
fēi tónɡ fán xiǎnɡ
  • 熟语extraordinary;unique
  1. 即使从5月份首次公开发行以来facebook的股价已经下跌了50%,该公司仍是一个非同凡响的创业传奇。

    Even after the 50 per cent drop in its share price since its IPO in May , Facebook remains an extraordinary entrepreneurial story .

  2. 无论是对身处其中还是远方的观察者而言,今日的硅谷都令人迷惑。即使从5月份首次公开发行以来Facebook的股价已经下跌了50%,该公司仍是一个非同凡响的创业传奇。

    The Valley of today is baffling , for those who live there as much as for those who gaze from afar . Even after the 50 per cent drop in its share price since its IPO in May , Facebook remains an extraordinary entrepreneurial story .

  3. 她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。

    She was a truly remarkable woman .

  4. 在他的整个职业生涯中,他都是一个非同凡响的人物。

    Throughout his career he 's always been a larger than life character .

  5. BlackCowBistro餐厅专注于该地区非同凡响的肉品。岛上潮湿的天气很适合饲养传统的、肉质鲜美的牲畜,像安格斯(Angus)牛和赫里福德(Hereford)牛,而且在塔斯马尼亚不允许使用促生长剂。

    Black Cow Bistro focuses on exceptional meat from the region -- the island 's damp climate is well-suited to raising traditional , flavorful breeds of cattle such as Angus and Hereford , and no growth promotants can be used in Tasmania .

  6. 作为典范车型Gallardo的继任者,它比该意大利品牌之前的产品更加讲究;灵感源于非同凡响的Aventador,采用全新外观;车身也得到改进,采用碳纤维和铝合金制造。

    Designed as the successor to the iconic Gallardo , it 's considerably more refined than previous offerings from the Italian brand with a fresh new look inspired by the excellent Aventador and refined in a new improved body made of carbon fiber and aluminum .

  7. 对于苹果来说,这是难以想象、非同凡响的一年。

    Incredible , unbelievable , awesome , extraordinary year for Apple .

  8. 语言塔布是任何一个文化社团或群体中普遍存在的语言现象,被看作是约束和调控人类行为的神圈,其价值非同凡响。

    Linguistic taboo is a universal linguistic phenomenon in all cultures .

  9. 该电影所达到的真实性非同凡响。

    Extraordinary degrees of realism are reached in the film .

  10. 那首歌里词与曲配合合谐,产生了非同凡响的效果。

    The marriage of words and melody in that song was unusually effective .

  11. 他的背景与他当选的情况一样非同凡响。

    His background was as unprecedented as the process that had produced him .

  12. 对于苹果来说,这是难以想象、不可思议,令人惊叹、非同凡响的一年。

    Incredible , unbelievable , amazing , awesome , extraordinary year for Apple .

  13. 会有一非同凡响的节奏悦人之耳。

    An unusual rhythm will soothe the ear .

  14. 这是一种非同凡响的生活方式,是一个超群出俗的居住之处。

    It is a unique life-style , a unique and distinctive place to live .

  15. 奇异的;显着的;引人注目的非凡的成就/事业/才能她是一位真正非同凡响的女人。

    a remarkable achievement / career / talent She was a truly remarkable woman .

  16. 衰老也带来一些非同凡响的进步

    Aging brings some rather remarkable improvements --

  17. 而水疗中心则彷如都市中非同凡响的世外桃园,备有一系列特色疗程及护理服务。

    The spa is a sophisticated urban sanctuary featuring a series of therapies and treatments .

  18. 我们所有人将继续联合起来,爱戴并支持我们非同凡响的军人家属。

    And we all continue to join forces to honor and support our remarkable military families .

  19. 为什么这个故事如此非同凡响呢?

    Why such a remarkable story ?

  20. 超过10名来自大陆各地有声望的老师经已促成一个非同凡响的班级。

    More than ten prominent teachers from different parts of China have created a truly exceptional class .

  21. 这样一种非同凡响的自然审美人格,其立足点,不在现实社会,而在幻想的“广漠之野”,“无何有之乡”。

    The base of this extraordinary personality exists not in the real society but in the imaginary nowhere .

  22. 衰老也带来一些非同凡响的进步,知识的增加,专业的精深,人生的情绪层面也有所提升。

    Aging brings some rather remarkable improvements -- increased knowledge , expertise and emotional aspects of life improve .

  23. 在演讲中,你还会注意到乔布斯用这样一些词,比如非同凡响、不可思议、酷。

    You 'll also notice that during his presentations , Jobs uses words like extraordinary , amazing and cool .

  24. 这就是进阶职业眼魔法师,它们的实力确实非同凡响。

    These are the members of the beholder mage prestige class , and the power they wield is truly impressive .

  25. 经历了非同凡响的一周,对学生们诞生的作品您有怎样的评价?

    How you evaluate the work made by students and young advertising professionals when spending an extraordinary week with them ?

  26. 海丝特说得不错,人们的脸上确实闪耀着非同凡响的欢乐。

    It was as Hester said , in regard to the unwonted jollity that brightened the faces of the people .

  27. 当思想的创造力量被完全理解的时候,它的效果将是非同凡响的。

    When the creative power of the thought is fully understood , its effect will be seen to be marvelous .

  28. 在乔布斯的演讲中,你还会听到如许一些词:非同凡响、华丽丽、酷毕了。

    You also know that during his presentation Jobs uses words like " extraordinary "," amazing " and " cool " .

  29. 能帮助体内排除毒素,对脾、胃、肠的运化非同凡响,美肤除皱显奇功。

    It can help the body eliminate toxins do good to the spleen , intestines and stomach , anti-wrinkle and whiten skin naturally .

  30. 巴赛尔全球供应和市场高级副总裁,认为中海壳牌的这种合作和团队精神“非同凡响”。

    Yves Bonte , Basell senior vice president for global supply and marketing , called the CSPC 's cooperative spirit and teamwork as'extraordinary ' .