
  • 网络literary consumption
  1. 读图时代与文学消费的快餐化

    " Graph-Reading Times " and the Fast Food of Literary Consumption

  2. 文学消费&新时代带来的新的文学观念

    Literary Consumption & New Concept of Literature Brought by New Era

  3. 大众消费时代的文学消费

    Consumption of Literary Works in the Era of Mass Consumption

  4. 论影响读者文学消费自由的因素

    On the Factors Influencing Readers ' Literary Consumption Freedom

  5. 包括:文学消费与文化工业;

    Including : Literature expense and cultural industry ;

  6. 从演绎到戏说&文学消费历史现象的理论依据

    From Deduction to Dramatization & Theoretic Basis of the Phenomenon of Literature Consumed History

  7. 批评:一种特殊的文学消费

    Criticism : A Special Literary Consumption

  8. 文学消费与文学的功用问题

    On the Literature Consumption and Function

  9. 文学消费与中国古代小说、戏剧的盛衰

    On the Consumption of Literature and the Ups and Downs of the Ancient Chinese Novels and Dramas

  10. 本论文主要考察90年代后大众传媒影响下的文学消费倾向问题。

    My research is focused on the literary consumption - prone under the influence of mass media .

  11. 主要对市场经济条件下文学消费结构变化及影响消费的因素进行了分析研究。

    It mainly researches the changes of literature consumption structure and the factors that influence literature consumption .

  12. 当前文学消费历史的现象,从理论上可以追溯到中国小说与历史的关系。

    The current phenomenon of literature-consumed history could be traced back to the relation between traditional Chinese novel and history .

  13. 和任何批评方法一样,以接受美学为基础、侧重读者为中心的接受批评方法对文学消费活动产生着重要影响。

    Similarity to any criticism method , and based on reception aesthetics , the reader-centered reception criticism has produced great influence upon literature consumption activity .

  14. 媒体时代的文学消费&从几种报纸的文学副刊看大众的文化消费心理

    Cultural Consumption in the Media Age & a Viewpoint , Which is Formed through Studying Some Literary Supplements to Several Newspapers , on the Psychology of Mass Readers ' Cultural Consumption

  15. 在当今网络语境下,他们有了更便利直接与读者、市场接触的机会,文学消费也在更加明显地影响着他们的写作。

    Under the network linguistic environment , they have now conveniently with the reader , the market contact opportunity , the literature expended directly in obviously are also affecting their writing .

  16. 文学消费与文学的功用问题文章最后主要探讨了中国作家应该如何应对二十、二十一世纪之交中国文学,尤其是主要文学消费市场的都市多元化的生存背景。

    At the end of the dissertation I explore the question on how Chinese writers should deal with the surviving context , particularly the pluralism in the literature consumption market in big cities at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries .

  17. 文学的消费&美国大众文学巡视

    The Consumption of literature & An Inspection Tour of Popular Literature in the United States

  18. 在文学被消费、被商品化的大潮中,它是文学热爱者的精神高地,闪耀着纯文学理想的点点星火。

    In the tide that literature is consumed and commercialized , the pure literature journal is the literature lovers ' spirit highlands that shining spark of literary dream .

  19. 文学的消费化,不再给我们的现实生存和人性存在提供价值意义和道德伦理关怀,文学失去了情感抚慰的心灵家园而彻底沦为欲望商品。

    The consumption of literature , no longer gives us realistic existence and human existence value and ethical concern , literature lost emotional mind homeland and completely reduced to desire goods .

  20. 文学生产与消费的情报特征与非情报特征

    Review of Information Characteristics and Non - information Characteristics on Literature Production and Consumption

  21. 市场化下的文学生产与消费

    Production and Consumption of Literature under Marketization

  22. 海岩顺应时代需求,开创了大众化文学创作和消费机制的结合。

    The writer complies with the time demanding , founded the popularity literary production and the expense mechanism union .

  23. 大众传媒的消费性决定了文学生产的消费目的成为文学文本的重要目的,由此也带来文学批评的角色转换。

    The consuming purpose of literature production is determined by the consuming nature of mass media . The role of literature criticism was also transformed .

  24. 由雅俗共赏透析文学的传媒消费从整治互联网低俗之风看网络媒体的社会责任

    Viewing the Media Consumption of Literature via Enjoyment of Both Highbrows and Lowbrows ; On the Social Responsibilities of Internet Media with the Context of Renovating Vulgar News on Internet

  25. 其次,以所做的问卷调查为依据,比较贴近实际地考察了手机文学的主要消费群体&中学生、大学生以及都市年青女性群体的消费心理。

    Thirdly , based on the survey , the author analyzes the psychology of main consumers of mobile phone literature & middle school students , college students and young city females .

  26. 20世纪90年代以来,大众传媒对于文学生产和文学消费的影响力不断强化。

    Since 1990s , mass media have begun to increasingly exert a great influence on literary production and literary consumption .

  27. 在这个过程中,文学批评处在文学消费的一极,是一种特殊性质的文学消费活动。

    During this process , literary criticism , which plays the role of consumption is a special action expended in reading .

  28. 了新一代韩国人,是一批热衷于日本流行歌曲、文学、电影的消费群体。

    That has created a new generation of South Koreans who are enthusiastic consumers of Japanese pop music , literature and movies .

  29. 这一趋向的形成,与文学所置身的消费文化语境和传媒的话语霸权密切相关。

    This new trend is closely connected with the context of consumer culture and the discursive hegemony of media in which literature situates itself .

  30. 影视艺术和网络文学作为一种消费产业,要实现商业利益和审美的双赢,则需要进行诗意的建构。

    As a consuming industry , if film and TV art as well as network literature will achieve win-win commercial interests and appreciation , the construction of poetic flavor is necessary .