
  1. 这些集中供水灌溉系统的购买和使用成本都比较高,ChrisSchaefers家就拥有8个这样的系统,他说使用这个系统,农作物的产量提高了,在银行也能获得更好的信用,完全可以收回投入的成本。

    These center-pit irrigation systems are expensive to buy and operate . But Chris Schaefers whose family owns 8 of them says they get their money back in better yields and better credit at the bank .

  2. 在受到污染的地下水地区建立集中供水基地。

    Construct the centralization the supply water base in the underwater-polluted region .

  3. 浅谈北京市昌平区乡镇集中供水工程规划

    On the planning of centralized water-supply works in the township of Beijing suburbs

  4. 北京市郊区小城镇集中供水工程设计

    Design of the centralized water supply system in the small towns of Beijing suburbs

  5. 数值模拟方法在岩溶大泉泉口集中供水评价中的应用研究

    Application of numerical simulation method to the evaluation of large karst spring discharge as water supply

  6. 平原水库集中供水实现村村通自来水,具有水质、水量、使用方便的优越性;

    Rural water supply from plain reservoirs has advantage of water quality , water quantity and convenience .

  7. 改建深井为主的小型集中供水对淮北农村饮水水质改善效果研究

    Assessment of Improvement in Drinking Water Quality since Introduction of Deepwell Tap Water in Huaibei Rural Area

  8. 淮北农村改建深井为主的简易集中供水防制腹泻病效果研究

    Study on Prevention and Control of Diarrhoeal Diseases by Providing Mainly Deep-well lap Water in Huaibei Rural Area

  9. 本文还针对无处理的集中供水型老厂介绍了不停车化学清洗与预膜的应用方案与效果,并指出这是循环冷却水处理工艺中不可缺少的重要环节。

    This system is also worth while to the old refinery without water treatment but with a centralized water supply .

  10. 31.5%的农户采用村集中供水,采取净化消毒措施的仅为8.4%;

    31.5 % adapted central water supply at village level . Only 8.4 % water supply passed purification and disinfection .

  11. 进行区域集中供水规划时,区域内优质水源的公道配置是基础,规模经济、管网优化布置等是重要的约束条件。

    Memory in a muti-regional water supply units , slice taken at this stage to concentrate more economical and reasonable .

  12. 指出了城镇集中供水水源地地下水开采的主要适用形式。

    In addition , the paper submits the suitable forms that exploring ground water of urban focus source region of water supply .

  13. 集中供水工程中,有44.98%的小水厂无任何净水设备而直接供水。

    In the concentrating water supply project , 44.98 % of small water factories supplied water directly without any water purification equipment .

  14. 故此方法可有效地缓解一些不能进行集中供水的偏远山区和分散用户的饮用水安全。

    Therefore , the method can be effectively alleviate some of the centralized water supply in remote mountainous areas and decentralized user of safe drinking water .

  15. 住宅太阳能集中供水系统的应用与探讨农村集中供水厂良性运行若干问题的探讨

    Research in the Integrated Water Supply System Driven by Solar Energy for Residential Use and Application of It Issues related to effective operation of centralized water plants in rural areas

  16. 为了解集中供水系统的霉菌含量水平及与有关水质指标的相关关系,探讨霉菌的饮水卫生学意义,调查了供水系统的霉菌含量。

    In order to understand the fungi count levels and its correlation four water quality parameters in the water of four centralized water works and assess its hygienic significance in drinking water , the investigation was made .

  17. 可以通过科学规划,集中供水等工程措施和环境监控、水价调控、强化服务、完善管理等非工程措施有效提高农村饮用水安全标准。

    We can make use of project measures that are plan with reason , supply water centralized and so on . We can also utilize non - project measures that are monitoring environment , regulation water price , strengthened service , perfecting the management etc.

  18. 阜阳市集中式供水水质分析

    Water Quality Analysis of Centralized Water Supply in Fuyang

  19. 六安市集中式供水单位2000~2004年供水水质监测结果分析

    Analysis of Water Quality from Centralized Water Supply Department in Luan City in 2000 ~ 2004

  20. 目的了解六安市集中式供水单位生活饮用水水质卫生质量的动态变化,为保证供水质量提供依据。

    Objective To investigate the sanitary quality of drinking water from centralized water supply department in Luan City .

  21. 目的分析宿州市市、县级自来水水厂供水卫生现状和影响因素,以加强我市集中式供水卫生管理。

    Objective Analyzing the sanitation status and its crucial factors of SuZhou water supply in order to strengthen sanitation management of water supply .

  22. 建筑与居住小区饮用水集中分质供水问题探讨

    Problems on Centralized Dual Supply System of Drinking Water in Residential Quarters

  23. 针对城乡集约化供水模式对原有城市供水管网供水的影响,集中探讨了供水管网中泵站增压方式的优化。

    Aimed at the influence of urban-rural intensive water supply pattern on water supply pipe network , the optimization of booster pump station operation in the pipe network is mainly discussed .

  24. 但是,由于各种因素的综合影响,工程在设计效益的发挥等方面存在一些问题,集中表现在供水能力未能充分发挥、工程水资源配置没有实现最优化。

    However there are still some problems in achieving the designed project outputs due to influence of the various factors , which are mainly known as water supply volume haven 't reach expected standards and water allocation haven 't been fully optimized .