
  1. 这些首席财务长们指出,燃料成本高企与消费需求疲软正在挤压着公司的利润率。

    High fuel costs and weak consumer demand already are squeezing profit margins , the finance chiefs said .

  2. 尽管这显示消费需求疲软,但价格压力的下降,也给官方带来了动用货币及财政工具支持经济的更大空间。

    While indicative of weakness in consumer demand , the decline in price pressure gives authorities scope to use monetary and fiscal tools to support the economy .

  3. SIA表示,企业用PC的更新,智能手机的需求和IT基础设施方面的开支弥补了消费需求方面的疲软。

    The SIA said that corporate PC refresh cycle , smartphone demand and spending on IT infrastructure is being offset by a weak consumer demand .

  4. 面对我国目前城镇居民消费需求不足、市场疲软的情况,国家采取了多种扩大内需的措施和对策,促进消费需求。

    Considering the insufficient demand of urban residents for consumption and the slump of the market , the Chinese government has carried out a series of measures to expand domestic demand and stimulate consumption .

  5. 消费需求是经济增长的决定性因素,消费需求的疲软制约了我国经济的发展。

    Consumption demand is a decisive factor for economic augmentation . If it were stagnant , the development of economy in our country would be restricted .