
yǐn bì wù
  • Hidden objects;things concealed
  1. 水底设置隐蔽物。

    Bot to m of the water setting shelter .

  2. 坐标转换在隐蔽物探测定位中的应用

    Application of Coordinate Transformation in Veil Detection and Location

  3. 探测地下隐蔽物是开展道路建设及建筑工程建设的前提。

    The exploration of underground objects is the precondition of the construction of roads and buildings .

  4. 物探技术在地下隐蔽物探测中的应用初探

    The exploration of underground objects

  5. 对不明地下隐蔽物,可采用多种物探技术进行探测。

    It is necessary to use several kinds of physics exploring technology for exploring unknown underground objects .

  6. 本文讨论了探测地下隐蔽物的多种方法及其应用特点,包括传统探测方法和物探技术方法。

    The methods of exploring underground objects , include traditional technology and the physics exploring technology have been discussed in this paper .

  7. 在平原地带作战,没有任何隐蔽物的时候,只有采用战壕作战;

    When doing battle on wide open plains where there are no cover , digging trenches to ambush enemy would be advantageous .

  8. 通过分析可知,目前探测未知地下隐蔽物的既经济方便又实用有效的方法是物探技术方法。

    After the analyses of the characteristics of different methods , it is suggested that at present the physics exploring technology is an economy , convenience , practical and effective method of exploring underground objects .

  9. 现在林蛙不是特别好找,因为它们和地面贴得很近,而且藏在树叶等与它们外形相似、可以掩盖它们踪迹的隐蔽物下面。

    Now the wood frog 's not that easy tosspot since it stays pretty to close to the ground , under leaves and things and it blends in really well with its background as you can see .