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qīng zǐ
  • cyanosis;cyanoderma;livor;livid purple;cyanoze;cyanochroia
青紫 [qīng zǐ]
  • (1) [livid purple]∶指古代高官印绶、服饰的颜色。比喻高官显爵

  • 青紫虽被体,不如早还乡。--杜甫《夏夜叹》

  • (2) [cyanosis]∶见发绀

青紫[qīng zǐ]
  1. 他结了伤疤的那侧脸青紫发红。

    The scarred side of his face was a livid red .

  2. 布朗先生上班整整迟到了一小时,他衣衫不整,浑身青紫,一只胳膊上还打着绷带。

    Mr. Brown arrived for work an hour late . His clothes were torn and tattered .

  3. 青紫泥和滩潮土中添加Pb浓度为125~625mg/kg,对土壤硝化细菌数量和土壤微生物多样性影响不明显。

    Soil Pb contamination had no effect on nitrifying bacteria and soil microbial diversity .

  4. 青紫薯色素保护小鼠抗~(60)Coγ-射线辐射所致氧化损伤的作用

    Antioxidative effect of Ipomoea Batatas Poir Cv Anthocyanins on mice irradiated by ~ ( 60 ) Co gamma ray

  5. 方法1999年11月至2004年7月上海儿童医学中心对156例青紫型先天性心脏病(CHD)新生儿进行临床分析。

    Methods Analyze 156 cases of neonatal cyanotic congenital heart disease clinically .

  6. 青紫薯色素抑制~(60)Co辐射小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞凋亡机制

    Mechanism of purple sweet potato pigments inhibit ~ ( 60 ) co γ - ray induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes

  7. 下一代光盘系统将采用青紫激光(LD)和高NA物镜。

    The next generation disc system will use the violet LD and the high NA physical lens .

  8. 早产伴收缩期杂音、青紫PDA检出的比例较高;

    The proportion of PDA in premature infants with systolic murmurs or cyanosises is high .

  9. 结果(1)青紫型CHD在新生儿期主要表现为中央性紫绀、心功能不全,个别可合并心律紊乱。

    Results ① Neonatal cyanotic CHD was manifested with central cyanosis , heart failure , and arrhythmia occasionally .

  10. HIF-1α在青紫型先天性心脏病患儿心脏慢性缺氧适应机制中的作用

    Role of hypoxia-inducible factor-1 α in heart adaptation to chronic hypoxia in cyanotic congenital heart disease

  11. 本文介绍连续CO2激光对青紫蓝灰兔角膜损伤阈值研究的材料、方法和结果。

    The material , method and results of the research on the injury threshold of rabbits ' cornea caused by GW CO2 laser light are introduced in this paper .

  12. 目的分析青紫型先天性心脏病(CHD)行体肺分流术后早期失败的危险因素。

    Objective To analyse the risk factors for the early failure of systemic-to-pulmonary artery shunt in cyanotic congenital heart disease ( CHD ) .

  13. 结肠切除对青紫兰兔结肠黏膜中5-HT、CgA阳性细胞的影响

    Influence of Colectomy on Expressions of 5-Hydroxy Tryptamine and Chromogranin A in Colon Mucosa of Chinchilla Rabbits

  14. 在红黄壤和青紫泥中,条施覆土可减少碳酸氢铵的挥发,与过磷酸钙混合施用,48h内的挥发损失量可减少2%。

    The amount of nitrogen volatilized within 48 hrs after application was reduced by about 2 % when the fertilizer was mixed with calcium superphosphate .

  15. 本文介绍Nd~(3+):YAG调Q倍频激光对青紫蓝灰兔视网膜损伤阈值研究的材料、方法和结果。

    The material , method and results of the research on the injury threshold of grey rabbits ' retina caused by Q-switched and frequency doubled Nd3 + : YAG laser light are introduced in this paper .

  16. 方法:青紫蓝兔22只44眼,光动力学方法建立兔双眼的CRVO模型。

    METHODS : CRVO model was made by the photodynamic method in 22 rabbits ( 44 eyes ) .

  17. 观察了青紫蓝兔内毒素(ET)性发热时血浆、脑脊液(CSF)、隔区和下丘脑精氨酸加压素(AVP)含量的变化。

    He changes of arginine vasopressin ( AVP ) contents in the plasma , cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) . septal area and hypothalamus of rabbits during endotoxin fever were observed .

  18. 结论:青紫心甘薯黄酮可有效地保护小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞对抗60Co的辐射损伤。

    Conclusion : flavone from Ipomoea Batatas Poir . Cv . may effectively protect murine thymic lymphocyte against ~ ( 60 ) Co irradiation induced damage .

