
  • 网络flying geese;flying geese model;Flying Geese Pattern
  1. 东亚金融危机爆发之后,雁行模式又重新引起关注。

    After the East Asian financial crisis broke out , the Flying Geese Model attracted people 's attention again .

  2. 本文从传统的雁行模式开始,论述了东亚经济一体化的发展进程。

    This text starts from the traditional " flying geese model " to elaborate the growing integration of economics in East Asia .

  3. 雁行模式与东亚地区产业分工的新变化

    On the New Trend of the Division of Labor in Northeast Asia

  4. 雁行模式与中国的产业区域转移

    The Flying-Geese Pattern and Inter-Regional Industrial Migration in China

  5. 经济全球化条件下东亚雁行模式的发展趋势

    Trends in the Flying-geese Pattern of Development in the East Asia under the Globalization Conditions

  6. 雁行模式的变革与中国产业发展选择

    The Alteration of " Flying Geese Pattern " and the Development Choice of Industry in China

  7. 另外,本文还从旧雁行模式入手,创造性提出后雁行时代的新雁阵模式以及中国所处的位置。

    Then created a new wild goose mode in Asia and relocate the position of the China .

  8. 在此背景下,日本官方指出,以日本为领头雁的东亚雁行模式业已结束。

    Under these backgrounds , Japanese official reports declared that the flying geese model in eastern Asia was over .

  9. 早在20世纪70、80年代日本就曾经提出和建立了雁行模式。

    As early as the 70 s and the 80 s , Japan had raised and established the " flying geese model " .

  10. 那么,日本官方的这一表态是否表明雁行模式真的终结了呢?在此背景下,日本官方指出,以日本为领头雁的东亚雁行模式业已结束。

    Is the declaration show the finishing of flying geese model ? Under these backgrounds , Japanese official reports declared that the flying geese model in eastern Asia was over .

  11. 20世纪60年代以来,东亚各国经济在不同阶段依次相继起飞,其经济起飞的主要原因之一缘于东亚分工模式&雁行模式。

    Since 1960 's the economy in East Asian countries have been developed successively in different periods . One of the main reasons of the economic take-off of the East Asia is the " swallow model " .

  12. 本文首先回顾了外商直接投资对东道国产业结构影响的相关理论,雁行模式、产品生命周期理论、边际产业转移理论等为分析外商直接投资对东道国产业结构的影响提供了较为完整的理论框架。

    The " flying geese model ", the product life cycle theory , and the marginal theory analysis of the industrial transfer provide a complete theoretical framework of foreign direct investment ' effects on the industrial structure of the host country .

  13. 本文站在国际经济合作的角度考察雁行模式下东亚经济合作历史和现状,试图揭示雁行模式的合理内核及其面临的挑战。

    In this paper , the author expounds the history and present situation of the East Asia 's economic cooperation guided by the Flying Geese Model in the perspective of international economic cooperation and tries to bring to light the model 's reasonable core and the challenges it 's facing .

  14. 唐山地震破裂过程的雁行断裂模式及理论和试验的模拟

    An echelon fracture model for the Tangshan earthquake sequence as well as simulation in theory and experiment

  15. 跨国家的产业化程序已经变得比“雁行”模式复杂得多。

    The process of industrialisation across economies has become much more complex than the " flying geese " progression .

  16. 国际产业转移最典型的案例就是以日本为雁首的日本-亚洲新型工业化国家和地区-东南亚国家的雁行发展模式。

    International industrial transfer of the most typical case is the first to Japan for the wild geese and Japan - Asia New industrialized countries and regions - Southeast Asian countries " flying geese " pattern of development .

  17. 这个理论被称为“雁行”的发展模式。

    It became known as the " flying geese " model of development .