
  1. 所以,除非你在做建设性的计策安排,否则别让自己沉醉于消极幻想当中。

    So unless you 're doing constructive strategizing , don 't allow yourself to indulge in negative fantasies .

  2. 所以,除非你在做建设性的规划,否则别让自己沉溺于消极幻想当中。

    So unless you 're doing constructive strategizing , don 't allow yourself to indulge in negative fantasies . 7 .

  3. 一个IT安全方案可能会教会孩子识别攻击,而不是消极地幻想恐惧。

    An IT security approach would be to teach kids to recognise the attacks , rather than react negatively to an imagined fear .

  4. 初中生在考试前采用的应付方式主要有问题解决、调节心情、消极宣泄、幻想/逃避、自责、忍耐、倾诉这7种。

    Before test , junior middle school students usually cope the test with 7 ways of coping , including : problem solving , calming , venting , illusion / escape , self-blaming , bearing , feeling pouring .