
  • 【冶】roof weighting
  1. 同时,通过邻城相互作用算法与BP网络耦合,预报了采煤工作面顶板来压。

    The second aspect is the prediction of the likely future weighting of main roof through hybrid algorithms of the neighbourhood interaction operation and the neural networks .

  2. 老顶周期断裂及顶板来压预报

    The periodic fracture of main roof and the prediction of roof weighting

  3. 顶板来压识别与预测的复合小波神经网络方法

    Super wavelet neural network method applied to identify and predict roof pressurization

  4. 顶板来压预报的数学模型及效果

    Math model for roof weighting prediction and its effectiveness

  5. 采场顶板来压的分形预报

    The fractal prediction of roof weighting around working face

  6. 大面积顶板来压动力表征及预测方法

    Dynamic Features and Prediction Method of Large Roof Pressurized

  7. 利用双重网格有限元法对坚硬顶板来压特征的数值分析

    Double-grid finite element method used for numerical analysis of hard roof weighing characteristic

  8. 基于神经网络的采场底板分类与顶板来压预报

    Floor classification and roof weighting prediction in LONGWALL STOPE based on Neural Networks

  9. 巨厚砾岩条件下的工作面顶板来压特征研究

    Characteristics of Roof Weighing under huge thick Overburden Conglomerate

  10. 坚硬顶板来压前的多次断裂现象及其应用

    Multiple breaking phenomenon prior to weighting of competent roof and making use of it

  11. 放顶煤工作面顶板岩层结构及顶板来压计算

    Structure of roof rocks in sub level caving face and calculation of roof weighting

  12. 倾斜工作面顶板来压的预测指标

    Predictive Indexes of Roof Weighing in Oblique Face

  13. 利用人工神经元网络对工作面的顶板来压步距进行了预测。

    The intervals of main roof weighting at work faces were predicted by using artificial neural network .

  14. 高产高效工作面顶板来压自适应识别的灰色等维拓扑建模与预测

    A adaptive pattern recognition method for forecasting roof weighing of high-production and high-efficiency face by grey equi-dimension topology method

  15. 通过现场实测,得出了对浅埋煤层高产高效工作面顶板来压特征和不同推进速度的矿压显现规律。

    The field investigations show that ground pressure of coal face with high productivity depends on face advance rate .

  16. 顶板来压能够导致岩体破裂,微地震是岩体破坏过程的伴生现象,其中包含了大量的有关围岩受力破坏的有用信息。

    The tiny earthquakes are accompanied phenomenon in rock failure process , which includes a large amount of useful information that are relevant to surrounding rock stress destruction .

  17. 介绍高产高效工作面基于智能技术的顶板来压预测预报方法&自适应模式识别方法,即灰色等维拓扑方法预测预报顶板来压。

    A new adaptive pattern recognition method is presented for forecasting roof weighing of high-production and high-efficiency face . The method is grey equi-dimension topology method based on intelligent technology .

  18. 从矿山压力角度分析采煤工作面底板破坏带最大深度产生的时间和位置,进而探讨顶板来压和底板突水之间的关系,最后给出工作面来压和非来压期间,底板究水的可能性。

    The paper analysed the maximum damage depth of the working face floor . Based on the result , the relationship between roof pressure and water-irruption from floor are discussed .

  19. 通过对“三软”煤层实行炮采放顶煤工艺时,顶板来压规律和顶板事故特征的分析,介绍了对顶板进行有效控制的方法。

    This paper shows the method of the effective roof controlling through the analysis on the roof accidents and the artillery mining coal technology in " Three soft " coal layer .

  20. 初步给出了局部冒顶监报指标的确定方法;重点探索了采用回采工作面来压综合判断指标来预报顶板来压的可能性。

    The method of determining the index for predicting local roof fall has been given , the possibility of using a comprehensive index for roof weighting prediction has been discussed in detail .

  21. 基于弹性板与铰接板结构力学模型,把中厚煤层开采中采场矿压计算的分析方法推广到放顶煤工作面顶板来压计算中;

    Based on model of structure of elastic plate and hinged plate the method for calculating the ground pressure in the workings of medium thick coal seam is applied to calculation of roof weighting in sub level caving face .

  22. 利用微地震监测系统可以采集到岩体破裂时微地震波的传播信号,根据其微地震事件的特征可以分析出顶板岩体的破裂程度,进而分析顶板来压的特征。

    Using the micro earthquake monitoring system , seismic wave propagation signal can be collected , and according to the features of micro seismic events roof bursting degree can be analyzed and then the features of roof pressure can be achieved .

  23. 主要发生在顶板周期来压期间、超前支护50m范围内,此时工作面的CH4和CO气体含量同时升高。

    Meanwhile both the contents of CH_4 and CO increase at the working face .

  24. 顶板周期来压与采场瓦斯涌出的关系研究

    Relationship between Periodic Roof Weighting and Gas Emission from Stopping Area

  25. 顶板周期来压和底板突水的关系研究

    The relationship of coal roof pressure and water - irruption from floor

  26. 彭庄煤矿首采工作面顶板初次来压的安全防范措施

    Safety Prevention Measure of the First Full-mechanized Mining Face When The 1st Weighting Occurring

  27. 尤其在顶板周期来压和初次来压过程中,工作面的液压支架增阻较大。

    The increasing resistance of hydraulic supports is greater , especially in the process of periodic roof pressure and first roof pressure .

  28. 将弹塑性剪切梁模型用于分析存在地垒断层的采场顶板初次来压和周期来压,当最大等效剪力达到断层剪切极限值时,断层错动,释放能量,发生矿震。

    When the maximum equivalent shear reaches the shear limit of faults , faults slip , release energy and occurs mine tremor .

  29. 顶板大面积来压破坏机理的研究

    Investigation of mechanism of roof failure due to weighting over great extent

  30. 结果表明在此条件下开采时发生的冲击矿压与煤岩性质、采深、坚硬顶板厚度及顶板的周期来压有密切关系。

    The results show that under these conditions the rock burst is closely related to the coal rock characteristic , mining depth , thickness of strong roof and periodic weighting of roof .