
jǐng sè yí rén
  • attractive scenery;The beautiful scenery is pleasing;Landscape and scenery are extremely beautiful;The landscape is a perfect dream
景色宜人[jǐng sè yí rén]
  1. 原野起伏,景色宜人。

    The countryside undulates pleasantly .

  2. 从我们的房子里向外望去,景色宜人,一直能看到科茨沃尔德丘陵。

    Our house has got a splendid view across to the Cotswolds

  3. 房子四周的风景很美,附近有一条小溪,几座景色宜人的大山还有很多公园…但是,住进来的第三天晚上我们听到了一些让人不大高兴的声音…厨房上面传来了一阵噼里啪啦的声音。

    The house is in a very nice neighborhood with a creek4 nearby , the mountains nicely within view and a multitude of parks … It was upon the third night that we first heard something out of sorts … A scratching noise above the kitchen .

  4. 车站东面有一座景色宜人的动物园。

    There is a beautiful zoo to the east of the station .

  5. 景色宜人的泳池把这种要求变成了优势。

    Landscaped pools help turn those requirements to their advantage .

  6. 所有这些公寓都面向码头边,景色宜人。

    These apartments all have a delightful dockside frontage .

  7. 一些边远村庄景色宜人。

    Some of the outlying villages are very attractive .

  8. 餐厅周围热带香蕉树环绕,视野开阔,景色宜人。

    Surrounded by tropical banana trees , the open air view is simply spectacular .

  9. 这所房子有一个很大的、景色宜人的庭园(或园林)。

    The house had large and pleasant grounds .

  10. 附近的翠绿山坡,则会为校园提供一个景色宜人的绿化环境。

    The adjoining tree-covered hillsides will help provide a pleasant green enhanced campus environment .

  11. 这个房间外的景色宜人。

    The room has a pleasant outlook .

  12. 这地方景色宜人,土质肥沃,林木茂密,牧草丰盛。

    It was a pleasant fertile spot , well wooded , and rich in pasture .

  13. 除了窗外景色宜人,这房间看起来也干净舒适。

    Apart from the beautiful view it has , the room looks clean and comfortable .

  14. 此地景色宜人而温暖。

    This place is nice and warm .

  15. 景色宜人的名胜古迹,令外国旅游者流连忘返。

    The attractive scenic spots and historic sites make foreign tourists linger on and forget to return .

  16. 这天一开始便景色宜人:明媚的天空。

    The day begins gloriously : a bright sky , a fresh wind , the houses newly washed .

  17. 同时有火山、高原湖泊及太平洋沿岸的海滨浴场,景色宜人;

    It enjoys volcanoes , high plateau lakes and the bathing seashore around the coast of the Pacific .

  18. 观光茶园景观美景度评价及营建技术这所房子有一个很大的、景色宜人的庭园(或园林)。

    Scenic Beauty Evaluation and Establishing Techniques For Sightseeing Tea Gardens The house had large and pleasant grounds .

  19. “我们要去佛罗里达”她爽朗地说道,“听说那儿是个景色宜人的好地方。”

    ' We 're going to Florida , 'she said brightly ," I hear it 's beautiful . "

  20. 从奈汉到卡塔,卡容,巴东的途中非常安全,而且景色宜人。

    The ride from Nai Harn to Kata , Karon , Patong is very safe and amazingly Picturesque .

  21. 湖中碧波荡漾、岸边树木葱郁、草坪如茵、百花似锦、景色宜人。

    The lake could always witness green ripples , verdant grassland and brilliant flowers , which gives a quite pleasant feeling .

  22. 此地景色宜人而温暖。幸好空气温暖宜人,不太热,也没多少蚊子。

    However , the air here was warm and genial without being too hot , and there were not many mosquitoes .

  23. 它的特色是刺激的水上滑梯穿过3.8公顷景色宜人的热带公园,为游客提供几小时的乐趣和消遣。

    It features exciting water slides through 3.8 hectares of landscaped tropical parks , providing hours of fun and entertainment . 3 .

  24. 通常你都能买到周末特价机票,到环境放松或者景色宜人的地方去度周末。

    A weekend break or a stopover in a more relaxing or a lively place is often available at a special cheap weekend rate .

  25. 根据前苏联的标准,这是一个景色宜人、郁郁葱葱且空气清新的城市,到处都是公园和起伏的山峦&如今,这里正被无法察觉的放射物覆盖。

    By Soviet standards it was a pleasantly green and airy city , full of parks and rolling hills – now invisibly coated with radiation .

  26. 两千年前,水草丰茂、景色宜人的滇中盆地,曾崛起过一个强大的古滇王国。

    Two years ago , water plants Fengmao , the pleasant scenery of the Central Yunnan basin , has been a strong rise Gudian Kingdom .

  27. 校园环境幽雅、花木繁茂、碧草如茵、景色宜人,是读书治学的理想园地。

    SCU is the ideal place for academic studies and researches with the campuses set in agreeable environment of green plants , lawns and trees .

  28. 园内林木葱茏,花草繁茂,楼阁参差,亭台掩映,空气新鲜,小鸟在林中莺歌,景色宜人。

    Park verdant trees , flowers and lush , pavilions vary pavilions Yanying , fresh air , birds in the forest Yingko , the scenery pleasant .

  29. 当南部的运城地区酷暑难耐时,北部芦芽山、五台山却凉风习习,景色宜人。

    When the heat in the southern region of Yuncheng encounter , the northern part of the Mountain , Mount Wutai is breezy , pleasant scenery .

  30. 龙脉温泉度假村总占地280亩,景色宜人,空气清新,地下蕴藏着国内首屈一指的淡温泉,地热资源丰富。

    Longmai hotspring resorts has a total area of280 mu , landscape and fresh air of underground deposits of the leading domestic short springs and geothermal resources .