
  • 网络Anthropometrics;anthropometry
  1. 检测手术前后人体测量学指标及血红蛋白(Hb)、血浆清蛋白(ALB)、转铁蛋白(TFN)和纤维连接蛋白(Fn),同时观察胃肠功能恢复情况。

    Anthropometry index , hemoglobin ( Hb ), plasma albumin ( ALB ) and transferrin ( TFN ) were detected before and after operation .

  2. 此外,借助人体测量学中的号型划分理论,本研究提出并验证了基于人群分组对HRTF进行部分个性化的思路和方法。

    Furthermore , by borrowing the sizing idea from anthropometry , a grouping method is proposed for partial HRTF individualization .

  3. MNA总分与多项人体测量学指标显著相关。

    Total MNA scores significantly related with multiple anthropometric indexes .

  4. 结果:术后两组的人体测量学指标和Hb、Alb进行比较,均无显著性意义(P>0.05);

    Results There aren 't conspicuous significance for two groups body metrology index compared with Hb , Alb postoperative ( P > 0.05 ) .

  5. 方法115例普外科老年患者接受MNA的问卷调查、人体测量学检测和临床实验室检查。

    Methods MNA questionnaire , anthropometric parameters and laboratory test were performed in 115 patients .

  6. 地点、对象和方法:2002-05上海市某社区退休居民115名接受MNA问卷调查和人体测量学检测。

    SETTING , PARTICIPANTS and INTERVENTIONS : 115 retired residents from a certain community in Shanghai in May 2002 undertook MNA questionnaires and anthropometric measurements .

  7. 方法:115名上海社区退休居民接受MNA问卷调查和人体测量学检测,包括腰围、臀围、身高、体重、体质指数(BMI)、中臂围、肱三头肌皮皱厚度(TSF)、中臂肌围等。

    Methods : MNA questionnaire and anthropometric parameters including waistline , hipline , height , weight , body mass index ( BMI ), midarm circumference , triceps skinfold ( TSF ) and midarm muscle circumference were performed in 115 retired residents .

  8. 这些因素通常受到物质代谢和与之相关的人体测量学内容的影响。

    These factors are strongly influenced by metabolic and anthropometric components .

  9. 现代人体测量学建模方法以多变量统计分析为基础。

    Modern anthropometric human modeling is based on multivariate methods .

  10. 人体测量学对人体测量的研究,用于人类学的分类和比较。

    The study of human body measurement for use in anthropological classification and comparison .

  11. 基于国标人体测量学数据的虚拟人缩放方法

    Chinese Anthropometry-Based Scaling Method for Virtual Human

  12. 成骨不全:长期氨羟二磷酸二钠静脉注射疗法对人体测量学、骨骼和无机物代谢的影响

    Osteogenesis imperfecta : Anthropometric , skeletal and mineral metabolic effects of long-term intravenous pamidronate therapy

  13. 阐述了人机工程学与工业设计,以及人体测量学、测量技术和人体测量项目。

    It illuminated Ergonomics , Industrial Design , Anthropometry , measurement technology and human body measurements .

  14. GB/T13441-1992人体全身振动环境的测量规范人体测量学的或与之相关的。

    Specification for measurement of human exposure to whole-body vibration environment of or relating to anthropometry .

  15. 儿童腹型肥胖人体测量学指标与血压的相关性研究

    Study on the Relationship of Abdominal Obesity Markers and Blood Pressure for 5 - to 17-Year-Old Children and Adolescents

  16. 目的:观察东城区社区代谢综合征的中医证型分布;探讨中医证型与人体测量学指标及检验指标的相关性。

    Objective : To observe the TCM syndromes distribution of metabolic syndrome ( MS ) in Dongcheng District , Beijing .

  17. 浅谈反映人体测量学来源的人体比例理论

    On the Theory of the Proportion of the Human Body Reflecting the Sources of the Surveying of the Human Body

  18. 试验为期24周,治疗前及治疗后4,8,12,18及24周测定人体测量学指标。

    This trial lasted for 24 weeks . The somatometry parameters were assayed before and 4,8,12,18 and 24 weeks after treatment .

  19. 给定人物角色骨架后,依据人体测量学根据骨骼长度计算出关节点处的半径。

    When the skeleton of a character is given , these radii on joints are obtained according to length of bones in Anthropometry .

  20. 具有准确人体测量学数据的虚拟人模型在虚拟制造和虚拟维修领域有重要的理论和现实意义。

    The virtual human model which follows exact anthropometry data has very important theoretical and practical value in the field of virtual manufacture and virtual maintenance .

  21. 古典比例理论的人体测量学和有机性的特点还与第三个特征有着内在联系,即原则与美学上的雄心。

    The anthropometric and organic character of the classical theory of proportions is intrinsically connected with a third characteristic , its pronouncedly normative and aesthetic ambition .

  22. 方法对4所小学一~五年级年龄为7~11岁的2762名儿童作了身高和体重的人体测量学检查。

    Methods Take anthropometric measurements of height and weight in 2 762 children aged 7 ~ 11 years in grades 1 through 5 in 4 primary schools .

  23. 此外,根据某些人体测量学数据,参照典型的人体模型生成特定的虚拟人,即实现人体模型的参数化控制,对于合理地进行人机功效分析也有重要的应用价值。

    Furthermore , it is used to create specific virtual human according to certain anthropometry data and typical human model , namely realizing parametric control of human model , which has high applicable value for reasonably carrying out the ergonomics analysis .