
jiàn dié zuì
  • espionage;crime of espionage
  1. 这是间谍罪,应判死刑。

    It was a crime of espionage and carried the death penalty .

  2. 美国对此表示极度失望,此前美国曾要求俄方将斯诺登遣送回国以接受间谍罪起诉。

    The U.S. had been demanding that Russia send Snowden home to face prosecution for espionage .

  3. BBC新闻–美国当局以三项经济间谍罪起诉中国公民许家强(音),控告他涉嫌从前美国雇主那里盗窃重要的源代码。

    BBC News - US authorities have charged Chinese national Xu Jiaqiang with three counts of economic espionage for allegedly stealing valuable source code from his former employer in the US .

  4. 30岁的斯诺登自6月23日从香港飞抵莫斯科以来,一直困在莫斯科谢列梅捷沃国际机场(SheremetyevoInternationalAirport)的过境区。在他飞抵莫斯科的两天前,美国当局公布了指控其犯有间谍罪的刑事起诉书。

    Mr. Snowden , 30 years old , has been trapped in the transit zone of Moscow 's Sheremetyevo International Airport since arriving on a flight from Hong Kong on June 23 , two days after U.S. authorities has unsealed a criminal indictment charging him with espionage .

  5. 脱衣舞舞女与风月高手玛嘉蕾莎•吉尔特伊达•泽利麦克劳德(MargarethaGeertruida“Margreet”ZelleMacLeod)被当局逮捕前一直居住于此,玛塔•哈丽(MataHari)的艺名更为人熟知,她被控犯有间谍罪,并于1917年被法国行刑队枪决。

    This is where exotic dancer and temptress Margaretha Geertruida " Margreet " Zelle MacLeod , better known as Mata Hari , stayed before she was arrested , charged with espionage and shot by a French firing squad in 1917 .

  6. 本文旨在通过对间谍罪的客观方面的分析。

    This article on the crime of espionage through the objective analysis .

  7. 伊朗一家法院以间谍罪指控了一名民意调查工作者。

    An Iranian court has charged a public opinion researcher with spying .

  8. 他因叛国罪和间谍罪被判无期徒刑。

    He was sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and espionage .

  9. 如果一个外国的外交官被控告有间谍罪。

    When a foreign diplomat is accused of espionage .

  10. 三项间谍罪中,每项罪名最高可判15年监禁。

    Each of the three counts of espionage carry a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison .

  11. 这些人包括被指控犯有间谍罪的科学家,犯有恐怖主义罪行的穆斯林,以及犯有经济罪的商人。

    They include scientists charged with espionage , Muslims accused of terrorism , and businessmen charged with economic crimes .

  12. 本周美国一名军事法官判决陆军士兵布兰得利曼宁因犯间谍罪获刑35年。

    An American military judge this week sentenced Army Private Bradley Manning to 35 years in prison for espionage .

  13. 其后他被假借间谍罪判处了25年苦工,在西伯利亚的一个监狱营地中服刑。

    He was sentenced , ostensibly for spying , to 25 years of hard labor in a Siberian prison camp .

  14. 他因泄露有关美国监视项目的机密信息而被美国以间谍罪通缉。

    He is wanted in the US on espionage charges for leaking information about the US 's classified surveillance programs .

  15. 还不清楚官方是否相信这些嫌疑犯与最近被捕的其他几人有牵连,他们也被起诉犯了间谍罪。

    It was not clear whether officials believe the suspects has ties to others who were arrested recently on spying and related charges .

  16. 伊朗国家电视台称,两个年轻的美国人因间谍罪和非法入境被判入狱8年。

    Iranian state television says two young Americans have been sentenced to eight years in prison for espionage and illegally entering the country .

  17. 这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。

    The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery , and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years .

  18. 他们没有被控告更为严重的间谍罪,所以他们作为间谍成功的程度并不清楚。

    They were not charged with the more serious crime of espionage , so the extent of their success as spies is not clear .

  19. 安德烈以间谍罪判处绞刑,安诺德则逃到一艘英国船上,差一点就落在乔治.华盛顿的军队手中。

    Andre was hanged as a spy , while Arnold escaped to a British ship , narrowly avoiding capture by George Washington 's forces .

  20. 斯诺登泄露了国安局在美国监视活动中的绝密文件,他将在美国面临间谍罪的指控。

    Snowden 's activities in terms of leaking top-secret NSA documents on US surveillance practices , he 's gonna face espionage charges in the US .

  21. 许多认识他的人都肯定他决不会犯间谍罪,他们认为整件事都是陷害,背后有政治目的。

    Many of those who knew him felt sure he would never be guilty of espionage , and thought the whole business was a frame-up , with political motives behind it .

  22. 本罪易于同其他涉及国家秘密的犯罪混淆,本文试图分析本罪与间谍罪的区别。

    This accusation is so easily mixed up with other crimes concerning the state confidential information that this article attempts to distinguish the difference between this accusation and the crime of espionage .

  23. 根据美联社的新闻,肯尼亚国家刑事犯罪调查部负责人穆霍洛称他们还咨询了专家团队,对中国人是否构成了间谍罪而进行了咨询。

    According to the Associated Press , Ndegwa Muhoro , director of Kenya 's Criminal Investigation Department , said they were also consulting experts to see whether the Chinese were committing crimes of espionage .

  24. 笔者鉴于身份犯罪存在的意义以及当前中国在控制和打击有组织犯罪和间谍罪上的需要,认为身份犯罪应该引入中国。

    Whereas the significance of status crime ' existence and the urgent need of our country in controlling and attacking the organized crime and espionage crime , I think status crime should be introduced to China .

  25. 针锋相对的,莫斯科踢出了两个从加拿大南下的北约特使,(格鲁吉亚也逮捕了昔日的北约特使并以间谍罪指控)。

    The Russians were also miffed by the expulsion of two Russian diplomats from NATO on suspicion of spying , especially since one of them , Vasily Chizhov , is the son of Russia 's ambassador to the EU .

  26. 但香港政府在上周日确认他已离港。就在两天前,美国政府宣布正式以间谍罪起诉斯诺登。但香港特区政府则认为美国政府的文件并不符合相关的法律规定。

    But the Hong Kong government confirmed that he left on Sunday , two days after the US announced it had charged him with espionage , saying documents filed by the US did not fully comply with legal requirements .

  27. 促使6.espionagen.谍报活动;间谍行为他们被判有间谍罪。

    They were convicted of espionage .