
Second , his ethical ideas of talents are not utopian , but pragmatic , so his ideas have the character of statecraft .
His personal experiences , ideological developments , historical changes , demands of his era constituted the basic historical background of his ideas .
To emphasis the fostering of ethical diathesis of the talent of economic management is the neccessary trend of the management development and the demand to the talent in economic globalization and the development of Chinese social economy .
The fostering of ethical diathesis of the talent of economic management includes the ethical quality of market economy , manager ′ s moral and personality , and the development of the ability to adjust the ethical relationship in managing area .
Attention to Actual Effect : Value Objective of Wang Anshi 's Talented Person Education Ethics
Ethic Reflection of How Medium and Small-sized Private Enterprises Attract High-level Talents & With Talents in Quanzhou Private Enterprises as Example
A Valuable Theory Book For Writing Course They laid particularly stress on cultivating the morality of the talent by teaching the ancient books and records and the skill training .
In the course of running business , Shanxi merchants not only create the name of a shop lasting for a century , but also form beneficial work ethic , industry system and talent management ethics which have a far-reaching influence on the contemporary era .
The ethical idea of use and training of talent .