
  1. 嗨,陈杰。我有一个新书包。

    Hi Chen Jie . I have a new schoolbag .

  2. 陈杰,英飞凌科技(中国)有限公司,系统应用工程师。

    Willion Chen , System Application Engineer , Infineon Technologies China , Ltd.

  3. 我的名字是陈杰。

    My name 's Chen Jie .

  4. 陈杰表示,航空摄影的优点是来自上方的镜头可以高度概括这一震撼的景象。

    Chen said the advantage of aerial photography is that shots from above encompass a grand view .

  5. 陈杰告诉记者,这一系列措施都反映出国家对艾滋病治疗的政策:应治尽治。

    Chen Jie , told reporters that this series of measures to reflect the state of AIDS treatment policy : do governance should rule .

  6. 但持公交IC卡的乘客则保持2元票价,陈杰表示,此举是为促使一些非上班族选择其他时段乘坐地铁。

    But the ticket price should be maintained at2 yuan for the passengers with IC card , which will encourage people not going to work to choose other times to take the subway .

  7. 至于鸡蛋,中国最大蛋产品企业湖北神丹健康食品有限公司期货部门的陈杰(音)接受电话采访时说,“这一市场上肯定存在投机性资本。”

    As for eggs , Chen Jie , who works in the futures department at Hubei Shendan Healthy Food , the biggest egg company in China , said in a phone interview that " there is definitely speculative capital in the market . "

  8. 《新京报》记者陈杰凭借作品《天津爆炸》近日获得了第59届世界新闻摄影比赛一般新闻类单幅的三等奖。《天津爆炸》是一幅航拍作品,展现了天津爆炸后受损景象。

    The Beijing News reporter Chen Jie has been awarded third prize in the General News singles category of the 59th World Press Photo competition for " Tianjin Explosion , " an aerial shot portraying the destruction after an explosion in the city .