
yǐn shēn shù
  • the art of making oneself invisible
  1. 第二天,利用他的隐身术,他犯下最终的罪恶,杀死了国王,并获得了王位。

    The next day , using his cloak of invisibility , Gyges commits the final crime of murder to ensure himself of the ultimate reward and vanity-the throne itself .

  2. 西武新列车项目的目标不是像“反射”那样完全“隐形”,而是一种模拟的隐身术。

    Seibu 's new trains won 't really be " invisible " so much as " reflective , " but a simulated disappearing act is the goal of the project .

  3. 最后一个回复,别说什么灵魂碎裂应该减100%仇恨,因为隐身术就是减100%,这说服不了我们。

    My caution was not to obsess too much with class abilities . Saying " Soulshatter needs to be100 % because Invisibility is100 % " isn 't going to do much to convince us .

  4. 长久以来,人们一直对隐身术非常着迷。物理学教授约翰霍威尔说,近年来,在科幻小说和《哈里波特》系列里经常出现隐身术我想,人们会对未来能够隐形的设想感到非常兴奋。

    People have been fascinated with cloaking for a very long time , said John Howell , a Professor of Physics . Its recently been a really popular thing in science fiction and Harry Potter I think people are really excited about the prospect of just being invisible .