理论I模型对景宁厚朴林地位指数与多元立地因子之间的关系进行了回归。

    With the method of quantitative theroy I model , this paper gives a regression equation which relates to the site index of officinal magnolia and some site factors .

  18. 浙江景宁畲族自治县的畲族乃是从唐代开始,历宋、元、明、清各代陆续从广东、江西、福建等地迁来的。

    She Nationality in Jingning autonomous county Zhejiang province came from Guangdong , Jiangxi , Fujian and so on during dynasties of Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing .

  19. 自1984年景宁设立畲族自治县以来,县城经历了畲民下山进城的快速城市化过程,县城建设陆续完成,城市面貌日渐清晰。

    Jingning establish She Autonomous County Since 1984 , the county has experienced rapid process of urbanization She people down into the city , county building be completed in stages , the urban landscape has become increasingly clear .

  20. 浙江南部山区庆元、景宁、泰顺、青田以及闽北寿宁等地遗存有较多数量历史悠久、结构独特、造型别致、地域特征明显的木拱廊桥。

    In some south Zhejiang counties , such as Qingyuan , Jingning , Taishun , Qingtian and north Fu-jian county Shouning , there are a lot of beautiful wooden arch - bridges with eaves , which have long history , unique structures , special styles , in typical places .

  21. 景宁鹤溪群斜长角闪岩变质新生锆石特征是粒度均匀(约70μm),晶体结晶和透明度极好,色调一致的淡粉红色,呈金刚光泽.未见裂隙、表面熔蚀、环带和核心构造。

    Zircons in amphibolite from the Hexi Group in Jingning , Zhejiang Province are newly produced in origin , which are good in crystal form and transparency , and have uniform grain size and light pink color , but have no fracture , surface dissolution and zoning or core structure .