
  • Marketing;Marketing Management;Market Selling
  1. 没有。我想我已经有了市场营销学的基础了吧,因为我上了所有这里关于PR的交流课程。

    No , I figured I 've got the marketing basis already since I have taken every PR in communication courses offered here .

  2. 从市场营销学的4P角度,给我国蔬菜种子企业提出了营销管理建议。

    From the 4P of marketing angle , the article puts forward the proposals of promoting Vegetables Seed Enterprise of Our country .

  3. CUBA的市场营销学分析及启示

    An analysis and instructions of the marketing of CUBA

  4. 本论文从HF电气集团公司(简称HF公司)的实际出发,结合现代市场营销学理论,系统地制定出HF公司电力二次设备市场营销战略。

    I establish systematically the marketing strategy on electric power secondary Equipment for HF Electric Corporation with modern marketing theory in this thesis .

  5. 密歇根大学罗斯商学院(UniversityofMichigan’sRossSchoolofBusiness)市场营销学教授斯科特·里克(ScottRick)专注于研究金钱、吸引力和婚姻幸福间的联系。

    Scott Rick , a marketing professor at the University of Michigan 's Ross School of Business , studies the links between money , attraction and marital happiness .

  6. 迄今为止,我发现自己应用到了mba头一年学过的几乎每一门课程,例如系统动力学、数据建模和市场营销学。

    So far I have found myself using nearly every subject I have covered during my first year of MBA studies , for example systems dynamics , data modelling and marketing .

  7. 该部分作者采用市场营销学的市场细分与目标市场选择理论以及采用SWOT分析法对现代商业银行市场营销战略理论进行阐述。

    In this part , temporary commercial banks ' theory on marketing strategy is explained by means of market subdivisions and target market options of the marketing , SWOT analysis method .

  8. 她是麻省理工学院(MITSloan)第一位女性市场营销学终身教授,2014年被评为了商学院的“年度优秀教师”。此前,她还曾经三次获得这项荣誉的提名。

    MIT 's first tenured female marketing professor was voted the B-school 's " Teacher of the Year " in 2014 , an honor she was nominated for three times previously .

  9. 本文选取《21世纪经济报道》为样本,介绍其发展概况,通过市场营销学中的SWOT分析方法,总体分析了这份报纸的特色,并通过实际案例分析它的报道特色。

    This paper selects the 21st century business herald as sample , introduces the development situation , through the marketing of SWOT analysis method , this paper analyzes the characteristics , and through the analysis of actual case reports of it .

  10. 本文试图运用管理学、市场营销学、消费者心理学等知识,从以下几个方面论述中国目前的两家移动通信运营商(中国移动、中国联通)市场营销战略及其在未来3G时代的营销战略调整策略。

    This thesis try to discuss the marketing strategy of China Mobile and China Unicom in the follow way , using management , marketing , consumer psychics , etc , as well as their adjustment tactics of marketing in the coming 3G era .

  11. 基本理论和方法本文的理论基础是市场营销学理论,运用了SWOT、STP、4PS、产品生命周期理论等分析工具,对华汇公司进行了实证研究。

    Basic Theory and MethodMarketing theory is the basic theory in this article , which researches Huahui Company by using analysis tools such as SWOT , STP , 4PS and life cycle of product .

  12. 运用理论分析法,对CUBA现行竞赛体制存在的问题进行深入剖析,并提出分级赛制的改革建议,继而从系统论、市场营销学和可行性角度分析之。

    Through theoretical analyzing , the writers deeply research on problems existed in CUBA league series system , and put forward advice about grade-dividing series , which is furthermore analyzed from the point of systematism , marketing and feasibility .

  13. 进行这项研究的哥伦比亚大学商学院(ColumbiaBusinessSchool)市场营销学助理教授凯斯•威尔克斯(KeithWilcox)说,虽然我们在和朋友家人面对面时可能更谦逊,但我们却最想让这些人看到我们在网上经过了美化的状态更新。

    And while we 're more likely to be modest with our friends and family in person , these are the people we most want to see our enhanced updates online , says Keith Wilcox , assistant professor of marketing at Columbia Business School , who conducted the study .

  14. 营销组织与营销控制研究。营销活动与营销决策研究是市场营销学的核心内容,也就是营销学常说的4Ps,即产品策略、渠道策略、定价策略、促销策略。

    The core idea of marketing is marketing activity and marketing decision , which is often mentioned as 4Ps in marketing , that is , product strategy , channel strategy , pricing strategy and promotion strategy .

  15. 案例分析部分运用了波士顿矩阵、波特五种力量模型、SWOT分析、市场营销学中的STP、4Ps等理论,对宽带市场、宽带业务价值链、广东省电信公司的内外部环境。

    In the case analysis part , some theories and tools are used like BCG , five-forces model , SWOT , STP , 4Ps . Analysises about broadband market , value chain of broadband business , environment of Guangdong Telecom are made .

  16. 本文结合MBA课程所学到的相关知识,尤其是市场营销学、企业战略等课程,应用4V营销组合和四度理论进行分析,对国外高端建材产品在当前国内市场的销售提出建议。

    Combined with knowledge learned in MBA courses , especially in courses such as marketing , business strategy etc , the paper proposed some suggestion on the sales of foreign high-end building materials in domestic market by analysis with 4V Marketing Mix and Four Degrees of Marketing theory .

  17. 本文以市场营销学中的4C理论对金盾出版社做的个案分析所折射出的农村图书营销智慧,对其他出版社有一定的示范效应。

    And the analyses this article has made on individual cases of the Golden Shield Press are the result of application of the " 4C " Theory of marketing logistics and its wisdom in rural book marketing will no doubt make certain demonstration effects on other publishing houses .

  18. 以市场营销学的经典理论4P和4C为依据,以市场营销学、体育学为基点,从网球俱乐部开发、经营运作体育市场的角度,对网球俱乐部的营销战略进行了研究。

    The thesis on the basis of the classical marketing theory of 4P + 4C , established on the subject of marketing and sports , makes a careful study on tactics of managing and selling of tennis club from the angle of tennis club developing and operating sports market .

  19. 分销渠道管理是市场营销学的分支。

    The marketing channel management is a branch of marketing subject .

  20. 市场营销学课程教学效果评价的程序

    Procedures of Assessing Teaching Effect of the Course " Marketing "

  21. 顾客需求是市场营销学研究的永恒主题。

    Consumer 's demand is the eternal topic in marketing forever .

  22. 《市场营销学》的教学模式设计与探索

    Teaching and learning design and research in the course of Marketing

  23. 品牌是市场营销学和广告学广为使用的一个概念。

    Brand is used frequently in Marketing & Sales and Advertisement .

  24. 关于工商管理本科专业《市场营销学》课程教学的几点思考

    Several ideas Concerning to Undergraduate Course Teaching of Marketing on Business Administration

  25. 市场营销学角色互换教学法的实证分析

    The Empirical Research on the Teaching Method of Role Reversal in Marketing

  26. 知识经济时代市场营销学的改革与发展

    The Reform and Development of Marketing in Knowledge Economy Era

  27. 关于《市场营销学》课程考试模式改革的思考

    Thoughts on the Reform of Test Patterns in the Course of Marketing

  28. 多媒体案例教学在市场营销学教学中的应用

    The Application of Multimedia Case Study Teaching in the Teaching of Marketing

  29. 浅议旅游市场营销学的定位

    A Brief Talk On The Orientation Of Tourism Marketing

  30. 市场营销学的引进发展和教材、教学状况。

    Presents the introduction , development , textbooks and teaching situation of marketing .