
  • 网络Spending power;Consumption Power;consumption ability
  1. 代表团声称,比起申根签证(Schengenvisa)&这种签证允许获得者进入欧洲其他26国,官僚化的英国签证申请程序让许多中国游客怯步,让英国经济失去几十亿英镑的消费力。

    Delegates claim the bureaucratic application for UK visas , compared with the Schengen visa which grants access to 26 other European countries , is discouraging Chinese tourists and starving the UK economy of billions of pounds of spending power .

  2. 所以政府正在放松财政政策并且竭力保持消费力。

    So governments are loosening fiscal policies to try and maintain spending power .

  3. 现在商家更加意识到同性恋族群消费力、即所谓“粉红英镑”的重要性。

    Businesses are now more aware of the importance of the ' pink pound ' .

  4. “儿童消费力”问题愈发突出与儿童广告的增加直接相关。

    The growth of the issue of Pester Power is directly related to the rise of child advertising .

  5. 年时,发展中国家只占全世界经济产出的37%(以消费力平价计算)。

    In 2000 developing countries accounted for 37 % of world output ( at purchasing power parities ) . 2000

  6. “儿童消费力”指的是儿童影响其父母消费决策的能力,通常通过唠叨和纠缠不休达到让父母购物的目的。

    Pester power is a child 's ability to affect their parents ' marketing decisions , often through the use of nagging , or pestering .

  7. 营销公司常用“儿童消费力”来描述4到6岁的儿童的这种行为。他们自己没有什么钱,因而无法自己买东西。

    Pester Power is commonly used by marketing companies to target the 4 – 6 years old category as they have limited disposable income of their own , and consequently do not have the means to buy goods themselves .

  8. 《女人想要更多》(WomenWantMore)一书的作者MichaelSilverstein称,这类顾客正“准备宣告衰退结束”。该书描绘了有钱女性不断增长的消费力。

    Such shoppers are " ready to declare the recession over ", says Michael Silverstein , the author of " Women Want More ", a book charting their growing spending-power .

  9. 即便是非常贫穷的人似乎也有一定的消费力。

    Even the very poor seem to have some consumer power .

  10. 和平带来的必定后果便是消费力降落。

    The necessary outcome of a war is a fall in production .

  11. 经济进入生产过剩阶段,也就是说消费力不足的阶段。

    The economy had reached a stage of overproduction , or under-consumption .

  12. 因此私人消费力不足将很有可能延长一段时间。

    So the odds of prolonged weakness in private spending are even greater .

  13. 提升农民教育消费力的思考

    Research on expanding peasant 's educational consuming capacity

  14. 这些人代表着几十万亿美元的消费力将会注入全球经济体。

    These people represent tens of trillions of dollars injected into the global economy .

  15. 相对于我国目前的经济增长和投资增长而言,消费力仍显不足。

    Comparing to the economic and investment growth , China 's consume power is insufficient .

  16. 这项消费力的进步是一个即将上市零售物品的好预兆。

    This improvement in consumer 's spirits is a good omen for upcoming retail sales .

  17. 他们的消费力已开始促成所有汽车相关物品的二次繁荣。

    Their spending power has begun to fuel a secondary boom in all things car-related .

  18. 他们说,成人们其实可以通过抵制“儿童消费力”来改善与孩子之间的关系。

    They say that adults can actually improve their relationships with their children by resisting'pester power ' .

  19. 它有私营企业、蹩脚的市场经济和庞大的消费力。

    It has private businesses , a free market of sorts and a great taste for consumption .

  20. 试论对内开放中消费力与生产力互动的实践内涵与逻辑

    On the Practical Connotation and the Logic of Consumption Capability and Productivity in the Opening to the Interior

  21. 如果是家庭控制着消费力,他们会更青睐消费品和服务,这将有利于服务业。

    If households control spending power they will favour consumer goods and services , which benefits the service sector .

  22. 试论经济全球化发展中的文化教育是第一消费力

    On the Statement of " Culture and Education Are the Primary Consumption " in the Course of Economic Globalization

  23. 居民消费力增强,对保险需求增加,替代品威胁很小。

    The increase of power of resident consumption stimulates the demand for insurance and the threat of alternatives is very small .

  24. 作为拥有世界上最多人口的国家,中国的传媒资源市场、传媒产品消费力市场潜力巨大。

    As a country with most largest population , China offers a significant potential market of media resources and consuming capacity .

  25. 油价是2007年的1.5倍,达到预期峰值,通货膨胀加剧,失业率上升,消费力强劲。

    The oil price is1.5 times higher than it was in2007 , the peak of general optimism ; inflation is heading down ;

  26. 发展观转到以人为本,就要高度重视消费力概念。经济增长由投资需求拉动转向消费需求拉动反映了向以人为本发展观的转变。

    Turning to the humanity-oriented development view , consumption ability is emphasized , and economic growth is pulled by consumption rather than investment .

  27. 虽然中产阶层的总消费力将超过城市富裕人群,但后者仍将是一些公司的关键市场。

    While total spending by the middle class will exceed that of urban-affluent consumers , the latter will remain a critical market for some companies .

  28. 罗斯柴尔德勋爵寄望于中国和其他新兴市场国家日益增强的消费力来驱动新基金未来的投资回报。

    That growing spending power from China and other emerging markets is something that Lord Rothschild is counting on to drive returns from the new fund .

  29. 如果政府控制着消费力,它会侧重于基础设施、工业项目和工业产品,这会推动重工业、能源及自然资源的消费。

    If the government controls spending power , it will favour infrastructure , industrial projects and industrial goods , boosting heavy industries and energy and natural resource consumption .

  30. 鉴于现时市民的消费力疲弱,立法会应否支持政府和其他提供公共服务的机构提高收费的申请?

    In view of the generally weak in consumers spending power , should the legislative support proposals for fee increases by the government and other public utility companies ?