
táo guàn
  • pot;terrine;stean
陶罐 [táo guàn]
  • [terrine;gallipot;stean] 一种盛液体或食品的陶制容器

陶罐[táo guàn]
  1. 陶罐在这一混合料中浸过之后就拿去烧制。

    After the pot is dipped in this mixture , it is fired

  2. 一个栽种了凤仙花的大赤陶罐里开出了明艳如火的花朵。

    A large terracotta pot planted with Busy Lizzie provides a fiery bright red display .

  3. 其中一个项目是做陶罐,但我做得不对,所以它在窑里破了。

    One of the projects was to build a clay pot , but I built mine incorrectly , so it broke in the kiln .

  4. 在打破罐子之前,哈桑发现靠近陶罐柄的地方写着几个字:“第一个,共七个。”

    Before breaking it , Hassan noted near the handle : " The first of seven . "

  5. 这两个生意人都惊呆了:他们挖出了一个装满金币的陶罐!

    What a surprise for the two merchants when they uncovered an earthen pot full of gold coins !

  6. 这一次,两人都奋力挖起来,果然,一个接一个地,他们挖出了另外六个陶罐,每一个都装满了金币。

    This time both of them dug with energy and , sure enough , they found the six pots , one after another , each one filled to the brim with gold coins .

  7. 基于ANSYS的球型储罐防风模拟分析模子在被烘烤前先被压在陶罐里。

    Wind-proof Simulation Analysis for the Spherical Tank Based on ANSYS A pattern was impressed on the clay pots before baking .

  8. 她的摊位就在德莉希亚大街(CalleDelicias)附近,下一个摊位卖的是卡尼特斯玉米卷,有几个大陶罐。

    Her stand sits near Calle Delicias , just before the carnitas stand with the big clay pots .

  9. 把这些架上的陶罐全都烧好要烧好几?xFFFD;

    It will take several firings to clear the shelves of all these pots .

  10. 在2004年的一篇PNAS论文中,麦戈文和一个由中国、德国和美国学者组成的团队对一些有9000年历史的陶罐进行过分析,它们来自河南省一个名叫贾湖的新石器时代村落遗址。

    Mr. McGovern and a team of scholars from China , Germany and the United States wrote a 2004 paper for PNAS that analyzed 9000-year-old pottery jars found in a neolithic village site in Henan Province called Jiahu .

  11. 送一个装有植物或鲜花的彩色陶罐。

    Give a glazed earthenware pot filled with plants or flowers .

  12. 他们在古墓中发现了一些上釉的陶罐。

    They found several glazed clay pots in the ancient tomb .

  13. 我学会做陶罐存放我的食物。

    I learnt to make pots to keep my food in .

  14. 甚至还把他做的一些陶罐也给了行人。

    He even threw into the bargain some of his pots .

  15. 那个陶工把他的标记压印在陶罐底下。

    The potter stamped his sign on the bottom of the pot .

  16. 而从你身体掏出的大部分器官,会用陶罐保存。

    Most of your organs would be preserved in jars .

  17. 这些皮箱和陶罐通常都有讲究的装饰。

    Both cases and jars were often highly ornamented .

  18. 他把咖啡装在一个陶罐里。

    He keeps his coffee in an earthenware crock .

  19. 我们确实能发现陶罐的好处。

    we do find advantages associated with ceramic pots .

  20. 唐山地区新石器时代陶罐谱系研究

    A Study of Earthen Jar 's Pedigree in Neolithic Age in Tangshan Area

  21. 她做的陶罐表面都上了釉。

    All the pots she makes have glazed surfaces .

  22. 在干燥架上又摆上了才上釉的陶罐。

    There was raw glaze on the pots that sat again on the drying rack .

  23. 麦片放在传统的黑色陶罐里,带着泥土气;

    Oatmeal is put in black chinese pot , which let people think of soil .

  24. 此时,我听到了厨房厨具和陶罐移动的声音。

    By this time there were clear sounds of kitchen crockery and utensils moving around .

  25. 每个陶工都说自己的陶罐好。

    Every potter praises his own pot .

  26. 用陶罐或坛子煮,炖,煨(兔肉等)

    To stew ( a hare , for example ) in an earthenware jug or jar .

  27. 为了让饮水保持冰凉,他们会把铅涂在许多陶罐的内壁。

    To keep drinking water cool , they lined many of their clay pots with lead .

  28. 而且是第一次,我能看到在客厅里摆放的这些陶罐。

    And for the first time , I could see the pots in the living room .

  29. 据他们分析,这些陶罐曾盛载过用水稻、蜂蜜和水果酿造的饮料。

    Based on their analysis , the jars held a rice , honey and fruit beverage .

  30. 这陶罐能渗透水。

    This clay pot is porous .