
  • 网络change in demand;need shifts;Fluctuating demand
  1. 论我国的收入分配、金融资产增长与消费需求变动

    On China 's Income Distribution , Financial Assets Growth and Consumption

  2. 江西省居民消费需求变动与产业结构调整

    Changes in Individual Consume Demand and Adjustment in Industry Structure in Jiangxi

  3. 消费需求变动与近代中国经济增长

    Changes of Consumptive Demand and Economic Growth in Modern China

  4. 论需求变动对经济增长的作用&西方乘数理论和加速理论的缺陷及其修正

    On the Effect of Demand Shift on Economic Growth

  5. 价格总水平变动与消费需求变动的关系比较间接。

    The relationship between the changes of price level and consumption demand is indirect .

  6. 家庭储蓄需求变动对银行产品供给没有诱导作用。

    Household savings demand changes play no role of inducing over banking product supply .

  7. 投资需求变动及积极财政政策的效应评价

    Evaluation on the Effects of the Change of Investment Demand and Positive Financial Policy

  8. 有顾客需求变动的车辆调度干扰管理研究

    Study on Disruption Management for Vehicle Routing Problem with the Request Changes of Customers

  9. 从我国消费需求变动趋势看彩电业的战略选择

    On the Strategic Choice of TV-making Industry Based on the Changing Tendency of Consuming Demand

  10. 中国股票市场综合效应与消费需求变动分析

    An Analysis on the Comprehensive Effect and Fluctuation of Consuming Demand in Chinese Stock Market

  11. 消费需求变动与河北经济增长的动力结构

    The Changes of Consumption Requirements and the Dynamic Structure of Economic Increase in Hebei Province

  12. 需求变动大;

    The demand change is great ;

  13. 本文认为中国近代畜产品出口贸易受国内经济形势与国际需求变动影响比较大,并且不同的产品表现出不同的特点。

    Economic situation and international demand have a noticeable impact on export trade of livestock products .

  14. 看来变动汇率在面临出口需求变动时能发挥较好的作用。

    Flexible exchange rates seem to perform better in the face of shifts in export demand .

  15. 近代日本消费需求变动的因素分析

    An Analysis of the Factors of Regulating Alteration of Consumer Demand : The Case of Modern Japan

  16. 适量的库存可以预防不确定性的、随机的需求变动,保持生产的连续性、稳定性。

    Appropriate inventory helps protect unsure and random changes of needs and keep producing continuing and stable .

  17. 导致现金流入变动的影响因素主要包括消费需求变动和市场竞争程度等;

    The influencing factors of cash-flow-in risk include the market competitive degree and change of consumption demand mainly .

  18. 需求变动环境下商品车物流企业运输资源优化配置研究

    The Research on Optimization and Disposition of Transportation Resources of Vehicle Physical Distribution Enterprise under Demand Change Environment

  19. 多模式条件下需求变动时铁路客票价格制定的优化模型及算法

    A Bi-level Model and Solution Algorithm for Passenger-Ticket Pricing Problem under the Condition of Multi-model Transportation with Elastic Demands

  20. 需求变动下南水北调东线水资源供应链多级协调决策模型

    Multi-level cooperative decision-making model for water resources supply chain of east route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project under seasonal demand

  21. 然后进一步提出了需求变动下集中决策型供应链和分散决策型供应链的协调模型。

    And then the coordination models in a centralized decision-making supply chain and a decentralized decision-making supply chain under demand change are built .

  22. 去年,当发达经济体专注于凯恩斯理论的需求变动之际,亚太经济体却在推动改革尤其是服务业的改革以加快经济的增长。

    Last year as developed economies focused on Keynesian changes in demand , Asia-Pacific economies were advancing reforms especially in services to generate higher growth .

  23. 在传统的采购模型中,加入期权合同从而有效控制由于价格变动和外部需求变动所造成的风险损失。

    In the traditional procurement models , we add the option contracts in order to control the risk caused by the fluctuating prices and variable outside demands .

  24. 他们认为,由于工资和价格刚性的存在,价格对总需求变动的调整是一个渐进的过程,名义冲击能够对经济产生持续的影响。

    They believe that due to the existence of nominal stickiness prices adjust gradually to the changes of aggregate demand , and nominal shocks have persistent effect on output .

  25. 在底层系统技术以快速的步伐发生变化时,需求变动性就会大量地滋生;这会导致设计和组件的提早退化,否则它们是可重用的。

    Requirements volatility stems largely from the rapid pace at which underlying system technologies change ; this leads to early obsolescence of designs and components that might otherwise be reusable .

  26. 而影响体育消费需求变动的因素为消费者的收入和偏好、政府政策、体育商品及相关商品的价格等。

    The factors that influence the changes in sports goods demand are the income and preference of the consumers , the government policy , and the price of sports and related goods .

  27. 最终,美对中国机电产品需求变动表现为一种依存效应与抑制效应共同作用下形成的综合效应。

    Therefore , the change of demand of the US market for electromechanical products from China shows a kind of the comprehensive effects formed by the interaction of dependent effects and inhibiting effects .

  28. 给出了1个双层规划模型来描述多模式条件下需求变动时铁路客票价格的制定问题,并给出了该模型的求解算法。

    In this paper , a bi level programming model and its solution is proposed to describe the problem of passenger ticket pricing under the condition of multi modal transportation with elastic demands .

  29. 而林业项目管理信息系统还具有监测指标多样,管理层次复杂,数据结构特殊,项目目标需求变动大等特点。

    Besides the functions , the forestry management information system also has the characteristics such as multiplicity supervise index , complexity administrating levels , special data composition , project target changeable or alteration etc.

  30. 长期影响近代日本消费需求变动的因素主要有四个方面:国民经济的不断增长和国民收入的不断提高是近代日本消费需求逐渐上升的物质基础和前提条件;

    For long the factors have influenced the fluctuation of consumer demand in modern Japan are four : ( 1 ) The increasing of economy and national income is the foundation enhancing the increase of consumer demand gradually ;