
  1. 该模型以换乘次数最少、单位长度运送客流量最大为优化目标,线路长度、非直线系数等作为约束条件。

    The model tries to achieve minimum transfers and maximum traveler flow per unit length with line length and non-linear rate as constraints .

  2. 打通断头路,路网的非直线系数提高,更加方便路网中节点的交流;

    Smoothing break road sections can increase the value of the non-linear coefficient of the road network and make the connections between the nodes of the road network more easily .

  3. 非直线系数反映的是路网规划的好坏以及路网的可靠性与否。传统的非直线系数是一个静态指标,没有考虑交通流量。

    Linear coefficient is a main index of measuring whether roads are convenient or not , traditional linear coefficient only reflects the geometric properties of road networks , traffic flow is not considered .