
  1. 阿拉伯商人在世界各地做生意。

    The merchants of Arab are doing their things all of the world .

  2. 早期的阿拉伯商人聚集在这一区做生意。

    Early Arab traders gather in this area to do business .

  3. 在阿拉伯商人终于遍布非洲的香蕉。

    The Arabic merchants finally spread the bananas all over Africa .

  4. 满载香料和东方丝绸的阿拉伯商人队伍

    A caravan of Arab merchants laden with spices and Oriental silks

  5. 问题17.做什么有可能冒犯阿拉伯商人?

    Question 17.What is likely to offend Arab business people ?

  6. 刚刚才知道我花在做爱上的钱比一个阿拉伯商人还多。

    Just found out I paid for more sex than an arab businessman .

  7. 中国和阿拉伯商人的这条贸易路线被称为“丝绸之路”。

    The trade route of the Chinese and Arab traders was called Silk Road .

  8. 他是最富有的阿拉伯商人,个人财富净值将近200亿美元。

    With a net worth of nearly $ 20bn , he is the richest Arab businessman .

  9. 没有人知道谁制成了第一块奶酪,但是一则古老的传奇故事说,一位阿拉伯商人制成了第一块奶酪。

    No one knows who made the first cheese but an old legend says that it was an Arabian merchant .

  10. 招手,或者用手指着阿拉伯商人会被视为一种无礼的手势,因为这种手势是用来叫小狗的。

    Waving or pointing to an Arab business person would be considered rude because that is how Arabs call their dogs over .

  11. 在东南亚,欧洲殖民者把那些在16世纪作为进入者与他们竞争的穆斯林叫做马来人、摩洛族、印第安人以及阿拉伯商人。

    In Southeast Asia the European colonialists used to describe and call Muslims-Malays , Moros , Indians and Arab traders who compete with them as pirates in the16th century .

  12. 在大约一千年前,鸦片可能由阿拉伯商人引入到中国和印度,并很快因其药物特性而引起广泛地重视。

    It was probably introduced to both China and India by Arab traders about a thousand years ago , and soon came to be widely valued for its medicinal properties .

  13. 有一天早晨八点钟的时候,凯瑟琳找我来了,说这天她作为一个阿拉伯商人,要带着她的旅队过沙漠;

    Catherine came to me , one morning , at eight o'clock , and said she was that day an Arabian merchant , going to cross the desert with his caravan ;

  14. 1439年一些冲绳人正式在福建省泉州大港定居,他们在那里兴建了仓库和接待厅,与当地的印度和阿拉伯商人一起作息买卖。

    From 1439 Okinawans were formally resident in the great cosmopolitan port of Quanzhou in Fujian Province , where they put up warehouses and reception halls and rubbed shoulders with Indian and Arab traders .

  15. 最初埃塞俄比亚人了咖啡豆,阿拉伯商人将其带往中东地区,并在15世纪传播到埃及、也门、波斯、土耳其和北非。

    Originally discovered in Ethiopia , coffee beans were brought into the Middle East by Arab traders , spreading to Egypt , Yemen , Persia , Turkey , and North Africa by the15th century .