
  • 网络Restricted evaluation;Constraint evaluation;limited appraisal
  1. 符合这些限制的评估准确度和精密度的其他方法可能也同样适用。

    Other methods of assessing accuracy and precision that meet these limits may be equally acceptable .

  2. 初始登记的受试者为109名,但受试者的高损耗率限制了评估的人数。

    Initial enrollment was109 subjects , but a high rate of attrition limited the number of evaluable subjects .

  3. 我花了近两个小时浏览该应用程序,测试它的限制和评估其大量特性的可访问性。

    I spent about two hours navigating the application , testing its limits and evaluating the accessibility of its multitude of features .

  4. 适当的元数据能够帮助生态数据生产者及生态数据用户快速发现所需数据,了解其内容和限制,评估其可用性,从而获取和使用这些数据。

    Appropriate metadata can help the ecological data producers and ecological data users to find data quickly that they needed to understand its content and restrictions , to assess their availability and thus access to and use of such data .

  5. 涉众在规模、需求,限制以及进度评估上的合作。

    Stakeholder concurrence on scope , requirements , constraints , and schedule estimates .

  6. 但由于研究设计的限制,未来对此评估结论还需进一步验证。

    However , because of the limitations on research design , it is suggested to re-evaluate this technology futher .

  7. 再次,论文根据系统评估出来的结果,从理论评估和利用实际飞行计划表评估两方面,系统地分析了各种容量限制因素对容量评估结果的影响;

    Further more , according to the evaluation results from the system , the factors affecting on the result of capacity evaluation are systematically analyzed in details .

  8. 轮轨磨损的复杂性限制了轮轨磨损评估、预测及定量计算的可行性。

    The complexity of the wheel / rail wear limits the feasibility of wheel / rail wear evaluation , forecast and reliable quantitative calculation in various working conditions .

  9. 根据砌体墙片的试验数据的统计和它在不同工作阶段的特点,提出用层间位移角限制作为抗震性能评估指标。

    According to the experimental data masonry walls of statistics and its characteristics in different stages of work , proposed to inter-story drift ratio as the seismic performance evaluation index .

  10. 参加此培训后-您将了解到培训投资回报是可以衡量的,并且能掌握一种在预算和资源限制范围内进行评估的有逻辑且理性的方法。

    After attending the program , You will realize that measuring ROI is possible and that a logical , rational way to approach it exists within the constraints of budgets and resources .

  11. 此外,国务院、美国国际开发署和新西兰援助计划署已着手对巴布亚新几内亚影响到粮食保障的农业政策限制问题进行联合评估。

    Also , the State Department , USAID and the New Zealand Aid Program have begun working on a collaborative assessment of farm policy constraints in Papua New Guinea affecting food security .