
  • 网络blocking high;blocking
  1. 签于大气自由模和阻塞高压的重要性,首先简要介绍阻塞高压与中国夏季降水的关系及1998年夏季500hPa异常环流场;

    Aimed at stud of atmospheric free mode and blocking high , firstly , the relationships between blockings and China summer rainfall are clarified , and the 500 hPa height in the summer of 1998 are detailed analysed .

  2. 异常高温频数偏多年,欧亚地区500hPa环流特征是中高纬度有阻塞高压存在,西风槽南压,西太平洋副热带高压位置长期偏南、偏西。

    In the abnormal year , the circulation characteristics over the Eurasia Continent at the 500 hPa were the blocking high in the middle latitudes , the southward westerly trough , and the subtropical high over the western Pacific Ocean inclined westward and southward for a long time .

  3. 文中利用1970~2001年NCEP再分析500hPa逐日高度场资料,根据阻塞高压的天气学定义,采用客观统计方法检索出近32a亚欧中高纬度392个阻塞高压个例,对其进行了气候学分析。

    According to synoptic definition of blocking , a objective method is used to statistic atmospheric blocking in Eurasia high-mid latitudes based on 32-year summers by means of 1970-2001 NCEP analysis data .

  4. 发现在东亚阻塞高压的第一、二阶段其上游有明显的波活动通量与2~6d尺度的E矢量通量传播。即定常罗斯贝波的传播与天气尺度扰动的共同作用有利于东亚阻塞高压的维持。

    There are obvious stationary Rossby wave propagation and 2 ~ 6 days transient eddy propagation upstream of the East Asia blocking high in the first and second stages , which means both kind of propagation play an important role in increasing and keeping energy of the blocking high .

  5. 模拟出来的北太平洋中部阻塞高压,与Charney和Straus提出的阻塞高压平衡态相比更加接近于实际大气的阻塞现象。

    Comparing flow patterns of blocking ridges proposed by Charney and Straus [ 2 ] from equilibrium state theory , the simulated blocking ridges over the Central North Pacific were much closer to reality .

  6. 1991年梅雨期阻塞高压的维持和瞬变扰动

    The blocking high and transient disturbances in Mei-yu period of 1991

  7. 阻塞高压建立的非线性机理探讨

    Primary study of the nonlinear mechanism about the formation of blocking high

  8. 北太平洋中部阻塞高压形成的若干问题

    Some aspects of formation of blocking ridges over the central North Pacific

  9. 阻塞高压形成、发展机理问题概述

    Review on the formation and development mechanism of blocking high

  10. 四种客观定量表征阻塞高压方法的对比分析

    Comparison and Analysis among Four Objective and Quantificational Blocking Indexes

  11. 低压生命期比阻塞高压还长些。

    The cyclone life cycle is longer than that of blocking high .

  12. 夏季欧亚阻塞高压逐日演变的定量化分析

    QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS Quantitative depiction of daily evolution for summer Eurasian blocking high

  13. 夏季东亚阻塞高压指数研究

    The East Asia Blocking High Index in Summer during 1951-2001

  14. 中纬度阻塞高压指数与华北夏季降水的联系

    Association of Mid-latitude Blocking High Index with Summer Precipitation in North China

  15. 鄂霍次克海阻塞高压的建立是造成我省连续性强降水的关键;

    Okhotsk barrage high is the important reason of our province 's rainfall .

  16. 阻塞高压形成、消失与波包的传播

    Blocking High Forming and Collapsing with Wave Packet Propagation

  17. 1991年夏东亚阻塞高压形成的诊断分析

    A diagnostic analysis on the growth mechanism of the East Asia blocking high in 1991

  18. 近30年夏季亚欧大陆中高纬度阻塞高压的统计特征

    Statistical characteristic of atmospheric blocking in the Eurasia High-Mid latitudes based on recent 30-year summers

  19. 天体引潮力与东亚夏季阻塞高压活动

    The relationship between celestial tide-generating forces and activities of blocking high over the eastern Asia in summer

  20. 变形的经向环流变化方程及其在诊断阻塞高压形成中的应用

    The Transformed Meridional Circulation Equation and Its Application to the Diagnostic Analysis of the Blocking High Formation

  21. 阻塞高压活动加强,通常会在雨带北部维持为大气能量锋区。

    An atmosphere energy front and matter front maintain in north of rain belt when blocking strengthen .

  22. 水平扩散对东西风带模拟的改进夏季西风带定常扰动对东北亚阻塞高压的影响

    Influence of the Stationary Disturbance in the Westerlies on the Blocking Highs over the Northeastern Asia in Summer

  23. 极涡与副热带高压、阻塞高压及季风等其他大气环流因子配合起来共同作用于天气、气候及环境。

    Polar vortex cooperate with other circulation factors , such as subtropical high , blocking , and monsoon .

  24. 盛夏期间黄河流域先后受贝加尔湖阻塞高压和青藏高原高压控制;

    Baikal Lake blocking high and Qinghai-Xizang high covered the Yellow River Basin in the flood season during midsummer .

  25. 百帕高度场表明,在阿拉斯加海湾上空有一发展得很好的阻塞高压,后来它又持续了7天。

    The500-hPa height field shows a well-developed blocking high over the Gulf of Alaska , which lasts another seven days .

  26. 夏季亚洲中高纬度地区阻塞高压与中国强降雨的关系及其活动机理研究

    A Study on the Relationship of the Summer Asian Blocking to Strong Rain Events in China and Its Activity Mechanism

  27. 北半球阻塞高压的维持Ⅱ:瞬变扰动强迫和平均流位涡平流的形成

    On maintenance of blocking anticyclones of northern hemisphere part 2 : mechanism of eddy forcing and PV advection by mean flow

  28. 乌拉尔阻塞高压影响亚洲夏季风环流和我国东部旱涝的数值试验

    Numerical experiments with effects of Ural blocking high on East Asian summer monsoon circulation and drought / flood events in East China

  29. 东亚-太平洋遥相关型波列对夏季东北亚阻塞高压年际变化的影响

    Influence of East Asia / Pacific Teleconnection Pattern on the Interannual Variations of the Blocking Highs over the Northeastern Asia in Summer

  30. 欧亚大陆阻塞高压的统计特征及其与中国东部夏季降水的关系

    Study on the Statistical Characteristics of Atmospheric Blocking in the Eurasia and its Relationship with the Summer Rainfall over the East of China