
  • 网络BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION;Business management
  1. 格里菲斯和陈炳富分别从现代军事学和商业管理学重新阐释了《孙子兵法》,所以本文作者特别选取了他们的英译本作为研究案例。

    Griffith and Chen reinterpret The Art of War from modern military science and business management respectively , so the author chooses their versions as study cases .

  2. 美国哥伦比亚大学(Columbiauniversity)国际商业管理学教授、风险领域的前沿学者埃尔克·韦伯(ElkeWeber)表示,得知促使人们采取风险行动的原因是如此多种多样真令人惊讶。

    ' It has been surprising to learn what a wide variety of reasons people have for risk-taking , ' says Elke Weber , a professor of international business at Columbia University and a leading researcher on risk .

  3. 南特高等商业学院管理学硕士学位是法国一流的研究生管理学课程之一。

    The Audencia Master in Management is one of France 's flagship graduate management courses .

  4. 这三个命题的提出及其论证有助于走出商业银行管理学研究的一些误区。

    It is believed that the presentation and demonstration of these opinions will be helpful to the research of commercial banks management .

  5. 课程第一阶段阐述了商业和管理学的各个基本概念及核心理念。

    The PG Certificate stage of the programme uses a rigid curriculum to explore a core set of concepts and ideas about business and management .

  6. 笔者认为,商业银行管理学研究应考虑三个命题:商业银行具有特殊的经营管理规律;

    Three opinions on the commercial banks management are presented in this article : there are special laws on the operation and management of commercial banks ;