
  • 网络Landscape sketch;Landscape Elements
  1. 景观小品的空间性是其重要属性。

    The space quality is the key element to sight furniture .

  2. 没有空间,就没有景观小品。

    Without space , there is no sight furniture .

  3. 这个为建筑学院做的一个景观小品。

    This is a landscape sketch designed for the Faculty of Architecture . a landscape sketch .

  4. 澜沧城市公共艺术就是以代表着拉祜文化的澜沧城市景观小品为主的公共环境艺术。

    Urban public art is primarily the public environmental art which focus on the urban landscape sketch .

  5. 新长江广场巧妙的将运动设施、运动场地与景观小品、花草树木相结合。

    New Yangtze Plaza shall combine sports facilities , sports ground with scenes , flowers , trees and grass masterly .

  6. 作为城市的公共艺术作品除了起着必要的实用功能外,同时又是作为景观小品的形式存在,有着审美功能。

    Besides the practical function in a city , these public art works also have aesthetic function as landscape decoration .

  7. 现代园林设计中,园林的布局、植物配置、景观小品的塑造都有寺庙园林景观意匠思想的运用。

    Garden layout , plant configuration , landscape sketches are used Yi and Jiang theory in the modern garden design .

  8. 校园绿化和景观小品的营造上应该进行统一规划,体现地域文化特色。

    Should be on campus greening and landscape sketches to create a unified planning . Reflect the geographical and cultural characteristics .

  9. 道路设计要依地形而设置并注重细节设计;重视景观小品的人性化设计。

    According to topography to design road and pay attention to detail design ; Make much of the landscape sketch design . 5 .

  10. 设计质量包括符合环境特征的场地规划,适当的建筑风格,以及在材料、颜色、植物和景观小品选择上进行充分考虑。

    Quality design includes environmentally sensitive site planning , appropriate architectural theme , and thoughtful selection of materials , colors , plantings and artistry .

  11. 根据场地特征实施缓坡处理方案,在对景设计精致的构筑物与景观小品,营造独特的异域园林特色。

    According to the implementation of site characterization ramp treatment program , not only to create exotic garden features without losing its French garden with oriental garden taste .

  12. 并结合膜结构建筑实例,包括大空间建筑和景观小品,分析了其独特的建筑表现力和广泛的应用前景。

    It also analyzes its unique representation power of architecture and great application foreground with the real models of membrane structure architectures , including the large space constructions and small ones of landscape .

  13. 成熟的景观小品要充分融入到周围自然环境与人文环境之中,能够彰显出地域特色与地域文化,衬托出城市最美丽的一面,传承城市的自然风貌与历史文化。

    The mature landscape sketch must integrate fully into the surrounding natural environment and the humanities environment , and display the regional characteristic and culture , bring out the most beautiful side of the urban , and inherit the natural style and the historical culture of it .

  14. 同时通过植物景观、建筑小品和空间意境的营造等来表达梅文化。

    Meanwhile , the plum culture can be presented through the creation of plants landscape , architecture sketch and the artistic conception of space .

  15. 视觉环境的好坏同时也受到街道景观、环境小品以及绿化照明等因素的影响。

    The quality of the visual environment , but also by the street scenes , and sketches as well as the environment , green lighting and other factors .

  16. 公共设施作为城市规划、建筑设计、环境景观设计、环境小品中的一项重要设计因素正得到重视,它影响着整个空间环境形象与人们的生活息息相关。

    As an important design factor in urban planning , architectural design , landscape design and interior design , Public facilities is to be taken seriously . It affects the entire image of the space environment .

  17. 本文对居住区老年人活动场所的设计,主要针对居住区的活动场所、休息设施、植物景观、道路系统、水景观、小品等所存在的问题提供了一些建议和方法。

    The older people in residential areas activities design , mainly aimed at residential places , rest facilities , plant landscape , road system , water landscape , pieces such as the existing problems and offers some suggestions and methods .

  18. 公园景观是由植物、山石、水体、建筑、景观小品等诸多要素组成,其中植物是主要的构成要素。

    Park landscape is formed by many essential factors such as plant , hill stone , water , building and landscape , and plant is the essential composition factor in its .

  19. 第三,在总结城市景观中城市符号的载体形式,如建筑、铺装、景观小品、植物等的基础上。

    This article summarizes the city symbol in the urban landscape of carrier forms , such as construction , paving , landscaping , plants , etc. Final planning the tianfu square design example analysis .