
xū qiú shōu rù tán xìng
  • income elasticity of demand
  1. 第四,农村居民在交通通讯、居住、衣着、文教娱乐等方面的需求收入弹性较大,而在家庭设备用品及服务的需求收入弹性较低。

    The income elasticity of demand of rural households on such goods as transportation and communication .

  2. 分析医疗服务需求收入弹性,从总体上讲呈弱势,高收入组弹性大于低收入组弹性;

    From an analysis , it can be seen that the income elasticity of demand for medical service is weakening with the elasticity for those of higher income greater than those of lower income .

  3. 我国财产险需求收入弹性系数实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Demand Income Elastic Coefficient of Property Insurance in China

  4. 基于需求收入弹性的农村准公共物品供给研究

    Study of Rural Quasi-Public Goods Supply Based on Income Elasticity

  5. 陕西省保险需求收入弹性分析

    Income Elasticity Analysis of Insurance Demands in Shaanxi Province

  6. 深圳市住房消费需求收入弹性探讨

    Research on Housing Demand Income Flexibility in Shenzhen

  7. 区域主导产业的选择要从需求收入弹性等四个基准进行定量分析,还要考虑区域经济发展所处的阶段等六个约束条件,同时还要遵循紧扣主导产业选择目的等五个基本原则。

    Choosing regional leading industry should analyze the industries by four norms such as Norm of Demand 's Income Elasticity etc.

  8. 分析了恩格尔系数、各类商品的边际消费倾向和需求收入弹性的变化。

    Analyzing Engel 's coefficients , change of trend of marginal consumption of varieties of goods and demand income flexibility .

  9. 两个可能的原因是较高的货币需求收入弹性与中央银行对增加的大部分国外资产的有效冲销。

    The possible reasons are high income elasticity of money demand and effective monetary sterilization of central bank of china .

  10. 最后对住房支出修正量运用普通双对数回归计量模型对深圳住房需求收入弹性进行了探讨。

    Above all , it has classified the families in Shenzhen into several groups on the basis of their income .

  11. 另外提供了农民生活消费需求收入弹性、价格弹性估计结果,量化了收入和价格对农民生活消费支出的影响;

    In addition , this paper gives some estimations about the income elasiticity and price elasiticity of demand of farmers .

  12. 对产业升级的动因的解释,传统经济理论主要是从需求收入弹性变化和生产率上升两个角度进行的。

    The traditional economic theories think that the changing in the demand income elasticity and the productivity enhancing are two primary drives of the industrial upgrading .

  13. 研究得出我国苹果需求收入弹性系数、价格弹性系数和交叉价格弹性系数分别为0.75、-0.34和0.33。

    Econometric analysis indicates that own-price elasticity , cross price elasticity and income elasticity of apple demand are - 0.34 , 0.33 and 0.75 , respectively .

  14. 本文首先利用投入产出分析及测算住房需求收入弹性等方法,论述了我国房地产业发展的基本状况。

    Firstly , according to input-output analyse and demanding-income flexibility of housing , this thesis discusses the Chinese real estate market and Chinese resident 's housing demand .

  15. 首先站在宏观角度分析了我国消费结构和消费需求收入弹性,得出了我国城镇居民消费已进入结构升级阶段的结论;

    Firstly , from a macroscopic view , the China consumption structure and consumption demand income flexibility were analyzed . It is concluded that China 's consumptive structure is upgrading .

  16. 应分析住房需求收入弹性和价格弹性,从提高居民收入和稳定住房价格两个方面鼓励城镇居民进行住房消费。

    We should analyze the income flexibility and the price flexibility of housing need , and then to encourage the town residents ' housing consumption from raising residents ' income and the stabilizing housing prices .

  17. 结果:显示需求收入弹性为0.1292,呈缺乏弹性(1);

    Results The results show that income elasticity of demand for medical service is ( 0.129 2 ) . It can be seen that the income elasticity of demand for medical service is weakening ( 1 );

  18. 第一,后向关联和规模形成的加权后向关联具有弹性的含义;加权后向关联和需求收入弹性,动态比较优势形成了拉动作用。

    Firstly , the weighting back linkage , which is formed with back linkage and scale , means elasticity . the weighting back linkage , elasticity of demand to income , and dynamic compare advantage forms driven power .

  19. 在此基础上,建立需求收入弹性模型并结合市场调研数据分析,结果表明目前南京商品住宅属于必需品而非奢侈品。

    On this basis , set up the elastic model of demand income and combine the data analysis of market survey , the result indicates the commercial residential building of Nanjing is the necessities but not luxury goods at present .

  20. 服务业,特别是现代服务业,因其要素密集度属性、需求收入弹性、生产率的增长率及产业关联度等产业特性,对一国经济增长和产业结构升级发挥着重要的作用;

    With its character of factor density , income elasticity of demand , growth of productivity and links with other industries , services , especially modern services play an important role in a country 's economic growth and evolution of industries structure .

  21. 再根据相关的计量模型,分别给出了根据人均消费量和消费价值计算的茶叶的需求收入弹性、需求价格弹性和茶叶的边际消费倾向,借此较深刻揭示出我国茶叶消费之特点。

    Base on these correlative models , we educe the income elasticity of demand and price elasticity of demand of tea consumption by per capita tea consumption amount and per capita consumption value . Thus characteristics of tea consumption in China were deeply revealed .

  22. 森林资源稀缺程度的不同和森林产品需求收入弹性的差异,使森林生态功能价值在时间上和空间上不能统一,因而对其计量只能采取个量分析。

    The difference of the lack extent of forest resource and the elasticities of income and demand of forest products can not integrate the forest ecological function value in time and space so that the calculation of its value is only for individual value analysis .

  23. 新疆棉花供给、需求及收入弹性分析

    Xinjiang 's Cotton Supply , Demand and Income Elasticity Analysis

  24. 进口需求的收入弹性

    Income elasticity of demand for import

  25. 住房需求的收入弹性是描述居民住房需求特征的重要指标。

    Income elasticity of housing demand is an important index reflecting the characteristics of housing demand .

  26. 现阶段农业保险需求的收入弹性较大,保险需求的增长快于农民收入的增长。

    The income elasticity for agricultural insurance is so big that increase of insurance demands is faster than increase of farmers ' income .

  27. 山东省居民各项畜产品需求的收入弹性均为正值,这表示随着收入的增加,各类畜产品消费量还有进一步增长的空间。

    The animal products income elasticity are positive , which means that as incomes increase , there is also room for further growth in consumption of animal products .

  28. 同时对浙江省城镇居民的消费支出需求从收入弹性和价格弹性两方面进行了分析。

    Meanwhile , the consumption expenditure of urban residents in Zhejiang Province from the income elasticity of demand and price elasticity of the two aspects of the analysis .

  29. 本文验证了环境库兹涅茨曲线存在的理论基础:政府环境质量需求的收入弹性为正,并进一步验证了污染水平地区间差异的原因。

    This paper tests the theoretical basis of EKC : the income elasticity of demand to environmental quality is positive , furthermore , gives the reason to explain the diversity of regions .

  30. 城镇居民人均玉米食用需求的收入弹性和价格弹性分别为0.44和-0.32,而农村居民的收入弹性和价格弹性则为-0.27和-0.11。

    The income elasticity and price elasticity of urban residents ' corn consumption were 0.44 and -0.32 respectively , while the rural residents ' income elasticity and price elasticity were -0.27 and -0.11 .