
  • 网络Restriction period;Restricted Stock Trade Period
  1. 限售期没有传递对新股高质量的信息,从而降低IPO抑价。

    Period of restricted sale of new shares did not pass high-quality information , which reduces IPO under-pricing .

  2. 限售期与IPO抑价正相关,限售期没有起到降低IPO抑价的作用。

    The limited sale period and the IPO under-pricing is related to restricted sale period to reduce IPO under-pricing does not play a role .

  3. 其中大部分股票的限售期为六个月。

    Most of those are locked up for six months .

  4. 利用股指期货为处于限售期的个股套期保值

    Hedging for Particular Share in the Lock-in Period by Using Stock Index Futures

  5. 在亚洲市场,规定新股限售期的做法也很常见。

    In Asia , too , lockups are common .

  6. 无论是否存在限售期,政府股东都不大可能迅速退出。

    Locked up or otherwise , government shareholders are unlikely to make a swift exit .

  7. 同时,资产价格的波动率和限售期也将对流通受限资产的折价率产生正向影响。

    And both the volatility of assets price and the restricted period have positive impact on the discounts of marketability restricted assets .

  8. 运用了信息不对称理论、配售理论和信号传递理论对机构投资者参与询价方式、配售与限售期进行了理论分析。

    The use of the information asymmetry arguments , placing theory and signaling theory of institutional investors take participate in inquiry mode , placing restrictions on sale with a view to theoretical analysis .

  9. 同时,由于我国询价制度中对投资者的保护,要求参与配售的机构有一定的限售期,而且二级市场缺乏做空机制,导致投资者乐观情绪的成为高定价发行得以成功的市场基础。

    Meanwhile , the inquiry system of investor protection , requires agencies involved in placing a certain moratorium , and the lack of short secondary market mechanisms , resulting in a high investor optimism , the success of the pricing issue for the market .