
zhì dié
  • crenelation;battlements
雉堞 [zhì dié]
  • [crenellation;parapei] 古代城墙上掩护守城人用的矮墙,也泛指城墙

  1. 我清楚地记得我在《牛津学生地图册》(OxfordSchoolAtlas)中看到了长城的雉堞线。

    I vividly recall seeing in the " Oxford School Atlas " the Great Wall with its battlement symbol .

  2. 一幢四角有塔楼、墙头有雉堞的四方形宅子。

    A four-square house , with corner turrets and battlements .

  3. 在微风中,城堡的雉堞式装饰墙上飘著一面旗帜。

    From the battlement of the tower float a flag in the soft wind .

  4. 离开塘沽那些思乡的美军后,我经天津前往北平,在一九四六年除夕进入城墙上筑有雉堞的北平城。

    Leaving the homesick Americans at Tangku , I passed through Tientsin to Peiping , entering the crenelated battlements of the Tartar City on the last day of1946 .

  5. 别墅建于20世纪60年代,结合了现代与传统摩洛哥特色,包括金属框架的落地玻璃大窗、粉刷灰泥墙、带有雉堞的马蹄形巨大拱门和棋盘图案的大理石地板。

    Built in the 1960s , it incorporates Modernist and traditional Moroccan features including large , metal-framed floor-to-ceiling windows , whitewashed stucco walls , giant crenellated horseshoe arches and checkerboard-marble floors .

  6. 这是个绅士的住宅,但不是贵族的宅邸。围在楼顶的雉堞增添了些许诗情画意。

    It was three storeys high , of proportions not vast , though considerable : a gentleman 's manor-house , not a nobleman 's seat : battlements round the top gave it a picturesque look .