  19. 测定35例青紫型先天性心脏病患儿红细胞、血浆丙二醛(MDA)含量、红细胞膜微粘度及血液流变学指标。

    Alondiadehyde ( MDA ) of erythrocyte and plasma , erythrocytic membrane microviscosity , and parameters of hemorrheology were determined in 35 children with Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease ( CCHD ) and compared with 3 6 normal children .

  20. 目的:观察青紫心甘薯黄酮对60Co辐射损伤体外培养的小鼠胸腺淋巴细胞超微结构的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the role of flavone from Ipomoea Batatas Poir . Cv . on ~ ( 60 ) Co irradiation damaged normal murine thymic lymphocyte in vitro .

  21. 呼啸山庄中的一个场景,Heathcliff抱住垂死的Catherine他一生的爱EmilyBronte这样写到“喜怒哀乐全部消失,唯留毫无血色的肌肤上的青紫”。

    In a scene in Wuthering Heights , where Heathcliff embraces dying Catherine the love of his life Emily Bronte writes that there were'four distinct impressions left , blue in the colorless skin ' .

  22. 以青紫泥(BlueclayeyPaddysoil,BP)和红黄泥(RedPaddysoil,RP)为例,研究发育于不同母质的水稻土高光谱和SOM含量光谱参数模型的差异性。

    Blue clayey paddy ( BP ) soil and red paddy soil ( RP ) were selected as a case study of differences in hyperspectral and soil organic matter ( SOM ) spectral-parameter-models of paddy soils derived from different parent material .

  23. 对于不同母质发育的相同土壤&青紫泥,研究发现,该类土壤对Cu的吸附与土壤有机质含量呈正相关,而土壤pH对该类土壤对Cu的吸附影响较小;

    The study shows that Cu 's adsorption of cyanotic mud , the same soils produced by the different mother material , is depended on organic matter content of the soil , while the pH indicator will not effect the Cu 's adsorption of this type of soil .

  24. 应用同位素示踪技术,研究了60Co在小粉土、黄红壤、青紫泥和海泥中的吸附和解吸。

    The isotopic tracer technique was applied to study the adsorption and desorption of cobalt-60 in paddy soil on powdery loam , yellow-red earth , paddy soil on blue purple clay and sea clay .

  25. 实验用长脉冲红宝石激光照射青紫蓝灰兔眼76只,求得视网膜凝固性损伤阈值,其ED(50)为14.gmJ/cm~2,95%可信限13.6~16.5mJ/cm~2。

    Threshold of observable retinal injury was determined for chinchilla rabbits exposed to long pulse ruby laser light irradiation . The threshold , ED50 was 14.9mJ/cm2 and its 95 % confidence limit was 13.6 - ~ 16.5mJ/cm2 for intraocular energy density .

  26. 目的:研究硫酸锌和地塞米松磷酸钠对家兔肝脏锌含量的影响,以了解其对金属硫蛋白(MT)的诱导情况。方法:青紫兰家兔五组:A组皮下注射(s.c.)

    Object : For the purpose of investigating zinc sulphate and dexamethasone induction on the MT of rabbit liver , we researched the effect of them on the Zinc content of rabbit liver .

  27. [方法]:1.选取青紫蓝兔27只,随机分为单纯缝合组、自体静脉组和Bio-Gide生物膜组,每组9只。

    A total of 27 livid blue Rabbits selected randomly were evenly divided into simple closure group , autogenous vein group and Bio-Gide Biomembrane group .

  28. 方法共选用45对新西兰大白兔和青紫蓝兔,随机分为5组,进行半侧异体颜面移植,观察FK506、MMF和强的松三联免疫抑制方案的效果。

    Methods hemifacial composite-tissue flap were performed between Livid blue rabbits and New Zealand white rabbits , The immunosuppressive agent comprised FK506 , MMF and prednisone . 45 couples of rabbits were divided into five groups .

  29. 化学发光法和电子自旋共振(ESR)捕集技术检测青紫薯色素对超氧阴离子(O2-)、羟自由基(OH.)、过氧化亚硝基(ONOO-)和脂类自由基的清除作用。

    The scavenging properties of anthocyanin from Ipomoea batatas on superoxide anions ( O ~ - _2 ), hydroxyl radical ( OH ~ ·), peroxynitrite ( ONOO ~ - ) and free radicals of lipids were determined with chemiluminescence and electron spin resonance ( ESR ) techniques .

  30. 采用小粉土和青紫泥原状土柱种植青菜,研究了尿素添加DMPP(3,4-二甲基吡啶磷酸盐)硝化抑制剂对土壤氮素淋失的影响。

    In an undisturbed column experiment , the nitrogen leaching losses in the powder soil and blue clayey paddy soil was studied by applied urea with new nitrification inhibitor 3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate ( DMPP ) .