
  • 网络rejection of commodity
  1. 购物时商场规定,“打折、特价商品不能退换”。

    Shopping malls refuse to change discounted and special offer goods .

  2. 很抱歉,打折商品不能退换。

    I 'm sorry , discounted products cannot be exchanged .

  3. 随着B2C电子商务业务量的迅速增长,如果消费者发现购买的商品与网络商品描述不同,或者商品有质量问题,或者后悔买了原本不该买的商品时,退换货就产生了。

    With the rapid growth of B2C e-commerce business , if consumers found the goods is different with the Description , or the products have quality problems , or consumer is regretted that the goods was not supposed to buy , Returns has generated .