
shì chǎng diào yán
  • Market Research;Marketing Research;Market Survey;market research [survey]
  1. 在他看过一份市场调研报告后大概10秒钟就作出了决定。

    The decision had taken about 10 seconds once he 'd read a market research study

  2. 根据明特尔市场调研公司的一项报告可知,它已经从2011年的11。9亿英镑减少到2015年的11。2亿英镑。

    It has shrunk from £ 1.19 billion in 2011 to £ 1.12 billion in 2015 , according to a new report from market research company Mintel .

  3. 六月份,47%的消费者告诉市场调研公司NPD集团称,疫情期间他们一天中的大部分时间都在家穿着同样的衣服;近四分之一的人表示,他们喜欢从早到晚地穿运动服、睡衣裤或家居服。

    In June , 47 % of consumers told market research firm NPD they are wearing the same clothes throughout most of their day while at home during the pandemic , and nearly a quarter said they liked wearing activewear , sleepwear , or loungewear most of the day .

  4. 电话采访由市场调研公司objectiveresearch进行。

    The telephone interviews are conducted by a market research company , objective research .

  5. 李小姐是通亚公司AccessAsia一位秘书,通亚公司是上海一家零售市场调研公司。

    She is a secretary at Access Asia , a retail-research company in Shanghai .

  6. 市场调研公司高德纳(GartnerResearch)分析师迈克尔•加腾伯格预期到2015年,可佩戴式计算机将成长为产值高达百亿美元的产业。

    Gartner research analyst Michael Gartenberg estimates wearable will become a whopping $ 10 billion industry by 2015 .

  7. 根据东京市场调研公司MMResearchInstitute的数据,现在,智能手机已经占到日本新手机出货量的56.6%。

    Smartphones now account for 56.6 % of all new mobile phones shipped in Japan , according to Tokyo-based market research firm MM Research Institute .

  8. 市场调研公司NielsenMobile的数据显示,拥有手机的美国青少年每个月平均要发送和接收2272条短信息。

    Teenagers with cellphones each send and receive 2272 text messages a month on average , Nielsen Mobile says .

  9. 市场调研公司IDC日本的数据显示,iPhone是2012年日本最畅销的手机及智能手机。

    According to IDC Japan , the iPhone was the No. 1 best-seller for 2012 in both handsets and smartphones .

  10. 根据市场调研机构Gartner的数据,上一季度安卓智能手机售出4700万台。

    Last quarter , 47m Android smartphones were sold , according to Gartner data .

  11. 市场调研公司NPDGroup的数据显示,2月份美国新视频游戏的硬件、软件和附属产品销售额较上年同期下降25%至8.10亿美元。

    Sales of new video game hardware , software and accessories fell 25 % from a year earlier to $ 810 million in February , the NPD group reported .

  12. 市场调研公司IDC估计,2012年超级本全球销量将达3000万至4000万台。

    Research firm IDC estimates that anywhere from 30 million to 40 million ultrabooks will be sold worldwide in 2012 .

  13. 第三部分运用SPSS软件对市场调研数据进行因子分析、聚类分析和回归分析。

    The third part analyzes data obtained from market research by SPSS software through statistical technology such as factor analysis and cluster analysis and logistic analysis .

  14. 关联规则挖掘在分析决策、Web日志分析、个性化信息推荐、市场调研等诸多方面发挥着重要的作用。

    The association rules can assist the policy-maker to carry on the decision , which plays an important role in the analysis of stategy , the analysis of web log , the personalization information recommendation , the market investigation and so on .

  15. 东京的市场调研公司MMResearchInstitute发布报告称,由于电子书价格高企、种类不足以及来自智能手机和平板电脑的竞争,整个电子书设备市场去年表现疲软,销量未达预期。

    Tokyo-based market research firm mm Research Institute reports that e-reader demand was weaker in Japan last year than expected owing to the high price of e-books in Japan , their relative scarcity , and competition with smartphones and tablets .

  16. 市场调研部门高管斯特林•拉尼尔(SterlingLanier)几年前一直在寻找不错的新点子。

    Market-research executive Sterling Lanier was looking for successful new ideas a few years ago . '

  17. 波士顿市场调研公司WainhouseResearch称,到2017年底个人视频会议的使用量每年将增加47%。

    The use of personal videoconferencing is expected to grow 47 % annually through 2017 , according to Wainhouse Research , a Boston market-research firm .

  18. 据互联网市场调研公司NetApplications统计,截至上个月Chrome已获得了近19%的台式机浏览器市场,而InternetExplorer的市场份额约为54%。

    As of last month , Chrome had grabbed a nearly 19 % share of the desktop browser market , according to Web metrics company Net Applications , compared with about 54 % for Internet Explorer .

  19. 负责项目所需资料的准备工作,例如:数据统计,地图制作,IRR文件和相关的市场调研资料;

    Be responsible for project preparation such as data tabulation , mapping , IRR documents and relative research materials ;

  20. 据市场调研公司IDC的数据,苹果手机的平均售价为609美元,而全球智能手机均价为249美元。

    Apple 's average selling price is $ 609 , compared with $ 249 for smartphones worldwide , according to IDC , a market-research firm .

  21. 市场调研公司IHS的iSuppli拆解小组在拆解这两款产品时发现了这些差异。

    The differences were discovered when the two products were dissected by the iSuppli wrecking crew at IHS .

  22. 然而市场调研公司IDCRetailInsights的主任莱斯利•韩德表示,实际上,在食品速递行业实现盈利和物流管理非常困难。

    Yet actually turning a profit and managing the logistics of food delivery is tricky , says Leslie hand , a director at IDC retail insights , a market research firm .

  23. 据市场调研机构CNWResearch指出,去年有44%的汽车主要卖给了女性,而且女性影响了将近80%的汽车销售。

    Women were the primary buyers of more than 44 % of all vehicles last year , and they influenced almost 80 % of all auto sales , according to CNW research .

  24. 根据freedoniacustomresearch的初步市场调研,按价值计算,2009年,中国五大地方蛇纹石生产商供应着中国超过75%的蛇纹石需求。

    According to preliminary market research prepared by Freedonia custom research , the top five local serpentine producers in China supplied more than 75 % of domestic demand in value terms in 2009 .

  25. 市场调研机构sageconcepts总裁里奇瓦恩加德纳(richwinegarner)表示,每公斤硅原料的价格已从2003年的30美元左右,涨到目前的72美元左右。

    Prices have risen from about $ 30 per kg in 2003 to around $ 72 now , according to rich winegarner , President of market research firm sage concepts .

  26. 来自数码市场调研公司M2Research的比利•皮金指出:“任天堂(Nintendo)除了出席圣迭戈的动漫大会,还要去纽约参加小型展会,这是他们的营销活动的组成部分。”

    Nintendo has been going to the comic cons in San Diego as well as the smaller one in New York regularly and this is part of their marketing , " says Billy Pidgeon of M2 research . "

  27. WPP旗下市场调研公司TNS就此项数字生活研究,采访了来自46个国家的近5万人。

    TNS , the market researcher owned by WPP , interviewed almost 50,000 people in 46 countries for its Digital Life study .

  28. 市场调研机构IDC于一月份推出全球媒体平板电脑和电子书季度追踪系统。

    Since IDC launched its worldwide quarterly media tablet and eReader tracker in January , its coverage of the tablet market has been , shall we say , spotty .

  29. 然后,对作为民营牙科医院的H牙科医院进行了市场调研,内部评估,内部管理诊断,论述了消费者购买牙科诊疗服务的行为分析,其营销策略现状和优势、存在问题及劣势。

    Then , as H Private Dental Hospital Dental Hospital conducted a market research , internal evaluation , internal management diagnosis , discussed the purchase of dental services , consumer behavior analysis , status of their marketing strategies and advantages , problems and disadvantages .

  30. 畅销书选题可以遵循STP的营销思想,在市场调研和品牌定位上下功夫。

    The title selection of a best-seller may follow the marketing idea of STP , putting a lot of work into the marketing investigation and brand orientation .